The team is working on spa­tial ori­en­ta­tion, a sys­tem-lev­el top­ic, by study­ing its under­ly­ing func­tion­al and struc­tur­al deter­mi­nants in ani­mals, as well as by ana­lyz­ing human behav­ior on earth and in space. We rely on a wide range of exper­i­men­tal approach­es, and we care­ful­ly tie togeth­er dif­fer­ent lev­els of inves­ti­ga­tion in an over­arch­ing frame­work. This mul­ti-lay­ered approach and com­bi­na­tion of exper­tise ded­i­cat­ed to func­tion­al stud­ies con­sti­tute the team’s uniqueness at both the nation­al and inter­na­tion­al lev­el.
Basic under­stand­ing gained in exper­i­ments per­formed both on ground and in weight­less­ness will be applied to bet­ter diag­nose and treat dis­eases, and con­verse­ly, patho­log­i­cal dys­func­tion may allow new insight into healthy brain func­tion.
Our work is sup­port­ed by the French spa­tial agency (CNES), ANR, CNRS & Uni­ver­sité Paris Descartes.

Research topics
  • Theme 1 : Mul­ti­sen­so­ry inte­gra­tion, Ori­en­ta­tion and Spa­tial Per­cep­tion
    – Visuo-hap­tic inte­gra­tion and spa­tial per­cep­tion.
    – Visuo-vestibu­lar inter­ac­tions for spa­tial ori­en­ta­tion.
    – Influ­ence of grav­i­ty on mul­ti­sen­so­ry inte­gra­tion: weight­less­ness and hyper­grav­i­ty exper­i­ments.
  • Theme 2 : Cor­ti­cal and sub­cor­ti­cal cir­cuits for spa­tial ori­en­ta­tion
    – Role of inhi­bi­tion in the thal­a­mo-pre­subic­u­lar pro­cess­ing of head direc­tion sig­nals.
    – Head direc­tion cir­cuit archi­tec­ture and spe­cif­ic role of neu­ronal sub­pop­u­la­tions.
    – Visuo-vestibu­lar and spino-vestibu­lar inter­ac­tions; cir­cuits and pro­cess­ing.
  • Theme 3 : vestibu­lar, ocu­lo­mo­tor & motor patholo­gies
    – Motor and locomotor con­trol in humans & ani­mal mod­els.
    – Cel­lu­lar deter­mi­nants of vestibu­lar diseases & motion sick­ness.
    – Mouse mod­el of vestibular disease, Myelin-relat­ed diseases & idio­path­ic nys­tag­mus.
Selected publications
  • Stabilization of Gaze during Early Xenopus Development by Swimming-Related Utricular Signals. Lambert FM, Bacqué-Cazenave J, Le Seach A, Arama J, Courtand G, Tagliabue M, Eskiizmirliler S, Straka H, Beraneck M. Curr Biol, 2020.
  • Ante­ri­or thal­a­m­ic exci­ta­tion and feed-for­ward inhi­bi­tion of pre­subic­u­lar neu­rons pro­ject­ing to medi­al entorhi­nal cor­tex. Nas­sar M, et al., Frick­er D : J Neu­rosci, 2018
  • Activ­i­ty depen­dent feed­back inhi­bi­tion may main­tain head direc­tion sig­nals in mouse pre­subicu­lum. Simon­net J, et al., Frick­er D : Nat Com­mun, 2017

  • The visu­al encod­ing of pure­ly pro­pri­o­cep­tive inter­man­u­al tasks is due to the need of trans­form­ing joint sig­nals, not to their inter­hemi­spher­ic trans­fer. Arnoux L, et al., Tagli­abue M : J Neu­ro­phys­i­ol,2017
  • Long-Last­ing Visuo-Vestibu­lar Mis­match in Freely-Behav­ing Mice. Car­caud et al., Bera­neck M : ENeu­ro, 2017



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