



  • Térémetz M, Boucher M, Lindberg P, Maier M. Device for quantifying dexterity. Patent # : EP3860459. 2022.



  • Streri A. Perception tactile et ses relations avec la vision: compétences et limites. Des troubles sensoriels aux stratégies thérapeutiques., MD Amy, A Barral, B Golse - Editions Cerès, 2021.
  • T Collins, L Dugué. Perception et Attention. Neurosciences Cognitives, M Khamassi - de Boeck Supérieur, pp.10-23-2021.
  • Gervain, J, Christophe, A, Mazuka, R. Prosodic Bootstrapping. The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody., Gussenhoven, C, Chen, A - Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • Ladányi, E, Gervain, J, Forgács, B. Nyelvfeldolgozás [Language processing]. A pszichológia kézikönyve [The Handbook of Psychology]., Pléh, Cs - Akadémiai Kiadó, 2021.
  • Gervain, J. Development of Speech Perception. The Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech Perception. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Holt, L, Popper, A, Peelle, J - Springer, 2021.
  • Ladány, E, Gervain, J. Language Development in Infancy. Oxford Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Cohen-Kadosh, K - Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • Ortiz, M, Gervain, J. The role of prenatal experience and basic auditory mechanisms in the development of language. The Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology, Volume 40: Human Communication: Origins, Mechanisms and Functions, Sera, M, Koenig, M - Wiley, 2021.
  • Gervain, J. The early acquisition of morphology in agglutinating languages: The case of Hungarian. A Life in Cognition, J Gervain, G Csibra, K Kovács - Springer, 2021.






Speech communication

  • Streri A. Percevoir et comprendre dès les premières heures de vie. Conférences consacrées aux développement du nourrisson, 2019, Palais de la découverte.


  • Lorenceau, Ajasse. PUPILFREQ. Patent # : PCT/FR2019/051778. 2019.



  • Streri A. Ce que connaît le nourrisson: méthodes et faits. Editions In Press, 2018.
  • Streri A. Ce que connaît le nourrisson. Editions In Press, 2018.


  • Streri A. Le nouveau-né : cet être de sens et de perception. Les cahiers de l’Université Paris Descartes, Université René Descartes - Université René Descartes, 2018.
  • Streri A. Touch. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development, Marc H Bornstein - Sage Publication, 2018.

Newspaper articles

  • Streri A. Le nouveau-né : cet être de sens et de perception. Les cahiers de l’université Paris Descartes. 2018.
  • Streri A. Les compétences précoces du nourrisson: une histoire récente. Sciences Humaines. 2018.

Speech communications

  • Streri A. Connaître pour créer par le toucher. Toucher pour créer: de l’objet au virtuel, 2018, Ecole Centrale de Lyon.
  • Streri A. Le rôle des indices visuels et sonores dans la reconnaissance des visages par le nouveau-né. ETIS, 2018, Cergy Pontoise.




  • Streri A. Né pour apprendre. L’art d’éduquer les enfants, Sciences Humaines Cercle Psy - Sciences Humaines, 2017.
  • Gervain, J. Miért különleges a beszéd? A beszéd mint kitüntetett hanginger a hatékony ideigi kódolás elmélete szerint. [Why is Speech Special? Speech as a special auditory stimulus within the framework of efficient neural coding theory]. Stratégiák és struktúrák. Tanulmányok Kenesei István 70. születésnapjára [Strategies & Structures. Festschrift for Istvan Kenesei’s 70th Birthday]., T Szécsényi & E Németh T - JATEPress, 2017.
  • Judit Gervain. Gateway to language: The perception of prosody at birth. Boundaries Crossed: Studies at the crossroads of morphosyntax, phonology, pragmatics, and semantics, Z Bánréti, H Bartos, M den Dikken, T Váradi (eds) - Springer, pp.373-384, 2017.

Newspaper articles

  • Streri A. Que Perçoit le nouveau-né. La maison des maternelles de France 5. 2017.
  • Streri A. Interview autour de la question: Comment les nouveau-nés comprennent le monde. Radio France International. 2017.
  • Streri A. Entretien avec J.F. Marmion. Sciences Humaines. 2017.

Speech communications

  • Streri A. Continuité transnatale et début d’une nouvelle vie. Journée AHP Néonat, 2017, Hôpital Américain.
  • Le Meur O, Coutrot A, Liu Z, Rämä P, Le Roch A, Helo A. Your gaze betrays your age. EUSIPCO, 2017, Kos, Greece. (PDF)
  • Mélanie BRUN, Lucie MARTIN, Brent STRICKLAND, Julien MARIE, Kristenn LE SAINT, Véronique IZARD. Does topology help object individuation?. Budapest CEU Conference for Cognitive Development, 2017, Budapest.
  • Lucie MARTIN, Aurélie COUBART, Arlette STRERI, Véronique IZARD. Bridging small and large numerosities: the case of newborn infants. Budapest CEU Conference for Cognitive Development, 2017, Budapest.



  • Streri A. Ce nouveau-né qui est en nous: ses perceptions, ses actions, ses intuitions. Edition Hermann, 2016.

Speech communications

  • Streri A. Compréhension des événements bimodaux par le nouveau-né. anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles: apprendre, 2016, Musée de l’homme.
  • Potier-Watkins C, Viarouge A, Martin L, Brun M, Huet V, Gautreau A, Izard V. Board Games for Number Understanding. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2016, Budapest.



  • Tagliabue M, Francis, N, Hao Y, Duret M, Brochier T, Riehle A, Maier MA, Eskiizmirliler S. Estimation of two-digit grip type and grip force level by frequency decoding of motor cortex activity for a BMI application. Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR) 27 -31 July, 2015 Istanbul, Turkey, Sinan Kalkan, Uluç Saranlı - ICAR International Conference, pp.308-315, 2015.
  • Judit Gervain. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, James D Wright - Oxford, 2015.
  • Sergent C. Neurobiological mechanisms of conscious access and implications for pain perception. Pain and the Conscious Brain, Luis Garcia-Larrea and Philip L. Jackson - Wolters Kluwer Health, 2015.
  • de Hevia MD. Link between numbers and spatial extent from birth to adulthood. Continuous issues in numerical cognition: How many or how much., Avishai Henik - Elsevier, 2015.

Speech communications

  • Dillon M, Izard V, Spelke E S. Infants\’ sensitivity to shape changes. Cognitive Development Society, 2015, Columbus, OH.
  • Viarouge A, Izard V. In which box does this number go? Breaking down the number categorization task. DUCOG, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • Strickland B, Wertz A, Labouret G, Keil F, Izard V. The principles of object continuity and solidity in adult vision: Some discrepancies in performance. Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, 2015, St. Pete Beach, Florida.
  • Marie J, Martin L, Coubart A, de Hevia MD, Streri A, Izard V. Newborn infants detect correspondences in the numerical structure of visual vs. auditory sets. SRCD, 2015, Philadelphia, PA, USA. (PDF)
  • Viarouge A, Potier-Watkins C, Izard V. The role of symbolic number representation in developing a full understanding of the successor function. SRCD, 2015.
  • Bulf H, Gariboldi V, de Hevia MD, Macchi-Cassia V. Left-to-right orientation facilitates learning of abstract rules in 7-month-old infants. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2015, Hungary.
  • Macchi-Cassia V, Gariboldi V, Bulf H, de Hevia MD, McCrink K. Operational momentum during the representation of ordinal relations in 4- and 12-month-old infants. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2015, Hungary.
  • Bulf H, de Hevia MD, Macchi-Cassia V. Small on the left, large on the right: Evidence for a Posner-SNARC effect in preverbal infants. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2015, Hungary.





  • Chilosi A, Lorenzini I, Cerri B, Cipriani P. Disprassia Verbale Evolutiva : inquadramento clinico e diagnosi differenziale con il DSL fonologico [Fr : Dyspraxie vérbale congenitale : déscription clinique et diagnostic différentiel entre dyspraxie et trouble phonologique]. I disturbi del Linguaggio [Fr : Les troubles du langage], Caselli C, Marotta - Trento (Italie) : Ed. Erikson., 2014.
  • Gervain, J. “Nyelvek és nyelvtanok” [Languages and Grammars]. Pszicholingvisztika 1-2. [Psycholinguistics]., Cs Pléh & A Lukács - Akadémiai Kiadó, pp.117-147, 2014.
  • Caon M, Tagliabue M, Angelini L, Perego P, Mugellini E, Andreoni G. Wearable Technologies for Automotive User Interfaces: Danger or Opportunity?. Proceeding AutomotiveUI \\’14 Adjunct Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, Linda Ng Boyle, Andrew L Kun, Sebastian Osswald, B - ACM, pp.1-5, 2014.
  • Beraneck M, Lambert FM, Sadeghi SG. Chapter 15 – Functional Development of the Vestibular System: Sensorimotor Pathways for Stabilization of Gaze and Posture. Development of Auditory and Vestibular Systems (Fourth Edition), Raymond Romand, Isabel Varela-Nieto - Academic Press, pp.449-487, 2014.
  • Abboub N, Bijeljac-Babic R, Serres J, Nazzi T. Processing of Lexical Stress at the Phonological Level in French Monolinguals and Bilinguals at 10 Months. BUCLD 38 Proceedings, pp.1-11, 2014.
  • Gervain J. Developmental Science and the Nature-Nurture Issue: The Case of Language. Naturalistic Approaches to Culture., P. Richerson G Csibra, Cs. Pléh - 2014.
  • Anderson DI, Campos JJ, Rivera M, Dahl A, Uchiyama I, Barbu-Roth M. The consequences of independent locomotion for brain and psychological development. Cerebral palsy in infancy and early childhood, R. C. Shepherd - Amsterdam: Elsevier, 199-219, 2014.
  • Teulier C, Anderson D I, Barbu-Roth M. Treadmill training interventions for infants with physical disabilities. Cerebral palsy in infancy and early childhood, R. C. Shepherd - Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp.273−287-2014.

Speech communications

  • Viarouge A, Izard V. Towards a full understanding of the structure of integers: the successor function in early school years. BCCCD, 2014, Budapest.
  • Gariboldi V, Bulf H, de Hevia MD, McCrink K, Macchi-Cassia V. Operational momentum during the representation of ordinal relations in 4- and 12-month-old infants. Workshop on Cognition and Evolution CogEVO, 2014, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Italy..
  • Bulf H, de Hevia MD, Macchi-Cassia V. Magnitude information and oriented spatial codes in human infants. Sympoisum on the Embodiment of abstract concepts: what’s special about space?, 2014, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy.
  • Bulf H, Macchi-Cassia V, de Hevia MD. Do numbers orient visual attention in infants? Evidence from an eye-tracking study. International Society for Infant Studies, 2014, Berlin, Germany.
  • Macchi-Cassia V, Gariboldi V, Bulf H, McCrink K, de Hevia MD. Operational momentum during magnitude ordering in 12-month-old infants. International Society for Infant Studies, 2014, Berlin, Germany.
  • Marie J, Coubart A, de Hevia MD, Streri A, Izard V. Newborn infants detect correspondences in the numerical structure of visual vs. auditory sets. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2014, Hongrie.


  • Lorenceau. Eye writing. Patent # : Lorenceau, J. (2014). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/122,412. 2014.



  • Gervain J. Szerkezet és agy a nyelvfejlődés legkorábbi szakaszaiban [Structure and the brain in early language development]. Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok [Studies in General Linguistics], Pléh, Cs. - 2013.
  • Gervain J. Early rule learning ability and language acquisition. Recursion and Language, Lowenthal F, ,Lefebvre F - Springer, pp.89-99, 2013.
  • Werker J, Gervain J. Speech Perception and Phonological Development. The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology, Zelazo PD. - Oxford University Press, pp.909-925, 2013.
  • Yeung HH, Nazzi T. Ostensive and referential object labeling helps infants learn generalizable sound patterns. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, S. Baiz N Goldman, ,R. Hawkes - Cascadilla Press, pp.469-481, 2013. (PDF)

Speech communications

  • Eskiizmirliler S, Bertrand O, Tagliabue M, Maier MA. Motion control of thumb and index finger of an artificial hand for precision grip using asynchronous decoding of CM cell activity. Twenty Second Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting, 2013, Paris.
  • Larre-Perez M, Jacob, P, Collins T. Stroop-like interference between structural and functional hand gesture within objects. Vision Action and Concept Symposium, Lille, Psychonomic Society, Toronto, 2013.
  • Addabbo M, Quirito, S, Gariboldi V, de Hevia MD, Girelli L. La discriminazione delle relazioni numeriche ordinali a 4 mesi di vita: nuove evidenze di un vantaggio per l’ordine crescente. XXVI Congresso nazionale della sezione di psicologia dello sviluppo e dell’educazione, 2013, Milan, Italy.
  • de Hevia MD, Marie, J, Coubart A, Streri A, Izard V. One-to-one correspondence cues for small sets enhance infants’ arithmetic abilities. Society for Research in Child Development, 2013, Seattle, USA.
  • de Hevia MD. What babies know about Space, Time, and Number. College de France, 2013, Paris, France.



  • Tordjman S, Wiss M. Aller à la rencontre des Adolescents en difficulte : Une nouvelle approche thérapeutique (Expérience d’une équipe mobile pluri-professionnelle). De Boeck, 2012.
  • Chokron S, Streri A. Que voient les nourrissons?. le Pommier, 2012.


  • Shukla M, Gervain J, Mehler J, Nespor M. Linguistic Constraints on Statistical Learning in Early Language Acquisition. Statistical Learning and Language Acquisition, Rebuschat P, Williams J - Mouton de Gruyter, 2012.
  • Legendre G, Culbertson J, Barrière I, Nazzi T, , Goyet L. Experimental and empirical evidence for the status and acquisition of subject clitics and agreement marking in adult and child Spoken French. Movement and Clitics, V. Torrens L Escobar A Gavarro and J.G. Mangado - Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.
  • Goyet L, Millotte S, Christophe A, , Nazzi T. Processing continuous speech in infancy: From major prosodic units to isolated word forms. Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics, J. Lidz J Pater and W. Snyder - Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Gonzalez-Gomez N, , Nazzi T. Phonological Feature Constraints on the Acquisition of Phonological Dependencies. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, 2012.
  • Streri A, Gentaz E. Intermanual and intermodal transfer in human newborns: Neonatal behavioral evidence and neurocognitive approach. Neuroimaging - cognitive and clinical neuroscience, Peter Bright, pp.319-332, 2012.
  • Streri A. Cross-modal interactions in the human newborn: New answers to Molyneux’ s question. Multisensory Development, A. Bremner D Lewkowicz, ,C. Spence - Oxford University Press, pp.88-112, 2012.

Speech communications

  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. Not all continuous dimensions map equally: Number-Brightness mapping in infants. International Society for Infant Studies, 2012, Minneapolis, USA.
  • Izard V. The Perception of Angles in Preschoolers. Early Language Learning and Brain Development, 2012, Neurospin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Dehaene S, Spelke ES. The Origins of Exact Numbers. Society for Anthropological Sciences, 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada.



  • J Kevin O\\’Regan. Why Red Doesn\\’t Sound Like a Bell. OUP USA, , pp.2112011.
  • O’Regan JK. Why Red Doesn’t Sound Like a Bell: Understanding the Feel of Consciousness. Oxford University Press, 2011.


  • Tordjman S, Cohen D, Coulon N. Recherches dans l’autisme. Psychiatrie de l’enfant, Danion-Grilliat A., Bursztejn C. - Médecine Sciences Publications, pp.210-225, 2011.
  • Nazzi T, Gonzalez-Gomez N. Sensitivity to non-adjacent phonological dependencies in 10-month-old infants. Proceedings of ICPhS XVII, pp.1454-1457, 2011.
  • O’Regan JK, Rat-Fischer L, , Fagard J. Mechanisms leading to tool use: A longitudinal study in human infants. Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2011, 2011.
  • Rat-Fischer L, O’Regan JK, , Fagard J. Tool-use learning mechanisms at the end of the second year in human infants. Front. Comput. Neurosci. Conference Abstract: IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2011, 2011.
  • Legendre G, Barrière I, Goyet L, , Nazzi T. On the Acquisition of Implicated Presuppositions: Evidence from French Personal Pronouns. Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2010), Mihaela Pirvulescu, et al. - Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp.150-162, 2011.
  • Barrière I, Goyet L, Nazzi T, Kresh S, , Legendre G. The representation of subject-verb agreement in French-learning toddlers: New evidence from the comprehension of an infrequent pattern of pseudoverbs. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, pp.38-48, 2011.
  • Molavi B, Gervain J, , Dumont G A. Estimating cortical connectivity in functional near infrared spectroscopy using multivariate autoregressive modeling. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, pp.2334-2337, 2011.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Dehaene S, Hinchey D, , Spelke ES. Geometry as a universal mental construction. Attention and Performance, pp.319-332, 2011. (PDF)

Newspaper article

  • Pica P, Izard V, Dehaene S, Spelke ES. Mundurucu terms with arithmetical, geometrical and spatial content. 2011.

Speech communications

  • de Hevia MD, Vanderslice M, Spelke ES. Cross-dimensional Mapping of Number, Length and Brightness by Preschool Children. Cognitive Development Society, 2011, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Coubart A, Izard V, Sann C, Spelke ES, Streri A. Dissociation between small and large numerosities in newborns. Cognitive Development Society Biennal Meeting, 2011, Philadelphia.
  • de Hevia MD. Constructing a Mental Number Line. Journée scientifique annuelle du GDR Neurosciences Cognitives du Développement, 2011, Paris.
  • Macchi-Cassia V, Girelli L, de Hevia MD, Picozzi M. Four-Month-Old Infants' Detection of Order: An Advantage for Increasing Non-Numerical Sequences. Society for Research in Child Development, 2011, Montreal, Canada.
  • de Hevia MD, Macchi-Cassia V. Early precursors of a number line. Society for Research in Child Development, 2011, Montreal, Canada.


  • Loh MN, Kirsch L, Rothwell JC, Lemon RN, Davare M. Information about the weight of grasped objects from vision and internal models interacts within the primary motor cortex. J Neurosci, 2010, 30 (20), pp.6984-90.
  • Pietrancosta N, Kessler A, Favre-Besse F-C, Triballeau N, Quentin T, Giros B, El Mestikawy S, Acher F C. Rose Bengal analogs and vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs). Bioorganic \& medicinal chemistry, 2010, 18, pp.6922--6933.
  • Agulhon C, Fiacco TA, McCarthy KD. Hippocampal short- and long-term plasticity are not modulated by astrocyte Ca2+ signaling. Science, 2010, 327 (5970), pp.1250-4.
  • Isingrini E, Camus V, Le Guisquet AM, Pingaud M, Devers S, Belzung C. Association between repeated unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) procedures with a high fat diet: a model of fluoxetine resistance in mice. PLoS One, 2010, 5 (4), pp.e10404.
  • d’Audiffret AC, Frisbee SJ, Stapleton PA, Goodwill AG, Isingrini E, Frisbee JC. Depressive behavior and vascular dysfunction: a link between clinical depression and vascular disease?. J Appl Physiol (1985), 2010, 108 (5), pp.1041-51.
  • Amilhon B, Lepicard E, Renoir T, Mongeau R, Popa D, Poirel O, Miot S, Gras C, Gardier AM, Gallego J, Hamon M, Lanfumey L, Gasnier B, Giros B, El Mestikawy S. VGLUT3 (vesicular glutamate transporter type 3) contribution to the regulation of serotonergic transmission and anxiety. J Neurosci, 2010, 30 (6), pp.2198-210. (PDF)
  • Sergent C, Ruff CC, Barbot A, Driver J, Rees G. Top-down modulation of human early visual cortex after stimulus offset supports successful postcued report. J Cogn Neurosci, 2010, 23 (8), pp.1921-34.
  • Kapoula Z, Yang Q, Bonnet A, Bourtoire P, Sandretto J. EMDR effects on pursuit eye movements. PLoS One, 2010, 5 (5), pp.e10762.
  • Yang Q, Vernet M, Orssaud C, Bonfils P, Londero A, Kapoula Z. Central crosstalk for somatic tinnitus: abnormal vergence eye movements. PLoS One, 2010, 5 (7), pp.e11845.
  • Kapoula Z, Yang Q, Vernet M, Orssaud C, Samson M, Dieudonné B, Greffard S, Verny M. [Preservation of automatic ocular saccades in healthy elderly: alteration in patients with dementia with Lewy body]. Psychol Neuropsychiatr Vieil, 2010, 8 (4), pp.295-306.
  • Kapoula Z, Yang Q, Vernet M, Dieudonné B, Greffard S, Verny M. Spread deficits in initiation, speed and accuracy of horizontal and vertical automatic saccades in dementia with lewy bodies. Front Neurol, 2010, 1, pp.138.
  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. Number-space mapping in human infants. Psychol Sci, 2010. (PDF)
  • Picozzi M, de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Macchi Cassia V. Seven-month-olds detect ordinal numerical relationships within temporal sequences. J Exp Child Psychol, 2010. (PDF)
  • Perrone G, de Hevia MD, Bricolo E, Girelli L. Numbers can move our hands: a spatial representation effect in digits handwriting. Exp Brain Res, 2010. (PDF)
  • De Agostini M, Kazandjian S, Cavézian C, Lellouche J, Chokron S. Handedness and Visual Aesthetic Preference: Effect of Age and Reading/Writing Directional Scanning Experience. Writing Systems Research, 2010, 2.
  • Tordjman S. At the crossroads between Psychoanalysis and Neuroscience: the importance of subjectivity. Journal of Physiology Paris, 2010, 104, pp.232-242.
  • Collins T. Extraretinal signal metrics in multiple-saccade sequences. Journal of Vision, 2010, 10, pp.DOI: 10.1167/10.14.7.
  • Lavergne Louisa, Vergilino-Perez Dorine, Collins Therese, Dore-Mazars Karine. Adaptation of within-object saccades can be induced by changing stimulus size. Experimental Brain Research, 2010, 203, pp.773-780.
  • Combe E, Wexler M. Observer movement and size constancy. Psychological Science, 2010, 21, pp.667-675.
  • Wismeijer DA, Erkelens CJ, van Ee R, Wexler M. Depth cue combination in spontaneous eye movements. Journal of Vision, 2010, 10, pp.1-15.
  • Gervain J, Mehler J. Speech perception and language acquisition in the first year of life. Annual Review of Psychology, 2010, 61, pp.191-218.
  • Cardoso-Leite P, Mamassian P, Schutz-Bosbach S, Waszak F. A New Look at Sensory Attenuation: Action-Effect Anticipation Affects Sensitivity, Not Response Bias. Psychological Science, 2010, 21, pp.1740– 1745.
  • Raz N, Vaknin A, Chokron S, Ben-Hur T, Levin N. Functional MRI as a tool for assessing chiasmal visual defect in a patient with neuromyelitis optica. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 2010, 81, pp.1174-1175.
  • Kazandjian S, Cavezian C, Zivotofsky AZ, Chokron S. Bisections in two languages: When number processing, spatial representation, and habitual reading direction interact. Neuropsychologia, 2010.
  • Chokron S. Neuroplasticity predicts outcome of optic neuritis independent of tissue damage: Comment. Annals of Neurology, 2010, 67, pp.550-551.
  • Cavezian C, Vilayphonh M, de Agostini M, Vasseur V, Watier L, Kazandjian S, Laloum L, Chokron S. Assessment of visuo-attentional abilities in young children with or without visual disorder: Toward a systematic screening in the general population. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2010, 31, pp.1102-1108.
  • Cavezian C, Gaudry I, Perez C, Coubard O, Doucet G, Peyrin C, Marendaz C, Obadia M, Gout O, Chokron S. Specific impairments in visual processing following lesion side in hemianopic patients. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 2010, 46, pp.1123-1131.
  • Collins Therese, Heed Tobias, Dore-Mazars Karine, Roder Brigitte. Presaccadic attention interferes with feature detection. Experimental Brain Research, 2010, 201, pp.111-117.
  • Caetta Florent, Gorea Andrei. Upshifted decision criteria in attentional blink and repetition blindness. Visual Cognition, 2010, 18, pp.413-433.
  • BronsardG, Botbol M, Tordjman S. Aggression in Low Functioning Children and Adolescents with Autistic Disorder. PLoS ONE, 2010, 21 Dec 2010.
  • Esseily R, Nadel J, Fagard J. Object retrieval through observational learning in 8- to 18-month-old infants. Infant Behavior and Development, 2010, 33, pp.695-699. (PDF)
  • Collins Therese, Heed Tobias, Roder Brigitte. Eye-movement-driven changes in the perception of auditory space. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2010, 72, pp.736-746.
  • Spelke E, Lee SA, Izard V. Beyond Core Knowledge: Natural Geometry. Cognitive Science, 2010, 34, pp.863-884. (PDF)
  • Havy M, Moukawane S, Nazzi T. Are 3-to-8 year old children with Williams Syndrome good word-learners?. Neuroreport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 2010, 21, pp.882-886. (PDF)
  • Kuhn S, Seurinck R, Fias W, Waszak F. The internal anticipation of sensory action effects: When action induces FFA and PPA activity. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2010, 4/54, pp.1-7. (PDF)
  • Collins Therese, Heed Tobias, Roder Brigitte. Visual target selection and motor planning define attentional enhancement at perceptual processing stages. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2010, 4, pp.14.
  • Rämä P, Baccino T. Eye-fixation related potentials (EFRPs) during object identification. Visual Neuroscience, 2010, 27, pp.187-192. (PDF)
  • Mortaud S, Nicolas L, Pinoteau W, Tordjman S, Carlier M, Roubertoux PL. Brain Pathways Mediating the Pro-Aggressive Effect of the Steroid Sulfatase (Sts) Gene. Behavior Genetics, 2010, 40, pp.211-219.
  • Colzato LS, Waszak F, Nieuwenhuis S, Posthuma D, Hommel B. The flexible mind is associated with the Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) Val158Met polymorphism: Evidence for a role of dopamine in the control of task switching. Neuropsychologia, 2010, 48, pp.2764-2768. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Relander-Syrjänen K, Öhman J, Laakso A, Näätänen R, Kujala T. Semantic processing in comatose patients with intact temporal lobes as reflected by the N400 event-related potential. Neuroscience Letters, 2010, 474, pp.88-92. (PDF)
  • Knapen T, Rolfs M, Wexler M, Cavanagh P. The reference frame of the tilt aftereffect. Journal of Vision, 2010, 10, pp.1-13.
  • Lejeune F, Audeoud F, Marcus L, Streri A, Debillon T, E Gentaz. The Manual Habituation and Discrimination of Shapes in Preterm Human Infants from 33 to 34+6 Post-Conceptional Age. PLoS ONE, 2010, 5.
  • Mersad K, Goyet L, Nazzi T. Cross-linguistic differences in early word form segmentation: a rhythmic-based account. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 2010, 9/10, pp.37-65. (PDF)
  • Yoshida KA, Iversen JR, Patel AD, Nito H, Mazuka R, Gervain J, Werker JF. The development of perceptual grouping in infancy: a cross-linguistic study. Cognition, 2010, 115, pp.356-361.
  • Haag G Botbol M, Graignic R Perez-Diaz F, Bronsarde G, Kermarrec S, Clement MC Clement M C, Cukierman A, Druon C, Duprat A, Jardin F, du Chatellier A M Tricaud J Urwand S Guile J M, Cohen D, Tordjman S. The Autism Psychodynamic Evaluation of Changes (APEC) scale: A reliability and validity study on a newly developed standardized psychodynamic assessment for youth with Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Journal of Physiology-Paris, 2010, 104, pp.323-336.
  • Tordjman S. Regards croisés entre la psychanalyse et les neurosciences. Neuropsychiatrie de l’enfance et de l’adolescence, 2010, 58, pp.351-358.
  • Robert G, Kermarrec S, Guignard JH, Tordjman S. Signes d’appel et troubles associes chez les enfants à haut potentiel [Alert Symptoms And Related Disorders In Gifted Children]. Archives de Pédiatrie, 2010, 17, pp.1363-1367.
  • Waszak F, Li S-C, Hommel B. The development of attentional networks: cross-sectional findings from a life span sample. Developmental Psychology, 2010, 46, pp.337–349. (PDF)
  • Waszak F. Across-task long-term priming: Interaction of task readiness and automatic retrieval. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2010, 63, pp.1414-1429.
  • Legendre G, Barriere I, Goyet L, Nazzi T. Comprehension of infrequent subject-verb agreement forms: Evidence from French-learning children. Child Development, 2010, 81, pp.1859–1875. (PDF)
  • Fagard J, Lockman JJ. Change in imitation for object manipulation between 10 and 12 months of age. Developmental Psychobiology, 2010, 52, pp.90-99.
  • Chabrol E, Navarro V, Provenzano G, Cohen I, Dinocourt C, Rivaud-Péchoux S, Fricker D, Baulac M, Miles R, Leguern E, Baulac S. Electroclinical characterization of epileptic seizures in leucine-rich, glioma-inactivated 1-deficient mice. Brain, 2010.
  • Jarrassé N, Tagliabue M, Robertson JV, Maiza A, Crocher V, Roby-Brami A, Morel G. A methodology to quantify alterations in human upper limb movement during co-manipulation with an exoskeleton. IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng, 2010.
  • Piochon C, Levenes C, Ohtsuki G, Hansel C. Purkinje cell NMDA receptors assume a key role in synaptic gain control in the mature cerebellum. J Neurosci, 2010.
  • Goyet L, de Schonen S, Nazzi T. Words and syllables in fluent speech segmentation by French-learning infants: an ERP study. Brain Res, 2010.


  • Tordjman S. Aider les enfants à haut potentiel en difficulte : Repérer et comprendre, évaluer et prendre en charge. Presses Universitaires De Rennes, , pp.2912010.
  • Tordjman S, Nevoux G. Le Dessin Des Enfants A Haut Potentiel : De La créativité à la psychopathologie. Presses Universitaires De Rennes, , pp.1492010.
  • Tordjman S, Nevoux G. Le dessin des enfants à haut potentiel : De La créativité à la psychopathologie. Presses Universitaires De Rennes, , pp.1492010.


  • Song L, Nazzi T, Moukawane S, Golinkoff RM, Stahl A, Ma W, Hirsh-Pasek K, , Connell M. Sleepy vs. sleeping: Preeschoolers’ sensitivity to morphological cues for adjectives and verbs in English and French. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, pp.409-420, 2010.
  • Legendre G, Goyet L, Barrière I, Kresh S, , Nazzi T. Sensitivity to irregular French subject-verb agreement at 18 months: Evidence from the Head Turn Preference procedure. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, pp.257-268, 2010.
  • Barrière I, Legendre G, Nazzi T, Goyet L, , Kresh S. L’acquisition de l’accord sujet-verbe par les jeunes francophones natifs entre 14 et 30 mois : préférence, compréhension et environnement linguistique. Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress of French Linguistics, Neveu F., Muni Toke V., Durand J., Klingler T., Mo - pp.1429-1443, 2010.
  • Bertoncini J, Cabrera L, , Lorenzi C. Discimination of voicing on the basis of temporal envelope cues in 6-month old infants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, POMA 9, 060004., 2010. (PDF)
  • Streri A. Des spécificités sensorielles à leurs interactions pour une perception unifiée du monde. De l’une à l’autre: composer, apprendre et partager en mouvements, ouvrage collectif - Editions Bruxelles, pp.40-51, 2010.
  • Philipona D, , O’Regan J K. The Sensorimotor Approach in CoSy: The Example of Dimensionality Reduction. Cognitive Systems, H. I. Christensen G M. Kruijff, ,J. L. Wyatt (Eds - Springer, pp.95-130, 2010.
  • O’Regan JK. Explaining what people say about sensory qualia. Perception, Action, and Consciousness: Sensorimotor Dynamics and Two Visual Systems, N. Gangopadhyay M Madary F Spicer - OUP, 2010. (PDF)
  • Gervain Judit. A statisztikai tanulás és a szabálytanulás idegi alapjai [The neural correlates of statistical learning and rule extraction]. Kognitív Idegtudomány [Cognitive Neuroscience], Pléh, Cs., Gy. Kovács B Gulyás - Osiris, 2010.
  • Streri A. La sensorialité du nouveau-né. L’encyclopédie de la naissance, R. Frydman M Szejer - Albin Michel, pp.1064-1072, 2010.
  • Waszak F, Springer A, Prinz W. The Dynamic Control of Human Actions. Self control in society, mind, and brain, R.R. Hassin, K Ochsner,Y. Trope - Oxford University Press, pp.174-201, 2010.

Speech communications

  • de Hevia MD, Picozzi M, Girelli L, Macchi-Cassia V. Left-to-right oriented number line: Infants’ use of space to represent number magnitude. International Society for Infant Studies, 2010, Baltimore, USA.
  • Macchi-Cassia V, de Hevia MD, Picozzi M, Rumi G, Perego V, Girelli L. Increasing magnitude counts more: evidence from 4-month-old infants’ detection of non-numerical ordinal sequences. British Psychological Association, Developmental Section Conference, 2010, London, UK.
  • Katz R, de Hevia MD, Izard V, Spelke ES. High Tones and High Places: Infants' mapping across tonal and spatial dimensions. International Conference on Infant Studies, 2010, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Izard V. Geometry: A Universal Mental Construction. 24th International Symposium on Attention and Performance, 2010, France.


  • Fiacco TA, Agulhon C, McCarthy KD. Sorting out astrocyte physiology from pharmacology. Annu Rev Pharmacol Toxicol, 2009, 49, pp.151-74.
  • Isingrini E, Desmidt T, Belzung C, Camus V. Endothelial dysfunction: A potential therapeutic target for geriatric depression and brain amyloid deposition in Alzheimer’s disease?. Curr Opin Investig Drugs, 2009, 10 (1), pp.46-55.
  • Hupé JM, Lamirel C, Lorenceau J. Pupil dynamics during bistable motion perception. J Vis, 2009, 9 (7), pp.10.
  • Wyart V, Sergent C. The phase of ongoing EEG oscillations uncovers the fine temporal structure of conscious perception. J Neurosci, 2009, 29 (41), pp.12839-41.
  • Vernet M, Yang Q, Gruselle M, Trams M, Kapoula Z. Switching between gap and overlap pro-saccades: cost or benefit?. Exp Brain Res, 2009, 197 (1), pp.49-58.
  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. Spontaneous mapping of number and space in adults and young children. Cognition, 2009. (PDF)
  • Previtali P, de Hevia MD, Girelli L. Placing order in space: the SNARC effect in serial learning. Exp Brain Res, 2009. (PDF)
  • Bourlon C, Chokron S, Bachoud-Lévi AC, Coubard OA, Bergeras I, Moulignier A, Viret AC, Bartolomeo P. Presentation of an assessment battery for visual mental imagery and visual perception. Revue Neurologique, 2009.
  • Perez C, Cavézian C, Peyrin C, Coubard OA, Doucet G, Andersson F, Gout O, Savatovsky J, Chokron S. Cortical plasticity in visual areas after a post-chiasmatic lesion: a neuro-imaging study. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 2009.
  • Dupierrix E, Gresty M, Ohlmann T, Chokron S. Long-lasting induced plasticity of spatial perception: How ecological sensori-motor experience determine subjective space. ,. PloS One, 2009, 4(2):e4465.
  • Collins Therese, Dore-Mazars Karine. La plasticite de la transformation sensori-motrice dans le systeme visuel: l’adaptation saccadique. L’Annee Psychologique, 2009, 109, pp.509-549.
  • Vilayphonh M, Cavezian C, Laloum L, de Agostini M, Watier L, Vasseur V, Chokron S. Evaluation des troubles visuo-attentionnels chez l’enfant de quatre a six ans. Revue de Neuropsychologie, Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques, 2009, 1, pp.110-119.
  • Tsirlin I, Dupierrix E, Chokron S, Coquillart S, Ohlmann T. Uses of virtual reality for diagnosis, rehabilitation and study of unilateral spatial neglect: Review and analysis. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2009, 12, pp.175-181.
  • Kazandjian S, Dupierrix E, Gaash E, Love IY, Zivotofsky AZ, De Agostini M, Chokron S. Egocentric reference in bidirectional readers as measured by the straight-ahead pointing task. Brain Research, 2009, 1247, pp.133-141.
  • Cristinzio C, Bourlon C, Pradat-Diehl P, Trojano L, Grossi D, Chokron S, Bartolomeo P. Representational neglect in ’invisible’ drawing from memory. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 2009, 45, pp.313-317.
  • Bourlon C, Chokron S, Bachoud-Levi A-C, Coubard O, Bergeras I, Moulignier A, Viret A-C, Bartolomeo P. Normalisation d’une batterie d’evaluation de l’imagerie mentale visuelle et de la perception visuelle. Revue Neurologique, 2009, 165, pp.1045-1054.
  • Izard V, Spelke ES. Development of the Sensitivity to Geometry in Visual Forms. Human Evolution, 2009, 23, pp.213-248. (PDF)
  • Dehaene S, Izard V, Pica P, Spelke ES. Response to Comment on “Log or Linear? Distinct Intuitions of the Number Scale in Western and Amazonian Indigene Cultures” (Technical Comment). Science, 2009, 323, pp.38. (PDF)
  • Piazza M, Izard V. What is an (abstract) neural representation of quantity?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2009, 32, pp.348-349. (PDF)
  • Piazza M, Izard V. How Humans Count: Numerosity and the Parietal Cortex. The Neuroscientist, 2009, 15, pp.261:273. (PDF)
  • Fagard J. Origine des asymétries. Médecine & Enfance, 2009, 29, pp.403-408.
  • Tordjman S, Maillhes A-S. Les troubles du developpement de l’image du corps dans la petite enfance: Une dimension commune partagee par la schizophrenie et l’autisme?. Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence, 2009, 57, pp.6-13.
  • Cornic F, Consoli A, Tanguy ML, Bonnot O, Périsse D, Tordjman S, Laurent C, Cohen D. Association of adolescent catatonia with increased mortality and morbidity: Evidence from a prospective follow-up study. Schizophrenia Research, 2009, 113, pp.233-240.
  • Henry S, Richard-Yris MA, Tordjman S, Hausberger M. Neonatal Handling Affects Durably Bonding and Social development. PLOS ONE, 2009, 4, pp.e5216.
  • Streri A, Gentaz E. The haptic habilities of human newborn. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie/German Journal of developmental, 2009, 41, pp.173-180.
  • Izard V, Sann C, Spelke ES, Streri A. Newborn infants perceive abstract numbers. P.N.A.S., 2009, 106, 23 Ju, pp.10382-10385. (PDF)
  • Gervain Judit. Resumption in Focus(-Raising). Lingua, 2009, 119, pp.687-707.
  • Golomer E, Rosey F, Dizac H, Mertz C, Fagard J. The influence of classical dance training on preferred supporting leg and whole body turning bias. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 2009, 14, pp.165-177.
  • Fagard Jacqueline, Spelke Elizabeth, Von-Hofsten Claes. Reaching and grasping a moving object in 6-, 8-, and 10-month-old infants: Laterality and performance. Infant Behavior & Development, 2009, 32, pp.137-146.
  • Toivonen M, Rämä P. N400 during recognition of voice identity and vocal affect. Neuroreport, 2009, 20, pp.1245-1249. (PDF)
  • Relander K, Rämä P, Kujala T. Word Semantics Is Processed Even without Attentional Effort. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2009, 21, pp.1511-1522. (PDF)
  • Relander K, Rämä P. Separate neural processes for retrieval of voice identity and word content in working memory. Brain Research, 2009, 1252, pp.143-151. (PDF)
  • Collins T, Rolfs M, Deubel H, Cavanagh P. Post-saccadic location judgments reveal remapping of saccade targets to non-foveal locations. Journal of Vision, 2009, 9(5):29, pp.1-9.
  • Wenke D, Waszak F, Haggard P. Action selection and action awareness. Psychological Research, 2009, 73, pp.602 - 612. (PDF)
  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Nassurally K, Havy M, Nazzi T. Infants can rapidly learn words in a foreign language. Infant Behavior and Development, 2009, 32, pp.476-480. (PDF)
  • Krieghoff V, Brass M, Prinz W, Waszak F. Dissociating What and When of intentional actions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2009, 3/3, pp.1-10. (PDF)
  • Waszak F, Pholulamdeth V. Episodic S-R bindings and emotion: about the influence of positive and negative action effects on stimulus-response associations. Experimental Brain Research, 2009, 194, pp.489-494. (PDF)
  • Brass M, Wenke D, Spengler S, Waszak F. Neural correlates of overcoming interference from instructed and implemented stimulus-response associations. Journal of Neuroscience, 2009, 29, pp.1766-1772. (PDF)
  • Tordjman S, Anderson G, Botbol M, Brailly-Tabard S, al. Pain reactivity and plasma beta-endorphin in children and adolescents with autistic disorder. PlosOne, 2009, 4, pp.e5289.
  • Havy M, Nazzi T. Better processing of consonantal over vocalic information in word learning at 16 months of age. Infancy, 2009, 14, pp.439-456. (PDF)
  • Herwig A, Waszak F. Intention and Attention in Ideomotor Learning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2009, 62, pp.219-227. (PDF)
  • Domellof E, Roonqvist L, Titran M, Esseilly R, Fagard J. Atypical functional lateralization in children with fetal alcohol syndrome. Developmental Psychobiology, 2009, 58, pp.696-705.
  • Nazzi T, Floccia C, Moquet B, Butler J. Bias for consonantal over vocalic information in French- and English-learning 30-month-olds: crosslinguistic evidence in early word learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2009, 102, pp.522–537. (PDF)
  • Nazzi T, Bertoncini J. Phonetic specificity in early lexical acquisition: New evidence from consonants in coda positions. Language and Speech, 2009, 52, pp.463–480. (PDF)
  • Waszak F, Schneider WX, Li SC, Hommel B. Perceptual identification across the life span : A dissociation of early gains and late losses. Psychological Research, 2009, 73, pp.114-122. (PDF)
  • Grandgeorge M, Hausberger M, Tordjman S, Deleau M, Lazartigues A, Lemonnier E. Environmental Factors Influence Language Development in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. PLOS ONE, 2009, 4, pp.e4683.
  • Kerzerho S, Gentaz E, Streri A. Factors influencing the manual discrimination of orientations in 5-month-old infants. Perception, 2009, 38, pp.44-51.
  • Bonnot O, Anderson GM, Cohen D, Willer JC, Tordjman S. Are patients with schizophrenia insensitive to pain? A reconsideration of the question,. Clinical Journal of Pain, 2009, 25, pp.244-252.
  • Barbu-Roth M, Anderson DI, Després A, Provasi J, Campos JJ. Neonatal stepping in relation to terrestrial optic flow. Child Development, 2009, 80, pp.8-14.
  • Höhle B, Bijeljac-Babic R, Herold B, Weissenborn J, Nazzi T. The development of language specific prosodic preferences during the first half year of life: evidence from German and French. Infant Behavior and Development, 2009, 32, pp.262-274. (PDF)
  • Graignic-Philippe R, Tordjman S. Effects of stress during pregnancy on infant and child development. Archives de Pédiatrie, 2009, 16, pp.1355-1363.
  • Nazzi T, Bertoncini J, Bijeljac-Babic R. A perceptual equivalent of the labial-coronal effect in the first year of life. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2009, 126, pp.1440-1446. (PDF)
  • Morvan C, Wexler M. The nonlinear structure of motion perception during smooth eye movements. Journal of Vision, 2009, 9, pp.1-13.
  • Gorea A, Caetta F. Adaptation and prolonged inhibition as a main cause of motion-induced blindness. Journal of Vision, 2009, 9, pp.1-17.
  • Fricker D, Dinocourt C, Eugène E, Wood JN, Wood J, Miles R. Pyramidal cells of rodent presubiculum express a tetrodotoxin-insensitive Na+ current. J Physiol, 2009.
  • Zillmer R, Brunel N, Hansel D. Very long transients, irregular firing, and chaotic dynamics in networks of randomly connected inhibitory integrate-and-fire neurons. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys, 2009.
  • Beghdadi W, Porcherie A, Schneider BS, Dubayle D, Peronet R, Huerre M, Watanabe T, Ohtsu H, Louis J, Mécheri S. Rôle de l’histamine et des récepteurs histaminiques dans la pathogenèse du paludisme. Med Sci (Paris), 2009.
  • Beghdadi W, Porcherie A, Schneider BS, Morisset S, Dubayle D, Peronet R, Dy M, Louis J, Arrang JM, Mécheri S. Histamine H(3) receptor-mediated signaling protects mice from cerebral malaria. PLoS One, 2009.
  • Zanjani HS, McFarland R, Cavelier P, Blokhin A, Gautheron V, Levenes C, Bambrick LL, Mariani J, Vogel MW. Death and survival of heterozygous Lurcher Purkinje cells in vitro. Dev Neurobiol, 2009.
  • Rossignol J, Boyer C, Thinard R, Remy S, Dugast AS, Dubayle D, Dey ND, Boeffard F, Delecrin J, Heymann D, Vanhove B, Anegon I, Naveilhan P, Dunbar GL, Lescaudron L. Mesenchymal stem cells induce a weak immune response in the rat striatum after allo or xenotransplantation. J Cell Mol Med, 2009.


  • Tordjman S, Garcin V. Les équipes mobiles auprès des adolescents en difficulté. Masson, , pp.2092009.


  • Jean Lorenceau. From moving contours to object motion: Functional networks for visual form/motion processing. Dynamics of visual motion processing, Uwe J IlgGuillaume S Masson - Springer, pp.33-2009. (PDF)
  • Bronsard G, Bonnot O, Haag G, Tordjman S. Longitudinal study of the relationship between the apparent pain insensitivity and the non-verbal communication and symbolisation disorders. Autism, Children And Language: Development, Impairment And Training, M.A. Reed, pp.180-199, 2009.
  • Højen A, , Nazzi T. Detailed vocalic information in Danish 20-month-olds’ novel words. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, pp.121-125, 2009.
  • Izard V. Le bébé et les nombres (Infants are numerate). Annales de la Fondation Fyssen, 2009. (PDF)
  • Streri A. Haptic abilities in infancy and their relation to vision: A review. Cognitive Psychology Research Developments, Stella P Weingarten and Helena O. Penat - Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2009.
  • O’Regan JK. Sensorimotor approach to (phenomenal) consciousness. Oxford Companion to Consciousness, Baynes T, Cleeremans A ,Wilken P - Oxford University Press, pp.588-593, 2009. (PDF)

Speech communications

  • Picozzi M, de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Macchi-Cassia V. Are 4-Month-Olds Able to Discriminate Ordinal Sequences of Non-Numerical Quantities?. Society for Research in Child Development, 2009, Denver, USA.
  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. The Spatial-Numerical Link in Adults, Children, and Infants. Society for Research in Child Development, 2009, Denver, USA.
  • Picozzi M, de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Macchi-Cassia V. Seven-month-old infants’ ability to detect ordinal numerical relationships within temporal and spatiotemporal sequences. Workshop on Cognition and Evolution CogEVO, 2009, Trento, Italy.
  • Picozzi M, de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Macchi-Cassia V. Are 4-month-olds able to discriminate non-numerical ordinal sequences?. Workshop on Cognition and Evolution CogEVO, 2009, Trento, Italy.
  • Izard V, Sann C, Spelke ES, Streri A. Newborn Infants Represent Abstract Numbers. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (SRCD), 2009, Denver, Colorado.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Dehaene S, Spelke ES. Intuitions for Multiplication in Amazonian Adults and in U.S. Adults and Children. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (SRCD), 2009, Denver, Colorado.
  • Gentaz E, Izard V, Cheam C. Five year old children and adults spontaneously draw similar rectangles and triangles but not in the golden ratio. International Graphonomics Society, 2009, Dijon, France.
  • Izard V, Spelke ES. The Development of the Sensitivity to Geometry in Visual Forms. Cognitive Development Society Biennal Meeting (CDS), 2009, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Izard V. A universal developmental path in the construction of exact number concepts. Workshop on Cultural Effects on the Mental Number Line, 2009, University of York, UK.


  • Agulhon C, Petravicz J, McMullen AB, Sweger EJ, Minton SK, Taves SR, Casper KB, Fiacco TA, McCarthy KD. What is the role of astrocyte calcium in neurophysiology?. Neuron, 2008, 59 (6), pp.932-46.
  • Keiflin R, Isingrini E, Cador M. Cocaine-induced reinstatement in rats: evidence for a critical role of cocaine stimulus properties. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 2008, 197 (4), pp.649-60.
  • Hupé JM, Lamirel C, Lorenceau J. Pupil dilation does not predict subsequent stability in perceptual rivalry. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2008, 105 (28), pp.E43; author reply E44. (PDF)
  • Miskiewicz A, Buffat S, Paradis AL, Lorenceau J. Shape and motion interactions at perceptual and attentional levels during processing of structure from motion stimuli. J Vis, 2008, 8 (16), pp.17.1-14. (PDF)
  • Lorenceau J, Lalanne C. Superposition catastrophe and form-motion binding. J Vis, 2008, 8 (8), pp.13.1-14.
  • Gras C, Amilhon B, Lepicard EM, Poirel O, Vinatier J, Herbin M, Dumas S, Tzavara ET, Wade MR, Nomikos GG, Hanoun N, Saurini F, Kemel ML, Gasnier B, Giros B, El Mestikawy S. The vesicular glutamate transporter VGLUT3 synergizes striatal acetylcholine tone. Nat Neurosci, 2008, 11 (3), pp.292-300.
  • Vernet M, Yang Q, Daunys G, Orssaud C, Eggert T, Kapoula Z. How the brain obeys Hering\\’s law: a TMS study of the posterior parietal cortex. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2008, 49 (1), pp.230-7.
  • Yang Q, Lê TT, Debay E, Orssaud C, Magnier G, Kapoula Z. Rare express saccades in elderly fallers. Clin Interv Aging, 2008, 3 (4), pp.691-8.
  • Vernet M, Yang Q, Daunys G, Orssaud C, Kapoula Z. Divergence influences triggering of both vertical and horizontal saccades. Optom Vis Sci, 2008, 85 (3), pp.187-95.
  • Matheron E, Yang Q, Lê TT, Kapoula Z. Effects of ocular dominance on the vertical vergence induced by a 2-diopter vertical prism during standing. Neurosci Lett, 2008, 444 (2), pp.176-80.
  • Yang Q, Le TT, Kapoula Z. Aging effects on the visually driven part of vergence movements. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2008, 50 (3), pp.1145-51.
  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Bricolo E, Vallar G. The representational space of numerical magnitude: illusions of length. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove), 2008. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Vallar G, Girelli L. Visualizing numbers in the mind’s eye: the role of visuo-spatial processes in numerical abilities. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 2008. (PDF)
  • Collins T, Semroud A, Orriols E, Doré-Mazars K. Saccade dynamics before, during and after saccadic adaptation in humans. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 2008, 49.
  • Collins Therese, Vergilino-Perez Dorine, Delisle Laura, Dore-Mazars Karine. Visual versus motor vector inversions in the antisaccade task: A behavioral investigation with saccadic adaptation. Journal of Neurophysiology, 2008, 99, pp.2708-2718.
  • Urbanski M, de Schotten MT, Rodrigo S, Catani M, Oppenheim C, Touze E, Chokron S, Meder JF, Levy R, Dubois B, Bartolomeo P. Brain networks of spatial awareness: Evidence from diffusion tensor imaging tractography. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 2008, 79, pp.598-601.
  • Dupierrix E, Alleysson D, Ohlmann T, Chokron S. Spatial bias induced by a non-conflictual task reveals the nature of space perception. Brain Research, 2008, 1214, pp.127-135. (PDF)
  • Dupierrix E, Alleysson D, Ohlmann T, Chokron S. Corrigendum to ’Spatial bias induced by a non-conflictual task reveals the nature of space perception’. Brain Research, 2008, 1245, pp.130. (PDF)
  • Dulin D, Hatwell Y, Pylyshyn Z, Chokron S. Effects of peripheral and central visual impairment on mental imagery capacity. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2008, 32, pp.1396-1408. (PDF)
  • Chokron S, Perez C, Obadia M, Gaudry I, Laloum L, Gout O. From blindsight to sight: Cognitive rehabilitation of visual field defects. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2008, 26, pp.305-320.
  • Chokron S, Bartolomeo P, Sieroff E. La negligence spatiale unilaterale: Trente ans de recherches, de decouvertes, d’espoirs et (surtout) de questions. Revue Neurologique, 2008, 164, pp.S134-S142.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Spelke ES, Dehaene S. Comment les nombres se répartissent dans l’espace: une intuition originelle logarithmique. Médecine Sciences, 2008, 24, pp.1014-1016. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Dehaene S, Pica P, Spelke ES. Reading Between the Number Lines; Response to Nunez (Correspondance). Science, 2008, 312, pp.1310. (PDF)
  • Cohen-Kadosh R, Lammertyn J, Izard V. Are numbers special? An overview of chronometric, neuroimaging, developmental and comparative studies of magnitude representation. Progress in Neurobiology, 2008, 84, pp.132-147. (PDF)
  • Revkin S, Piazza M, Izard V, Zamarian L, Karner E, Delazer M. Verbal Numerosity Estimation Deficit in the Context of Spared Semantic Representation of Numbers: A Neuropsychological Study of a Patient with Frontal Lesions. Neuropsychologia, 2008, 46, pp.2463-2475. (PDF)
  • Revkin S, Piazza M, Izard V, Cohen L, Dehaene S. Does subitizing reflect numerical estimation?. Psychological Science, 2008, 19, pp.607-614. (PDF)
  • Dehaene S, Izard V, Spelke ES, Pica P. Log or linear? Distinct intuitions of the number scale in Western and Amazonian cultures. Science, 2008, 320, pp.1213-1216. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Pica P, Spelke E, Dehaene S. Exact Equality and Successor Function: Two Key Concepts on the Path towards understanding Exact Numbers. Philosophical Psychology, 2008, 21, pp.491-505. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Dehaene S. Calibrating the number line. Cognition, 2008, 106, pp.1221-1247. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Dehaene S. Distinct cerebral pathways for object identity and number in 3-month-old infants. PLOS Biology, 2008, 6, pp.275-285. (PDF)
  • Collins Therese, Schicke Tobias, Roder Brigitte. Action goal selection and motor planning can be dissociated by tool use. Cognition, 2008, 109, pp.363-371.
  • Lavergne Louisa, Vergilino-Perez Dorine, Collins Therese, Orriols Eric, Dore-Mazars Karine. The planning of a sequence of saccades in pro- and antisaccade tasks : Influence of visual integration time and concurrent motor processing. Brain Research, 2008, 1245, pp.82-95.
  • Gervain Judit, Nespor Marina, Mazuka Reiko, Horie Ryota, Mehler Jacques. Bootstrapping word order in prelexical infants: A Japanese-Italian cross-linguistic study. Cognitive Psychology, 2008, 57, pp.56-74.
  • Gervain Judit, Macagno Francesco, Cogoi Silvia, PenA Marcela, Mehler Jacques. The neonate brain detects speech structure. PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008, 105, pp.14222-14227.
  • Gervain Judit, Werker Janet F. How infant speech perception contributes to language acquisition. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2008, 2, pp.1149-1170.
  • Rämä Pia. Domain-dependent activation during spatial and nonspatial auditory working memory. Cognitive Processing, 2008, 9, pp.29-34. (PDF)
  • Wexler M, Ouarti N. Depth affects where we look. Current Biology, 2008, press.
  • Kebir O, Mouaffak F, Chayet M, Leroy S, Tordjman S, Amado I, Krebs MO. Semantic but not phonological verbal fluency associated with BDNF Val66Met polymorphism in schizophrenia. American Journal of Medical Genetics B, Neuropsychiatry Genetics, 2008, 150B, pp.441-442.
  • Amiet C, Gourfinkel-An I, Bouzamondo A, Tordjman S, Baulac M, Lechat P, Mottron L, Cohen D. Epilepsy in autism is associated with intellectual disability and gender: evidence from a meta-analysis. Biological Psychiatry, 2008, June 17.
  • Fagard J, Sacco S, Yvenou C, Domellöf E, Kieffer V, Tordjman S, Moutard M-H, Mamassian P. The role of the corpus callosum in the perception of reversible figures in children. Vision research, 2008, 48, pp.2451-5.
  • Philipona D, O’Regan J K. Reply to Johnson and Wright. Visual Neuroscience, 2008, 25, pp.225-226.
  • O’Regan JK. What is up? A reply to Bridgeman et al. Perception, 2008, 37, pp.815.
  • Campos J, Witheringthon D, Anderson DI, Frankel CI, UchiyamaI, Barbu-Roth M. Rediscovering Development in Infancy. Child Development, 2008, 79, pp.1625-1632.
  • Fagard J, Monzalvo-Lopez K, Mamassian P. Relationship between eye preference and binocular rivalry, and between eye-hand preference and reading ability in children. Developmental Psychobiology, 2008, 50, pp.789-798.
  • Toussaint Y, Fagard J. A Counterclockwise bias in running. Neuroscience Letters, 2008, 442, pp.59-62.
  • Colas F, Droulez J, Wexler M, Bessière P. A unified probabilistic model of the perception of three-dimensional structure from optic flow. Biological Cybernetics, 2008, pp.132-154.
  • Waszak F, Wenke D, Brass M. Cross-talk of instructed and applied arbitrary visuomotor mappings. Acta Psychologica, 2008, 127, pp.30–35. (PDF)
  • Bonnot O, Tanguy ML, Consoli A, Cornic F, Graindorge C, Laurent C, Tordjman S, Cohen D. Does catatonia influence the phenomenology of childhood onset schizophrenia beyond motor symptoms?. Psychiatry Research, 2008, 158, pp.356-362.
  • Toussaint Y, Do M-C, Fagard J. What are the factors responsible for the deviation in stepping on the spot?. Neuroscience Letters, 2008, 435, pp.60-64.
  • Uchiyama I, Anderson DI, Campos JJ, Witherington D, Lejeune L, Frankel CB, Barbu-Roth M. Locomotor experience affects the perception of self and emotional reactions. Developmental Psychology, 2008, 44, pp.1225-1231.
  • Streri A, Lemoine C, Devouche E. Development of inter-manual transfer of shape information in infancy. Developmental Psychobiology, 2008, 50, pp.70-76.
  • Tordjman S. Reunifying autism disorder and early-onset schizophrenia in terms of social communication disorders. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2008, 31, pp.278-281.
  • Hartley M, Fagard J, Esseily R, Taylor J. Observational versus trial and error effects in a model of an infant learning paradigm. Artificial Neural Networks - Icann 2008, Pt Ii, 2008, 5164, pp.277-289.
  • Tordjman S, Cohen DJ, Haag G. Elaboration et validation des échelles SIB/OIB (SELF/OTHER INJURIOUS BEHAVIOR SCALES)(version Francaise : Les échelles des conduites auto- et hétéroagressives). Editions du Centre de Psychologie Appliquée, 2008, Février.
  • Pascal F, O’Regan JK. Commentary On Mossio and Taraborelli: is the enactive approach really sensorimotor?. Consciousness and Cognition: An International Journal, 2008, 17, pp.1341-1342.
  • New B, Araujo V, Nazzi T. Differential processing of consonants and vowels in lexical access through reading. Psychological Science, 2008, 19, pp.1223-1227. (PDF)
  • Kerzhero S, Gentaz E, Streri A. Influence of visual contextual cues on haptic discrimination of orientations in 5-month-old infants. Brain Research, 2008, 1242, pp.276-282.
  • Nazzi T. Segmentation précoce de la parole continue en mots : évaluation inter-linguistique de l’hypothèse d’initialisation rythmique. L’Année Psychologique, 2008, 108, pp.309-342. (PDF)
  • Toussaint Y, Fagard J. A counter-clockwise bias when running. Neuroscience Letters, 2008.
  • Sann C, Streri A. The limits of newborn’s grasping to detect texture in a cross-modal transfer task. Infant Behavior and Development, 2008, 31, pp.523-531.
  • Sann Coralie, Streri Arlette. Inter-manual transfer of object texture and shape in human neonates. Neuropsychologia, 2008, 46, pp.698-703.
  • Reeve P, Clark JJ, O’Regan JK. Convergent flash localization near saccades without equivalent ’compression’ of perceptual separation. Journal of Vision, 2008, 8, pp.1-19.
  • Tagliabue M, Ferrigno G, Horak F. Effects of Parkinson’s disease on proprioceptive control of posture and reaching while standing. Neuroscience, 2008.
  • Meunier C, Lamotte d’Incamps B. Extending cable theory to heterogeneous dendrites. Neural Comput, 2008.
  • Beghdadi W, Porcherie A, Schneider BS, Dubayle D, Peronet R, Huerre M, Watanabe T, Ohtsu H, Louis J, Mécheri S. Inhibition of histamine-mediated signaling confers significant protection against severe malaria in mouse models of disease. J Exp Med, 2008.


  • Tordjman S, Cohen DJ, Haag G. Elaboration et validation des échelles SIB/OIB (SELF/OTHER INJURIOUS BEHAVIOR SCALES) (version Francaise : Les échelles des conduites auto- et hétéroagressives). Editions du Centre de Psychologie Appliquée, 2008.


  • Mehler J, Gervain J, Endress A D, Shukla M. Mechanisms of language acquisition: imaging and behavioral evidence. Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Nelson CA., Luciana M - MITPress, 2008.
  • Mehler Jacques, Endress Ansgar, Gervain Judit, Nespor Marina. From perception to grammar. Early language development: Bridging brain and behaviour., Friederici, Angela D. ,Thierry, Guillaume - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.191-213, 2008.
  • Myin E, O’Regan JK. Situated perception and sensation in vision and other modalities: form an active to a sensorimotor account. Cambridge Handbook of Situated Cognition, P. Robbins, A. Aydede - Cambridge University Press, pp.185-200, 2008.
  • Nazzi T, Iakimova G, Bertoncini J, Mottet S, Serres J, de Schonen S. Behavioral and electrophysiological exploration of early word segmentation in French : Distinguishing the syllabic and lexical levels. Early Language Development, Trends in Language Acquisition Research, A. D.Friederici, ,G. Thierry - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.65-90, 2008.
  • Tordjman S. Equipe Mobile pour Adolescents en difficulté : de la mobilité du cadre à la mobilité du processus. Les cliniques de la précarité, contexte social, psychopathologie et dispositifs, Masson, pp.210-217, 2008.

Speech communications

  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. Connections between number and space in infancy. International Society for Infant Studies, 2008, Vancouver, Canada.
  • de Hevia MD. Links between representations of number and space in early childhood and infancy. Jacobs Foundation Conference, 2008, Marbach Castle, Germany.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Dehaene S, Spelke ES. A Universal Path in the Construction of Exact Number Concepts. Exciting Biologies: Biology of Cognition (Cell Press, the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Ipsen Foundation), 2008, Chantilly, France.
  • Fattori P, Breveglieri R, Bosco A, Esseily R, Fagard J. Observational learning of tool-use in human infants and macaques. IROS, 2008, Nice.



  • Dehaene S, Izard V, Lemer C, , Pica P. Quels sont les liens entre arithmétique et langage? Une étude en Amazonie. Cahier Chomsky, Bricmont J, ,Franck JJ. - Cahier de l’Herne, pp.188-196, 2007. (PDF)
  • O’Regan JK. How to Build Consciousness into a Robot: The Sensorimotor Approach. 50 Years of Artificial Inteligence, M. Lungarella F Iida J Bongard ,R. Pfeifer (Eds.) - Springer, pp.333-347, 2007. (PDF)
  • Legendre G, Nazzi T, Barrière I, Culbertson J, Lopez-Gonzalez M, Goyet L, , Zaroukian E. Acquiring Subject-verb Agreement in French: Evidence for Abstract Knowledge from Comprehension. 31st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp.370-381, 2007.

Speech communications

  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. The spatial representation of magnitude in children: Effects of number in the perception of a line. Society for Research in Child Development, 2007, Boston, USA.
  • Girelli L, Previtali P, de Hevia MD. Serial learning induces spatially-organized mental representation. Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), 2007, Marseille, France.
  • Perrone G, de Hevia MD, Girelli L. Mapping numbers onto space: Further support for the cognitive illusion hypothesis. Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale, 2007, Como, Italy.
  • Perrone G, de Hevia MD, Girelli L. The influence of numerical information on the representation of space. Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale, 2007, Como, Italy.
  • Revkin S, Piazza M, Izard V, Zamarian L, Karner E, Dehaene S, Cohen L, Delazer M. The role of executive functions in numerical estimation: A neuropsychological case study. 25th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2007, Bressanone, Italy.
  • Izard V, Streri A, Spelke ES. Young children’s conception of exact equality between numbers. Cognitive Development Society Vth Biennial Meeting, 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
  • Izard V, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Dehaene S. Dual Pathways for Numerosity and Object Identity in 3-months-old infants. International Networking Seminar for Young Researchers on ‘Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuro-Imaging of Development’, 2007, British Council, Paris, France.



  • Fagard J. Normal and Abnormal Early Development of Handedness. Wyley-Blackwell, 2006.


  • de Hevia MD, Vallar G, , Girelli L. Visuo-spatial components of numerical representation. Imagery and Spatial Cognition: Methods, Models and Cognitive Assessment, T. Vecchi and G. Bottini - John Benjamins, pp.155-171, 2006.
  • Streri A. Développement de la représentation des objets. Psychologie Cognitive : approches développementale et différentielle, J. Lautrey - P.U.F., pp.138-163, 2006.
  • Streri A. Touch in infancy: the development of haptic abilities in very young infants. Psychological Science around the world, Qicheng Jing, Hang Zhang, Kan Zhang - pp.471-486, 2006.
  • Streri A, , Mellier D. L’intelligence dès la naissance. L’intelligence de l’enfant, M. Fournier R Lécuyer - Sciences Humaines Editions, pp.73-88, 2006.
  • Nazzi T, , Houston D M. Finding verb forms within the continuous speech stream. Action meets words: How children learn verbs, K. Hirsh-Pasek, ,R. Michnick-Golinkoff - Oxford University Press, pp.64-87, 2006.

Speech communications

  • Perrone G, de Hevia MD, Bricolo E, Girelli L. Spatial effects on the writing of Arabic numbers. Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale, 2006, Rovereto, Italy.
  • Revkin S, Piazza M, Izard V, Cohen L, Dehaene S. Does subitizing reflect numerical estimation?. NUMBRA summer school, 2006, Jyväskylä, Finland.
  • Grace AD, Izard V, Shutts K, Dehaene S, Pica P, Spelke ES. Sensitivity to geometry in male and female children and adults in the U.S. and in an Amazonian indigene group. Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society, 2006, Sarasota, Florida.
  • Gorea A, Cardoso-Leite P, Mamassian P, Waszak F. A negative test of the sensorimotor dissociation via a trial-by-trial analysis of response times and temporal order judgments. (abstract). VSS, 2006.



  • Streri A. Définition d’une entrée dans le dictionnaire du corps. Dictionnaire du corps, B Andrieu - Editions du CNRS, Sciences Humaines et Sociales, 2005.
  • Philipona D, , O’Regan JK. La perception de l’espace, identification d’une faculté sensorimotrice?. Agir dans l’espace, C. Thinus-Blanc ,J. Bullier - MSH, pp.151-165, 2005.
  • Barbu-Roth M, Lejeune L, Anderson DI, Campos JJ, Bui M, Molina M, Jouen F. Apprendre à contrôler sa posture aux débuts de la vie: rôle de la vision et de la locomotion. Agir dans l’espace, C.Thinus-Blanc, ,J. Bullier - Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, pp.109-131, 2005.
  • Philipona, D, , O’Regan J K. Perception multimodale de l’espace. Philosophie de la nature aujourd’hui, MSH, 2005.

Speech communications

  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Bricolo E, Vallar G. The impact of numbers in the representational space: Mis-estimations of length. Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) Meeting, 2005, New York, USA.
  • de Hevia MD. The influence of the numerical magnitude in the representation of space. NUMBRA / ESCOP Summer School “Neuroscience of number processing, 2005, Erice, Italy.
  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Bricolo E, Vallar G. The impact of the numerical magnitude in the representation of space. NUMBRA / ESCOP Summer School “Neuroscience of number processing”, 2005, Erice, Italy.
  • Perrone G, de Hevia MD, Bricolo E, Girelli L. Physical and symbolic distances in the representational space: Evidence from scanning visual images. Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), 2005, Leiden, Holland.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Lemer C, Dehaene S. The role of the language in the development of numerical knowledge. NUMBRA summer school, 2005, Erice, Sicily.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Lemer C, Dehaene S. What is universal in numbers ?. annual meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), 2005, University of Leiden, the Netherlands.
  • Cardoso-Leite P, Gorea A, Waszak F. Time Perception of near-threshold visual events. ECVP, 2005.



  • Fagard J. Droitiers/Gauchers : des asymétries dans tous les sens. Solal, 2004.


  • O’Regan JK, Myin E, , Noë A. Towards an Analytic phenomenology: the concepts of "bodiliness" and "grabbiness". Seeing, thinking and knowing: Meaning and self-organisation in visual cognition and thought, Carsetti A - Kluwer, 2004.
  • Anderson DI, Campos JJ, , Barbu-Roth M. A developmental perspective on visual proprioception. Theories of infant development, Bremner, Gavin - Blackwell Publishing, pp.30-69, 2004.
  • Bertoncini J, Nazzi T. Développement précoce de la perception de la parole. Le développement du nourrisson, R. Lécuyer - Dunod, 2004.
  • Fagard J, Streri A. Origine de la latéralité manuelle. Droitiers/Gauchers : des asymétries dans tous les sens, J. Fagard - Solal, pp.49-70, 2004.
  • Fagard J. Latéralités et asymétries : définitions et mesures. Droitiers/Gauchers : des asymétries dans tous les sens, J. Fagard - Solal, pp.15-48, 2004.
  • Fagard J. Latéralité, différences interindividuelles et pathologie. Droitiers/Gauchers : des asymétries dans tous les sens, J. Fagard - Solal, pp.97-120, 2004.
  • Wydoodt P, Gentaz E, Gaunet F, Chêne D, Streri A. Haptic estimation of spatial location in virtual and real path completion task: contribution of proprioceptive and cutaneous information on the path effect. Touch, Blindness and neuroscience, M. Heller S Ballesteros - pp.351-361, 2004.
  • Streri A. Quelques réflexions sur les performances néonatales. Traité de Psychologie du nourrisson, R. Lécuyer - Dunod, pp.139-158, 2004.
  • Fagard J, Streri A. Développement des asymétries chez le bébé. Droitiers/Gauchers: des asymétries dans tous les sens., J. Fagard - Solal, pp.49-70, 2004.
  • Vitu F, , O’Regan J K. Les mouvements oculaires comme indice "on-line" des processus cognitifs: rêve ou réalité?. Psycholinguistique Cognitive, Essais en l’honneur de Juan Segui, L. Ferrand ,J. Grainger - De Boeck, 2004.
  • Philipona D, , O’Regan J K. Perception sensorimotorice de l’espace. Arobase, O. Gapenne - 2004.
  • O’Regan J K, Myin E, , Noe A. Towards an analytic phenomenology: The concepts of bodiliness and grabbiness. Seeing, Thinking and Knowing, Carsetti A - Kluwer, pp.103-114, 2004.

Speech communications

  • Piazza M, Izard V, Pinel P, Dehaene S. Tuning curves for approximate numerosity in the human intraparietal sulcus. Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), 2004, San Francisco, California.
  • Izard V, Dehaene S. Calibrating of numerosity estimation :evidence for a logarithmic number line. Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), 2004, San Francisco, California.



  • Hatwell Y, Streri A, Gentaz E. Touching for knowing. Cognitive psychology of tactile manual perception. Johns Benjamins Publishing Compagny, 2003.


  • Gopnik Alison, Nazzi Thierry. Words, kinds, and causal powers: A theory perspective on early naming and categorization. Early category and concept development: Making sense of the blooming, buzzing confusion, D.H.Rakison, ,L.M. Oakes - Oxford University Press, pp.303-329, 2003.
  • Streri A. L’intermodalité. Une introduction à la psychologie des perceptions. Perception et réalité, A. Delorme M Flückiger - Gaëtan Morin, pp.197-221, 2003.
  • Hatwell Yvette, Streri Arlette, Gentaz Edouard. Touching for knowing: Cognitive psychology of haptic manual perception. -, - - John Benjamins Publishing Company, 320 p, 2003.
  • Streri Arlette. Intermodal relations in infancy. Touching for knowing: Cognitive psychology of haptic manual perception, Hatwell, YvetteStreri, ArletteGentaz, Edouard - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.191-206, 2003.
  • Streri Arlette. Handedness and manual exploration. Touching for knowing: Cognitive psychology of haptic manual perception, Hatwell, YvetteStreri, ArletteGentaz, Edouard - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.83-102, 2003.
  • Streri Arlette. Manual exploration and haptic perception in infants. Touching for knowing: Cognitive psychology of haptic manual perception, Hatwell, YvetteStreri, ArletteGentaz, Edouard - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.51-66, 2003.
  • O’Regan J K. Change Blindness. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Nadel L - Nature Publishing Group, 2003.

Speech communication

  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Vallar G. Cognitive illusion of length induced by number magnitude. Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), 2003, Granada, Spain.



  • Lécuyer R, Streri A. Actualités de la recherche sur le nourrisson. CNRS et Centre National du Livre, 2002.


  • O’Regan JK, Noë A. The origin of. From animals to animats 7., B. Hallam D Floreano J Hallam G Hayes ,J-A. Meyer - MIT Press, pp.27-35, 2002.
  • Barbu-Roth Marianne. Le développement des codages spatiaux dans la première année. Les objectifs cognitifs de la prime enfance, H. Bloch - Hermès science publication, pp.159-184, 2002.
  • Noe, Alva, , O’Regan J Kevin. On the brain-basis of visual consciousness: A sensorimotor account. Vision and mind: Selected readings in the philosophy of perception, Noe, AlvaThompson, Evan - MIT Press, pp.567-598, 2002.



  • Fagard J. Le développement des habiletés de l’enfant. CNRS éditions, 2001.


  • O’Regan J K. Thoughts on change blindness. Visiion and Attention, Harris L R.Jenkin M - Springer Verlag, pp.281-302, 2001.



  • Hatwell Y, Streri A, Gentaz E. Toucher pour connaître. Psychologie cognitive de la perception tactile manuelle. P.U.F., 2000.


  • Streri A. Les coordinations intermodales chez le bébé. Toucher pour connaître: Psychologie cognitive de la perception tactile manuelle, Hatwell Y, Streri A, Gentaz E - John Benjamins Publishing Company, 191-206, 2000.
  • Streri A. Exploration et latéralisation manuelle. Toucher pour connaître: Psychologie cognitive de la perception tactile manuelle, Hatwell Y, Streri A, Gentaz E - John Benjamins Publishing Company, 83-102, 2000.
  • Streri A. Exploration manuelle et perception tactile chez le nourrisson. Toucher pour connaître: Psychologie cognitive de la perception tactile manuelle, Hatwell Y, Streri A, Gentaz E - John Benjamins Publishing Company, 51-66, 2000.
  • Deubel, Heiner, O’Regan J Kevin, , Radach, Ralph. Commentary on Section 2. Attention, information processing and eye movement control. Reading as a perceptual process, Kennedy, AlanRadach, RalphHeller, DieterPynte, - North-Holland / Elsevier Science Publishers, pp.355-374, 2000.
  • Fagard J. Développement des habiletés manuelles. Le développement psychomoteur du jeune enfant. Idées neuves et approches actuelles., J. Rivière - Solal, pp.109-150, 2000.




  • Barbe V, Bijeljac-Babic R, Tourrette C. Analyse quantitative et qualitative du lexique de l’enfant entre deux niveaux de developpement (MLU2 et MLU3). Psychologie et differences individuelles., M. Huteau ,J. Lautrey - Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp.265-266, 1999.
  • Streri A. Le développement des perceptions. Manuel de Psychologie de l’Enfant, J. A. Rondal E Esperet - Mardaga, pp.261-307, 1999.
  • Streri A. Paradigmes expérimentaux et méthodes d’étude du nourrisson. Les méthodes de recherches en psychologie, J.P. Rossi - Dunod, pp.63-125, 1999.



  • Streri A. Definitions de cinq entrées de dictionnaires. Vocabulaire de Sciences Cognitives, O Houdé, D Kayser, O Koenig, J Proust et F Rastier - Paris, PUF, 1998.
  • Fagard J. Changes in grasping skills and the emergence of bimanual coordination during the first year of life. The Psychobiology of the hand, K.J. Connolly - Mac Keith Press, pp.123-143, 1998.



  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Breton R. Du langage aux langues. Gallimard, 1997.



  • Lecuyer R, Streri A, Pêcheux MG. Développement cognitif du nourrisson Tome 2. Nathan Editeur, 1996.


  • Mehler Jacques, Dupoux Emmanuel, Nazzi Thierry, Dehaene-Lambertz Ghislaine. Coping with linguistic diversity: The infant’s viewpoint. Signal to syntax: Bootstrapping from speech to grammar in early acquisition, J.L.Morgan, ,K. Demuth - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, pp.101-116, 1996.
  • Fagard J. Skill acquisition. The adolescent athlete: volume VI of The encyclopedia of sports medecine, O. Bar-Or - Blackwell Scientific Publications LTD, 1996.



  • Vitu Francoise, O’Regan J Kevin. A challenge to current theories of eye movements in reading. Eye movement research: Mechanisms, processes and applications, Findlay, John M. Walker, Robin Kentridge, Robert W - Elsevier Science, pp.381-392, 1995.



  • Fagard J. Coordination bimanuelle et trouble d’apprentissage de la lecture. Des enfants hors du lire, C. PréneronC. MeljacS. Netchine - Bayard, pp.83-94, 1994.
  • Fagard J. Manual strategies and interlimb coordination during reaching, grasping, and manipulating throughout the first year of life. Interlimb coordination : neural, dynamical, and cognitive constraints, S. P. SwinnenH. HeuerJ. MassionP. Casaer - Academic Press, pp.439-460, 1994.
  • Streri A. La connaissance des objets par les bébés. Développement et intégration des fonctions cognitives, Dunod, pp.307-331, 1994.
  • Lecuyer Roger, Streri Arlette. How should intelligence be characterized in the infant?. Early child development in the French tradition: Contributions from current research, Vyt, AndreBloch, HenrietteBornstein, Marc H. - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, pp.75-90, 1994.
  • Streri Arlette, Molina Michele. Constraints on intermodal transfer between touch and vision in infancy. The development of intersensory perception: Comparative perspectives, Lewkowicz, David J.Lickliter, Robert - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, pp.285-307, 1994.



  • Streri Arlette. Seeing, reaching, touching: The relations between vision and touch in infancy. The, 1993.


  • Streri A. Percevoir. L’homme cognitif, A. Weil-Barais D Dubois P Lecocq JL. Pedinielli - P.U.F., pp.90-193, 1993.
  • Streri A. A-modalité/Intermodalité: quelle réalité?. Les comportements du bébé: expression de son savoir?, V. Pouthas F Jouen - Passon, pp.169-181, 1993.



  • Streri A. Analyse de six auteurs et de leurs ouvrages. Encyclopédie des auteurs célèbres et des ouvrages, Laffont - Editions Laffont, 1992.


  • Nazir Tatjana A, O’Regan J Kevin, Jacobs Arthur M. On words and their letters. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1991, 29, pp.171-174.
  • Streri Arlette. Space and inter-modality relations / L’espace et les relations inter-modalites. L’annee Psychologique, 1991, 91, pp.87-102.


  • Streri A. Voir, Atteindre, Toucher: les relations entre la vision et le toucher chez le bébé. P.U.F, 1991.


  • Fagard J, , Wolff P H. The development of timing control and temporal organization in coordinated action : invariant relative timing, rhythms and coordination. Elsevier, 1991.
  • Fagard J. Synchronization and desynchronization in bimanual coordination : a developmental perspective. The development of timing control and temporal organization in coordinated action: invariant relative timing, rhythms and coordination, J. Fagard - Elsevier, 1991.


  • Lorenceau & Humbert. A multipurpose software packageforeditingtwo-dimensionalanimatedimages. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers, 1990. (PDF)
  • Dresp B, Lorenceau J, Bonnet C. Apparent brightness enhancement in the Kanizsa square with and without illusory contour formation. Perception, 1990, 19 (4), pp.483-9.
  • Nazir Tatjana A, O’Regan J Kevin. Some results on translation invariance in the human visual system. Spatial Vision, 1990, 5, pp.81-100.
  • Vitu F, O’Regan J K, Mittau M. Optimal landing position in reading isolated words and continuous text. Perception & Psychophysics, 1990, 47, pp.583-600.
  • Pineau Arlette, Streri Arlette. Intermodal transfer of spatial arrangement of the component parts of an object in infants aged 4-5 months. Perception, 1990, 19, pp.795-804.
  • Jusczyk Peter W, Bertoncini Josiane, Bijeljac-Babic Ranka, Kennedy Lori J. The role of attention in speech perception by young infants. Cognitive Development, 1990, 5, pp.265-286.
  • Hansel D, Sompolinsky H. Learning from Examples in a Single-Layer Neural Network. Europhys Lett, 1990.
  • Barkai E, Hansel D, Kanter I. Statistical mechanics of a multilayered neural network. Phys Rev Lett, 1990.


  • Streri A. Relation between vision and touch: perception and motor activity. Sensory-motor organization and development in infancy and early childhood, H Bloch and B Berthental - NATO, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp.337-344-1990.
  • O’Regan J K. Eye movements and reading. Eye movements and their role in visual and cognitive processes, Kowler E - Elsevier, pp.395-453, 1990.
  • Bertoncini J, Bijeljac-Babic R. La perception de la parole chez le jeune enfant, la découverte des unités linguistiques. Progrès en Néonatologie, J.P. Relier - Karger, pp.174-181, 1990.
  • Fagard J. Hand movements as. Sensory-Motor Organizations and Development in Infancy and Early Childhood, H. BlochB.I. Bertenthal - Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.355-360, 1990.
  • Fagard J. Discussion : Hand movements as. Sensory-Motor Organizations and Development in Infancy and early Childhood, H. BlochB.I. Bertenthal - Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp.355-360, 1990.
  • Fagard J. Development of Bimanual Coordination. Development of Eye-Hand Coordination, C. BardM. FleuryL. Hay - University of South Carolina Press, pp.262-282, 1990.


  • Bertoncini J, Morais J, Bijeljac-Babic R, McAdams S, Peretz I, Mehler J. Dichotic perception and laterality in neonates. Brain Lang, 1989.
  • Fagard J, Jacquet A-Y. Onset of bimanual coordination and symmetry versus asymmetry of movement. Infant Behavior and Development, 1989, 12, pp.229-235.
  • Grainger Jonathan, O’Regan J Kevin, Jacobs Arthur M, Segui Juan. On the role of competing word units in visual word recognition: The neighborhood frequency effect. Perception & Psychophysics, 1989, 45, pp.189-195.
  • O’Regan J K, Humbert R. Estimating psychometric functions in forced-choice situations: Significant biases found in threshold and slope estimations when small samples are used. Perception & Psychophysics, 1989, 46, pp.434-442.
  • Streri Arlette, Spelke Elizabeth S. Effects of motion and figural goodness on haptic object perception in infancy. Child Development, 1989, 60, pp.1111-1125.


  • O’Regan J Kevin. Visual acuity, lexical structure, and eye movements in word recognition. Working models of human perception, Elsendoorn, Ben A. G. Bouma, Herman - Academic Press Inc, pp.261-292, 1989.


  • Fagard J. Coordination bimanuelle et trouble d’apprentissage de la lecture. Bulletin d’audiophonologie, 1988, IV, pp.509-520.
  • Streri Arlette, Milhet Sylvie. Intermodal transfer in object’s shape between vision and touch in 2-month-old infants / Equivalences intermodales de la forme des objets entre la vision et le toucher chez les bebes de 2 mois. L’annee Psychologique, 1988, 88, pp.329-341.
  • O’Regan J Kevin. Toward a new theory of eye guidance in reading / Vers une nouvelle theorie du guidage oculaire dans la lecture. Bulletin de Psychologie, 1988, 42, pp.544-548.
  • Bertoncini Josiane, Bijeljac-Babic Ranka, Jusczyk Peter W, Kennedy Lori J. An investigation of young infants’ perceptual representations of speech sounds. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1988, 117, pp.21-33.
  • Streri Arlette, Spelke Elizabeth S. Haptic perception of objects in infancy. Cognitive Psychology, 1988, 20, pp.1-23.


  • Lorenceau J. Recovery from contrast adaptation: effects of spatial and temporal frequency. Vision Res, 1987, 27 (12), pp.2185-91. (PDF)
  • Tiberghien G, O’Regan JK. Initiation to psychopysics - french -. Année Psychologique., 1987, 87, pp.110-111.
  • O’Regan JK, Lévy-Shoen A. Eye-movement stategy and tactics in word recognition and reading. Attention & Performance., 1987, 12, pp.363-383.
  • Fagard J, Barbin Y. Apprentissage moteur bimanuel : couplage et découplage dans l’élaboration de nouvelles synergies. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition, 1987, 7, pp.561- 572.
  • Fagard J. Does manual asymmetry of right-handers change between six and nine years of age?. Human Movement Science, 1987, 6, pp.321-332.
  • Fagard J. Bimanual stereotypes: bimanual coordination in children as a function of movements and relative velocity. Journal of Motor Behavior, 1987, 19, pp.355-366.
  • Streri Arlette. Tactile discrimination of shape and intermodal transfer in 2- to 3-month-old infants. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1987, 5, pp.213-220.
  • Coeffe C, O’Regan J K. Reducing the influence of non-target stimuli on saccade accuracy: Predictability and latency effects. Vision Research, 1987, 27, pp.227-240.
  • Jacobs Arthur M, O’Regan J Kevin. Spatial and/or temporal adjustments of scanning behavior to visibility changes. Acta Psychologica, 1987, 65, pp.133-146.
  • Bertoncini J, Bijeljac-Babic R, Blumstein SE, Mehler J. Discrimination in neonates of very short CVs. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1987, 82, pp.31-37.


  • O’Regan J K, , Levy-Schoen A. Eye movements: From physiology to cognition. Elsevier Science, 678 p, 1987.
  • O’Regan J K, , Levy-Schoen A. Eye-movement strategy and tactics in word recognition and reading. Attention and performance 12: The psychology of reading, Coltheart, Max - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, pp.363-383, 1987.


  • Rayner K, O’Regan JK. Eye-movements in reading perceptual and language processes. Année Psychologique., 1986, 86, pp.129-130.
  • Lecuyer R, Streri A. Information intake during habituation in infants: Links between visual and tactual habituation. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition, 1986, 6, pp.565-574.
  • Streri Arlette, Pecheux Marie Germaine. Vision-to-touch and touch-to-vision transfer of form in 5-month-old infants. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1986, 4, pp.161-167.
  • Streri Arlette, Pecheux Marie Germaine. Tactual habituation and discrimination of form in infancy: A comparison with vision. Child Development, 1986, 57, pp.100-104.
  • Pecheux M- G, Streri A. The space of objects: Introduction / L’espace des objets: Introduction. Psychologie Francaise, 1986, 31, pp.61-65.


  • Fagard J, Morioka M, Wolff P H. Early stages in the acquisition of a bimanual motor skill. Neuropsychologia, 1985, 23, pp.535-543.
  • Pineau A, Streri A. Study of the invariance of a spatial relationship with 4 to 9 month-old infants: To be between 2 objects / Etude de l’invariance d’une relation spatiale chez les bebes de 4 a 9 mois: etre entre deux objets. L’annee Psychologique, 1985, 85, pp.489-502.
  • O’Regan J K, Pynte J, Coeffe C. How the eye explores an isolated word / Comment le regard explore un mot isole. Bulletin de Psychologie, 1985, 39, pp.429-432.


  • O’Regan JK, Lévy-Shoen A, Renault C. Is the underestimation of distances in peripheral-vision a sensory phenomenon, a mnemonic phenomenon,or is st caused by response factors?. Behaviour Brain Reseach., 1984, 12, pp.217-218.
  • O’Regan J K. Retinal versus extraretinal influences in flash localization during saccadic eye movements in the presence of a visible background. Perception & Psychophysics, 1984, 36, pp.1-14.
  • O’Regan J K, Levy-Schoen A, Pynte J, Brugaillère B. Convenient fixation location within isolated words of different length and structure. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1984, 10, pp.250-257.
  • O’Regan J K, Levy-Schoen A, Pynte J, Brugaillière B. Convenient Fixation Location Within Isolated Words of Different Length and Structure: Correction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1984, 10, pp.393.


  • streri, A. La relation entre toucher et vision avant 5 mois. Bulletin du Groupement des Psychologues du Centre Ouest, Psychologues du Centre Ouest - Ceres, pp.92-94, 1984.
  • Fagard J. La coordination bimanuelle. Latéralité et latéralisation chez l’enfant, R. Dailly M. Moscato - Mardaga, 1984.


  • O’Regan JK, Lévy-ShoenA, JacobsA. The effect of visibility on eye movement parameters in reading. Perception & Psychophysics., 1983, 34, pp.457-464.
  • Fagard J. Symétrie et asymétrie dans le contrôle bimanuel chez l’enfant et chez l’adulte. La Médecine Infantile, 1983, 3, pp.307-309.
  • O’Regan J K, Levy-Schoen A. Integrating visual information from successive fixations: Does trans-saccadic fusion exist?. Vision Research, 1983, 23, pp.765-768.


  • Bonnet C, Le Gall M, Lorenceau J. [Neuro-sensory adaptation to visual movement]. Annee Psychol, 1982, 82 (1), pp.7-17.
  • Fagard J. Le contrôle moteur chez l’enfant de 6 à 10 ans : flexibilité, implusivité, inhibition. Enfance, 1982, 5, pp.395-399.
  • Camus J F, Gerard C, Streri A. Role of knowledge of results in the verification of a geometry puzzle / Role de la connaissance de resultats dans le controle de la resolution d’un puzzle geometrique. Bulletin de Psychologie, 1982, 35, pp.325-331.


  • HolmesV, O’Regan JK. Effects of syntactic structure on eye fixations during reading. Journal of Verbal Leaning and Verbal behavior., 1981, pp.417-430.
  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Hiriateborde E, Kohen-Raz R. Note sur les relations entre ataxiometrie, statokinesimetrie et instabilite. Enfance, 1981, 3, pp.187-194.
  • Maury L, Streri A. Search of an object: Modifications of spatial references in the 8 to 14 month old infant / Recherche de l’objet: Modifications des references spatiales chez le bebe de 8 a 14 mois. L’annee Psychologique, 1981, 81, pp.51-67.
  • McClelland James L, O’Regan J K. Expectations increase the benefit derived from parafoveal visual information in reading words aloud. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1981, 7, pp.634-644.
  • McClelland James L, O’Regan J K. On visual and contextual factors in reading: A reply to Rayner and Slowiaczek. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1981, 7, pp.652-657.
  • Kapoula Z, O’Regan K, Levy-Schoen A. Fundamental processes in the reading and comprehension of written language: Study of the regulation of fixation duration in a simplified reading task / Processus fondamentaux en œuvre dans la lecture et la compréhension du langage écrit: Etude de la régul. Psychologie Française, 1981, 26, pp.102-109.
  • Holmes V M, O’Regan J K. Eye fixation patterns during the reading of relative-clause sentences. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1981, 20, pp.417-430.
  • Streri A. Language, thought and reference / Langage, pensee et reference. Psychologie Francaise, 1981, 26, pp.289-297.


  • O’Regan JK. The control of saccade size and fixation duration in reading: the limits of linguistic control. Perception & Psychophysics, 1980, 28, pp.112-117.


  • Streri A. A genetic study of the production of utterances with "to want" and "to say" obtained from a picture. L’annee Psychologique, 1979, 79, pp.347-361.
  • O’Regan JK. Saccade size control in reading: Evidence for the linguistic control hypothesis. Perception & Psychophysics, 1979, 25, pp.501-509.


  • Streri A. Etude génétique des productions d’énoncés avec "vouloir" et "dire". 1979.


  • O’Regan JK, Levy-Schoen A. Eye movements during reading. L’année Psychologique, 1978, 78, pp.459-492.
  • O’Regan JK. A new horizontal eye movement calibration method: Subject-controlled "smooth pursuit" and "zero drift.". Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 1978, 10, pp.393-397.

Newspaper article

  • Fagard J. Perseveration-rigidity. Unpublished manuscript. 1977.


  • de Boysson-Bardies B, O’Regan JK. What children do in spite of adults’ hypotheses. Nature, 1973, 246, pp.531-534.