The Language and Cognition team investigates the mechanisms and constraints at play in the early acquisition of language, and the development of cognition, in particular number and object. It explores the constraints on the organization of the brain development involved in language acquisition and cognitive development. For language, we are interested in the role of the general properties of languages and the specific properties of the language(s) being acquired, together with the dynamics of the interactions between endogenous and exogenous constraints. Our studies investigate several processing levels, from phonology, including the acoustic dimension of the speech signal, to morpho-syntax. For cognition, we mostly focus on representations of space and quantities, again assessing the role of endogenous vs. exogenous factors. New projects explore the interaction between language and cognition during development, e.g. by examining the interaction between linguistic input/acquisition and the development of visual perception, or assessing whether early mechanisms are domain-general or specific to e.g. linguistic input. This work uses different techniques, behavioral methods or “brain imaging” techniques (electrophysiology –ERPs-, NIRS…), in order to specify linguistic/cognitive mechanisms and their neural substrates.

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Importantly, we are interested in the study of different populations. First, we work on typical development in monolingual and bilingual infants. That research is deeply rooted in a cross-linguistic approach in which we compare acquisition in French-learning infants and in infants learning other languages (thanks to international collaborations), in order to determine the elements in these trajectories that reflect the acquisition of general properties of language and those that reflect the acquisition of specific properties of the language in acquisition, and elaborate new, more general, models of language acquisition. Second, we study different developmental disorders to specify how typical developmental trajectory can vary across infant populations, providing data regarding the breadth and limits of plasticity in development. To do so, we work in collaboration with parent and professional institutions linked to atypical acquisition (deafness and cochlear implantation, Williams syndrome, autism) and bilingualism, schools, and hospitals (coll. Robert Debré and Necker hospitals).

The team is a founding partner of LABEX EFL (Empirical Foundations of Linguistics), and of the babylab.

Research topics
  • Theme 1: Acoustic perception and phonological acquisition 
    We explore the early perceptual biases that allow infants to rapidly, within the first year of life, learn the properties of the native language(s) at the sound level and perceptually tune to native-specific processing.
    – Auditory biases at birth
    – Perception of speech modulation cues and language acquisition
    – Language acquisition and processing in simultaneous bilingual infants
    – Language acquisition in atypical development
  • Theme 2: Higher linguistic levels
    We explore the acquisition of the lexico-semantic system and syntax, using behavioral and brain-related techniques. Our work pays close attention to the links between these different developments, and how they predict later outcomes.
    – Interaction between phonological and lexical acquisition and processing
    – Word learning/recognition and attention
    – Morpho(syntax)
    – Predicting language and cognitive outcomes in typical development
  • Theme 3: Cognition and links to language
    We explore aspects of the development of (visual) cognition, with a particular focus on amodal properties (e.g. quantity, space, or semantics) and its links to language acquisition.
    – Spatial components of numerical and ordinal information: origins, development
    – Foundations of numerical and geometric knowledge
    – Interactions between visual scene exploration and language skills
    – Processing of structured sequences across modalities and domains


Permanent researchers

Visiting scientists

Support staff


Post docs and PhD students




  • Lorenzini I, Nazzi T. Early recognition of familiar word-forms as a function of production skills. Front Psychol, 2022, 13, pp.947245.
  • Decarli G, Rämä P, Granjon L, Veggiotti L, de Hevia MD. Electrophysiological Evidence for A Number-Action Mapping in Infancy. Brain Sci, 2022, 12 (11).
  • Von Holzen, K, van Ommen, S, White, K, Nazzi, T. The impact of phonological biases on mispronunciation sensitivity and novel accent adaptation. Language Learning & Development, 2022, pp.DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2022.2071717.
  • Von Holzen, K, van Ommen, S, White, K, Nazzi, T. The impact of phonological biases on mispronunciation sensitivity and novel accent adaptation. Language Learning & Development, 2022, pp.DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2022.2071717.
  • Schmandt, S, Nazzi, T, New, B. Consonant, vowel and lexical neighborhood processing during word recognition: New evidence using the sandwich priming technique. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 2022, REGULAR.
  • Peter, V, van Ommen, S, Kalashnikova, M, Nishibayashi, L-L, Mazuka, R, Nazzi, T, Burnham, D. Language-specific speech processing: Neural entrainment to rhythm at mora, syllable, and foot levels. Scientific Reports, 2022, pp.12:13477.
  • Hsin, L, González-Gómez, N, Barrière, I, Nazzi, T, & Legendre, G. Converging evidence of underlying competence: comprehension and production in the acquisition of Spanish Subject-Verb agreement. Journal of Child Language, 2022, 49 (5), pp.851 - 868.
  • Cabrera L, Lau BK. The development of auditory temporal processing during the first year of life. Hearing Balance Commun, 2022, 20 (3), pp.155-165.
  • Cabrera, L, Lorenzini, Rosen, S, L, Varnet, & L, Lorenzi. Temporal integration for amplitude modulation in childhood: Interaction between internal noise and memory. Hearing Research, 2022, 415, pp.108403.
  • Guellai B, Streri A. Mouth movement as possible cues of social interest at birth: new evidence for early communicative behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Spelke ES. Visual Foundations of Euclidean Geometry. Cognitive Psychology, 2022, 136.
  • Martin L, Marie J, Brun M, de Hevia MD, Streri A, Izard V. Abstract Representations of Small Sets in Newborns. Cognition, 2022, 226.
  • Aygün O, Rämä P. Brain signatures of native and non-native words in French-learning 24-month-olds: The effect of vocabulary skills. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2022, 62.
  • Helo A, Guerra E, Coloma Tirapegui CJ, Aravena Bravo P, Rämä P. Do Children with Developmental Language Disorder Activate Scene Knowledge to Guide Visual Attention? Effect of Object-Scene Inconsistencies on Gaze Allocation. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022.
  • Decarli G, Veggiotti L, de Hevia MD. The link between number and action in human infants. Scientific Reports, 2022, 12 (1), pp.1-8.
  • Nava E, de Hevia MD, Bulf H, Macchi Cassia VM. Signatures of functional visuospatial asymmetries in early infancy. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2022, 215, pp.105326.
  • Bulf H, Capparini C, Nava E, de Hevia MD, Macchi Cassia VM. Space modulates cross-domain transfer of abstract rules in infants. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2022, 213, pp.105270.
  • Chen, H, Lee, DT, Luo, Z, Lai, RY, Cheung, H, & Nazzi, T. Variation in phonological bias: Bias for vowels, rather than consonants or tones in lexical processing by Cantonese-learning toddlers. Cognition, 2021, 213, pp.104486.
  • Bijeljac-Babic, R, Lehoucq, C, Nazzi, T, Granjon, L. Perception of accent in bilingual French/American-English children by native adult speakers. Cognition, 2021, 213.
  • Raynal L, Clément E, Rämä P, Sander E, Goyet L. Early Analogical Extensions: An ERP Study on Preschoolers’ Semantic Approximations. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2021.
  • Helo A, Guerra E, Coloma CJ, Reyes MA, Rämä P. Objects Shape Activation during Spoken Word Recognition in Preschoolers with Typical and Atypical Language Development: An Eye-tracking Study. Language Learning & Development, 2021, pp.1-28.
  • Viarouge A, de Hevia MD. Can a single representational object account for different number-space mappings?. Front Hum Neurosci, 2021.
  • Barbu-Roth M, Siekerman K, Anderson DI, Donelly Alan, Huet V, Goffinet F, Teulier C. Can Optic Flow Further Stimulate Treadmill-Elicited Stepping in Newborns ?. Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12, pp.1-12.
  • Riochet R, Ynocente Castro M, Bernard M, Lerer A, Fergus R, Izard V, Dupoux E. IntPhys: A Benchmark for Visual Intuitive Physics Reasoning. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell, 2021.
  • Fagard J, De Agostini M, Huet V, Granjon L, Heude B. Is Handedness at Five Associated with Prenatal Factors?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021.
  • Heimler B, Behor T, Dehaene S, Izard V, Amedi A. Core knowledge of geometry can develop independently from visual experience. Cognition, 2021, 212, pp.104716.
  • Ansari, D, Gervain, J. Registered Reports: Introducing a New Article Format in Developmental Science (Editorial). Developmental Science, 2021, 21 (1), pp.1-2.
  • de la Cruz Pavìa, I, Gervain, J. Infants’ perception of repetition-based regularities in speech: A look from the perspective of the same/different distinction. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2021, 37, pp.125-132.
  • Yücel*, M, v Lühmann*, A, Scholkmann*, F, Gervain*, J, Dan*, I, Ayaz, H, Boas, D, Cooper, RJ, Culver, J, Elwell, C, Eggebrecht, A, Franceschini, M A, Grova, C, Homae, F, Lesage, F, Obrig, H, Tachtsidis, I, Tak, S, Tong, Y, Torricelli, A, Wabnitz, H, Wolf, M (* joint first authorship). Best Practices for fNIRS publications. Neurophotonics, 2021.
  • Ortiz Barajas, M C, Guevara, R, Gervain, J. The origins and development of speech envelope tracking during the first months of life. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2021.
  • de Hevia MD. How the human mind grounds numerical quantities on space. Child Development Perspectives, 2021, 15, pp.44-50.
  • Guellai B, Hausberger M, Chopin A, Streri A. Premises of social cognition: nwborns are sensitive to a direct vs a faraway gaze. Scientific Reports, 2020.
  • Hym C, Forma V, Anderson DI, Provasi J, Granjon L, Huet V, Carpe E, Teulier C, Durand K, Schaal B, Barbur-Roth M. Newborn crawling and rooting in response to maternal breast odor. Developmental Science, 2020, pp.1-14.
  • Gervain, J, de la Cruz-Pavía, I, Gerken, LA. Behavioral and imaging studies of infant artificial grammar learning. Topics in Cognitive Science, 2020, 12 (3), pp.815-827.
  • Ladányi, E, Kovács, Á, Gervain, J. How 15-month-old infants process morphologically complex forms in an agglutinative language?. Infancy, 2020, 25, pp.190-204.
  • Huffmeijer, R, Bakermans, M, Gervain, J. Maternal Intrusiveness Predicts Infants’ Event-Related Potential Responses to Angry and Happy Prosody Independent of Infant Frontal Asymmetry. Infancy, 2020, 25 (3), pp.246–263.
  • Marino, C, Bernard, C, Gervain, J. Word frequency is a cue to lexical category for 8-month-old infants. Current Biology, 2020, 30, pp.1380–1386.
  • ten Cate, C, Gervain, J, Levelt, C C, Petkov, C I, Zuidema, W. Editors’ Review and Introduction: Learning Grammatical Structures: Developmental, Cross‐Species, and Computational Approaches. Topics in Cognitive Science, 2020, 12 (3), pp.804-814.
  • Forgács, B, Gervain, J, Parise, E, Csibra, G, Gergely, G, Baross, J, Király, I. Electrophysiological investigation of infants’ understanding of understanding. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2020, 43, pp.e100783.
  • Byers-Heinlein, K, Tsui, ASM, Bergmann, C, Black, AK, Brown, A, Carbajal, M J, Durrant, S, Fennell, CT, Fiévet, AC, Frank, MC, Gampe, A, Gervain, J, Gonzalez-Gomez, N, Hamlin, JK, Havron, N, Hernik, M, Kerr, S, Killam, H, Klassen, K, Kosie, JE, Kovács, AM, Lew-Williams, C, Liu, L, Mani, N, Marino, C, Mastroberardino, M, Mateu, V, Noble, C, Orena, AJ, Polka, L, Potter, CE, Schreiner, M, Singh, L, Soderstrom, M, Sundara, M, Waddell, C, Werker, JF, Wermelinger, S. A multi-lab study of bilingual infants: Exploring the preference for infant-directed speech. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2020.
  • Cabrera L, Gervain J. Speech perception at birth: the brain encodes fast and slow temporal information. Science advances, 2020, 6(30).
  • Cabrera L, Halliday L. Relationship between sensitivity to temporal fine structure and spoken language abilities in children with mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss. J Acoust Soc Am, 2020, 148, pp.2224.
  • McCrink K, Veggiotti L, de Hevia MD. A left visual advantage for quantity processing in neonates. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2020.
  • The ManyBabies Consortium. Quantifying Sources of Variability in Infancy Research Using the Infant-Directed-Speech Preference. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, 2020, 3 (1), pp.24-52.
  • Von Holzen K, Nazzi T. Emergence of the C-bias during the first year of life: New evidence from own name recognition. Infancy, 2020, 25 (3), pp.319-346.
  • Van Ommen S, Boll-Avetisyan N, Larraza S, Wellmann C, Bijeljac-Babic R, Höhle B, Nazzi T. Language-specific prosodic acquisition: A comparison of phrase boundary perception by French- and German-learning infants. Journal of Memory and Language, 2020, 112 (104108).
  • Höhle B, Bijeljac-Babic R, Nazzi T. Variability and stability in early language acquisition: Comparing monolingual and bilingual infants’ speech perception and word recognition. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2020, 23 (1), pp.56-71.
  • Chen H, Labertonière D, Cheung H, Nazzi T. Infant learning of words in a typologically distant nonnative language. Journal of Child Language, 2020.
  • Boll-Avetisyan N, Bhatara A, Unger A, Nazzi T, Höhle B. Rhythmic grouping biases in simultaneous bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2020.
  • Dillon M, Izard V, Spelke ES. Infants’ sensitivity to shape changes in 2D visual forms. Infancy, 2020, 25 (5), pp.618-639.
  • Falck A, Labouret G, Izard V, Wertz A, Keil FC, Strickland B. Core cognition in adult vision: A surprising discrepancy between the principles of object continuity and solidity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 2020, 149 (12), pp.2250-2263.
  • de la Cruz-Pavía I, Elordieta G, Villegas J, Gervain J, Laka I. Segmental information drives adult bilingual phrase segmentation preference. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 2020.
  • de Hevia MD, Macchi Cassia V, Veggiotti L, Netskou ME. Discrimination of ordinal relationships in temporal sequences by 4-month-old infants. Cognition, 2020, 195, pp.104091.
  • Cabrera L, Liu HM, Granjon L, Kao C, Tsao FM. Discrimination and identification of lexical tones and consonants in Mandarin-speaking children using cochlear implants. J Acoust Soc Am, 2019, 146 (4), pp.2291.
  • Sirri L, Rämä P. Similar and distinct neural mechanisms underlying semantic priming in the languages of the French–Spanish bilingual children. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2019, 22 (1), pp.93-102.
  • Marino, C, Gervain, J. The novelty effect as a predictor of language outcome. Frontiers in Psychology, 2019, 10, pp.258.
  • Marino, C, Gervain, J. The impact of generative linguistics on psychology: Language acquisition, a paradigm example. Acta Linguistica Academica, 2019, 66 (3), pp.371-396.
  • Gervain, J, Geffen, M N. Efficient Neural Coding in Auditory and Speech Perception. Trends Neurosci, 2019, 42 (1), pp.56-65.
  • Forgács, B, Parise, E, Csibra, G, Gergely, G, Jacquey, L, Gervain, J. Fourteen-month-old infants track the language comprehension of communicative partners. Developmental Science, 2019, 22, pp.e12751.
  • Cabrera L, Varnet L, Buss E, Rosen S, Lorenzi C. Development of temporal auditory processing in childhood: Changes in efficiency rather than temporal-modulation selectivity. J Acoust Soc Am, 2019, 146 (4), pp.2415.
  • Buss E, Lorenzi C, Cabrera L, Leibold LJ, Grose JH. Amplitude modulation detection and modulation masking in school-age children and adults. J Acoust Soc Am, 2019, 145 (4), pp.2565.
  • Nazzi T, Cutler A. How Consonants and Vowels Shape Spoken-Language Recognition. Annual Review of Linguistics, 2019, 5, pp.25–47.
  • Hoareau M, Yeung H, Nazzi T. Parental speech input and early production predict infants’ use of statistical strategies for word segmentation. Developmental Science, 2019, 22 (4), pp.e12803.
  • Koulaguina E, Legendre G, Barrière I, Nazzi T. Towards abstract syntax at 24 months: Evidence from Subject-Verb agreement with conjoined subjects. Language Learning and Development, 2019, 15(2), pp.157-176.
  • Gonzalez-Gomez Nayeli, Schmandt S, Fazekas J, Nazzi T, Gervain J. Infants’ sensitivity to nonadjacent vowel dependencies: The case of vowel harmony in Hungarian. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2019, 178, pp.170-183.
  • Berdasco-Muñoz E, Nazzi T, Yeung H. Audiovisual processing in preterm infants. Developmental Psychology, 2019, 55(7), pp.1353-1361.
  • Forma V, Anderson DI, Provasi J, Soyez E, Martial M, Huet V, Granjon L, Goffinet F, Barbu-Roth M. What Does Prone Skateboarding in the Newborn Tell Us About the Ontogeny of Human Locomotion?. Child Dev, 2019, 90 (4), pp.1286-1302.
  • Borghesani V, de Hevia MD, Viarouge A, Pinheiro-Chagas P, Eger E, Piazza M. Processing number and length in the parietal cortex: Sharing resources, not a common code. Cortex, 2019, 114, pp.17-27.
  • Bonn CD, Netskou ME, Streri A, de Hevia MD. The association of brightness with number/duration in human newborns. PLoS One, 2019, 14 (10), pp.e0223192.
  • de la Cruz-Pavía I, Gervain J, Vatikiotis-Bateson E, Werker J F. Finding phrases: On the role of co-verbal facial information in learning word order in infancy. PLoS ONE, 2019, 14 (11), pp.e0224786.
  • de la Cruz-Pavía I, Gervain J, Vatikiotis-Bateson E, Werker J F. Coverbal speech gestures signal phrase boundaries: A production study of Japanese and English infant- and adult-directed speech. Language Acquisition, 2019.
  • de la Cruz-Pavía I, Werker J F, Vatikiotis-Bateson E, Gervain J. Finding phrases: The interplay of word frequency, phrasal prosody and co-speech visual information in chunking speech by monolingual and bilingual adults. Language and Speech, 2019.
  • Dillon M, Duyck M, Amalric M, Dehaene S, Izard V. Geometric Categories in Cognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2019, 45 (9), pp.1236-1247.
  • de Hevia MD. La notion de magnitude à la naissance. Representing magnitudes at birth. Annales de la Fondation Fyssen, 2019, 32, pp.54-63.
  • Dunn H, Bernstein N, de Hevia MD, Macchi Cassia V, Bulf, H, McCrink K. Operational Momentum for Magnitude Ordering in Preschool Children and Adults. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2019, 179, pp.260-275. (PDF)
  • Cabrera, L, Bijeljac-Babic, R and Bertoncini, J. The development of consonant and lexical-tone discrimination between 3 and 6 years: Effect of language exposure. International Journal of Bilingualism, 2018, 22, pp.1-15.
  • Bijeljac-Babic, R. L’acquisition du langage au cours de la première année de vie : la cas des nourrissons bilingues. Devenir, 2018, 30, pp.29-39.
  • Kubicek, C, Gervain, J, Loevenbruck, H, Pascalis, O, Schwarzer, G. Goldilocks vs. Goldlöckchen: Visual speech preference for same-rhythm-class languages in 6-month-old infants. Infant and Child Development, 2018, 27, pp.e2084.
  • Gervain, J. The role of prenatal experience in language development. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2018, 21, pp.62-67.
  • Laurianne Cabrera, Ranka Bijeljac-Babic, Josiane Bertoncini. The development of consonant and lexical-tone discrimination between 3 and 6 years: Effect of language exposure. International Journal of Bilingualism, 2018, pp.1-15.
  • Gervain J, de la Cruz-Pavía I, Gerken LA. Behavioral and Imaging Studies of Infant Artificial Grammar Learning. Topics in Cognitive Science, 2018.
  • Polka L, Nazzi T. Interacting processes and developmental biases allow learners to crack the “what” code and the “who” code in spoken language. Applied Psycholinguistics, 2018, 39 (4), pp.757-761.
  • Berdasco-Munoz, E, Nishibayashi, L-L, Baud, O, Biran, V, Nazzi, T. Early segmentation abilities in preterm infants. Infancy, 2018, 23, pp.268-287. (PDF)
  • Poltrock S, Chen H, Kwok C, Cheung H, Nazzi T. Adult Learning of Novel Words in a Non-native Language: Consonants, Vowels, and Tones. Front Psychol, 2018, 9, pp.1211. (PDF)
  • Von Holzen K, Nishibayashi LL, Nazzi T. Consonant and Vowel Processing in Word Form Segmentation: An Infant ERP Study. Brain Sci, 2018, 8 (2). (PDF)
  • Nazzi T, Polka L. The consonant bias in word learning is not determined by position within the word: Evidence from vowel-initial words. J Exp Child Psychol, 2018, 174, pp.103-111. (PDF)
  • Yeung HH, Bhatara A, Nazzi T. Learning a Phonological Contrast Modulates the Auditory Grouping of Rhythm. Cogn Sci, 2018, 42(6), pp.2000-2020. (PDF)
  • Serniclaes, W, Seck, M. Enhanced Sensitivity to Subphonemic Segments in Dyslexia: A New Instance of Allophonic Perception. Brain Sci, 2018, 8. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Sirri L, Goyet L. Event-related potentials associated with cognitive mechanisms underlying lexical-semantic processing in monolingual and bilingual 18-month-old children. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2018, 47, pp.123-130. (PDF)
  • McCrink K, de Hevia MD. From Innate Spatial Biases to Enculturated Spatial Cognition: The Case of Spatial Associations in Number and Other Sequences. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018 (9), pp.415. (PDF)
  • Issard C, Gervain J. Variability of the hemodynamic response in infants: Influence of experimental design and stimulus complexity. Dev Cogn Neurosci, 2018.
  • Bijeljac-Babic R. L\\’acquisition du langage au cours de la première année de vie: la cas des nourrissons bilingues. Devenir, 2018, 30, pp.29-39.
  • Rämä P, Leminen A, Koskenoja-Vainikka S, Leminen M, Alho K, Kujala T. Effect of language experience on selective auditory attention: an event-related potential study. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 2018, 127, pp.38-45. (PDF)
  • Krishna O, Helo A, Rämä P, Aizawa K. Gaze distribution analysis and saliency prediction across age groups. PLOS ONE, 2018, 13(2): e019.
  • Bijeljac-Babic, R. Audition prénatale et sensibilité aux langues chez les nourrissons bilingues de naissance : un long problème d’entendement. Enfance, 2017, 3, pp.363-370.
  • Varnet, L, Ortiz-Barajas, M C, Guevara Erra, R, Gervain, J, Lorenzi, Ch. A cross-linguistic study of speech modulation spectra. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2017, 142 (4), pp.1976-1989.
  • Cabrera L, Werner L. Infants’ and Adults’ Use of Temporal Cues in Consonant Discrimination. Ear Hear, 2017, 38 (4), pp.497-506.
  • Frank, MC, Bergelson, E, Bergmann, C, Cristia, A, Floccia, C, Gervain, J, Hamlin, JK, Hannon, EE, Kline, M, Levelt, C, Lew-Williams, C, Nazzi, T, Panneton, R, Rabagliati, H, Soderstrom, M, Sullivan, J, Waxman, S, Yurovsky, D. A collaborative approach to infant research: Promoting reproducibility, best practices, and theory-building. Infancy, 2017, 22, pp.421-435. (PDF)
  • Delle Luche, C, Floccia, C, Granjon, L, Nazzi, T. Infants’ first words are not phonetically specified: Own name recognition in 5-month-old British-English babies. Infancy, 2017, 22, pp.362-388. (PDF)
  • Buerkin-Pontrelli, A, Culbertson, J, Legendre, G, Nazzi, T. The early acquisition of French liaison. Language, 2017, 93, pp.189-219. (PDF)
  • Gonzalez-Gomez N, Hsin L, Barrière I, Nazzi T, Legendre G. Agarra, agarran: Evidence of early comprehension of subject-verb agreement in Spanish. J Exp Child Psychol, 2017, 160, pp.33-49. (PDF)
  • Bijeljac-Babic R. Audition prénatale et sensibilité aux langues chez les nourrissons bilingues de naissance: un long problème d\\’entendement. Enfance, 2017, 3, pp.363-370.
  • de Hevia MD, Veggiotti L, Streri A, Bonn C. At birth humans associate “few” with left and “many” with right. Current Biology, 2017, 27, pp.3879–3884.e2. (PDF)
  • Helo A, Azaiez N, Rämä P. Word processing in scene context: an event-related potential study in young children. Developmental Neuropsychology, 2017, 42, pp.482-494. (PDF)
  • Helo A, Van Ommen S, Pannasch S, Danteny-Dordoigne L, Rämä P. Influence of semantic consistency and perceptual features on visual attention during scene viewing in toddlers. Infant Behavior and Development, 2017, 49, pp.248-266. (PDF)
  • Le Meur O, Coutrot A, Le Roch A, Helo A, Rämä P, Liu Z. Visual attention saccadic models learn to emulate gaze patterns from childhood to adulthood. Proceedings of the IEEE, 2017, 26, pp.4777-4789. (PDF)
  • Macchi Cassia VM, Bulf H, McCrink K, de Hevia MD. Operational Momentum during ordering operations for Size and Number in 4-month-old Infants. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 2017, 3, pp.270-287. (PDF)
  • Bulf H, de Hevia MD, Gariboldi V, Macchi Cassia VM. Infants learn better from left to right: a directional bias in infants’ sequence learning. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, pp.2437. (PDF)
  • Kriszta Szendroi, Carline Bernard, Frauke Berger, Judit Gervain, Barbara Hoehle. Acquisition of prosodic focus marking by English, French and German 3-, 4-, 5- and 6-year-olds. Journal of Child Language, 2017.
  • Benavides Varela, S, Gervain, J. Learning word order at birth: A NIRS study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2017, 25, pp.198-208.
  • Lilian May, Judit Gervain, Manuel Carreiras, Janet F Werker. The neonate neural response to native, non-native and whistled language. Developmental Science, 2017.
  • de Hevia MD, Lee Y, Streri A. The temporal dimensions in the first year of life. Timing & Time Perception Reviews, 2017, 5, pp.280-296. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Castaldi E, Streri A, Eger E, Izard V. Perceiving numerosity from birth. Behaviour Brain Sciences, 2017. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Addabbo M, Nava E, Croci E, Girelli L, Macchi Cassia V. Infants’ detection of increasing numerical order comes before detection of decreasing number. Cognition, 2017, 158, pp.177-188. (PDF)
  • Fagard J, Margules S, Lopez C, Granjon L, Huet V. How should we test infant handedness?. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 2016, pp.294-312.
  • Borghesani V, de Hevia MD, Viarouge A, Pinheiro-Chagas P, Eger E, Piazza M. Comparing magnitudes across dimensions: a univariate and multivariate approach. Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging, IEEE, 2016, pp.1-4. (PDF)
  • Issard C, Gervain J. Adult-like processing of time-compressed speech by newborns: A NIRS study. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2016.
  • Judit Gervain, Ansgar D Endress. Learning multiple rules simultaneously: affixes are more salient than reduplications. Memory and Cognition, 2016.
  • Molnar M, Carreiras M, Gervain J. Language dominance shapes non-linguistic rhythmic grouping in bilinguals. Cognition, 2016, 152, pp.150-9.
  • Gervain J, Werker JF, Black A, Geffen MN. The neural correlates of processing scale-invariant environmental sounds at birth. Neuroimage, 2016, 133, pp.144-50.
  • Culbertson, J, Koulaguina, E, Gonzalez Gomez, N, Legendre, G, Nazzi, T. Developing representations of non-adjacent dependencies. Developmental Psychology, 2016, 52 (12), pp.2174-2183. (PDF)
  • Helo A, Rämä P, Pannasch S, Méary D. Eye movement patterns and visual attention during scene viewing in 3- to 12-month-olds. Visual Neuroscience, 2016, 33, pp.1-7. (PDF)
  • Nazzi, T, Poltrock, S, Von Holzen, K. The developmental origins of the consonant bias in lexical processing. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2016, 25 (4), pp.291-296. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD. Core mathematical abilities in infants: Number and much more. Progress in Brain Research, 2016. (PDF)
  • Miletto Petrazzini ME, Agrillo C, Izard V, Bisazza A. Do Humans (Homo sapiens) and Fish (Pterophyllum scalare) Make Similar Numerosity Judgments?. J Comp Psychol, 2016.
  • Nishibayashi LL, Nazzi T. Vowels, then consonants: Early bias switch in recognizing segmented word forms. Cognition, 2016, 155, pp.188-203. (PDF)
  • Abboub N, Nazzi T, Gervain J. Prosodic grouping at birth. Brain Lang, 2016, 162, pp.46-59. (PDF)
  • Abboub N, Boll-Avetisyan N, Bhatara A, Höhle B, Nazzi T. An Exploration of Rhythmic Grouping of Speech Sequences by French- and German-Learning Infants. Front Hum Neurosci, 2016, 10, pp.292. (PDF)
  • Macchi Cassia V, McCrink K, de Hevia MD, Gariboldi V, Bulf H. Operational momentum and size ordering in preverbal infants. Psychol Res, 2016. (PDF)
  • Rugani R, McCrink K, de Hevia MD, Vallortigara G, Regolin L. Ratio abstraction over discrete magnitudes by newly hatched domestic chicks (Gallus gallus). Sci Rep, 2016. (PDF)
  • Rugani R, de Hevia MD. Number-space associations without language: Evidence from preverbal human infants and non-human animal species. Psychon Bull Rev, 2016. (PDF)
  • Guellaï B, Streri A, Chopin A, Rider D, Kitamura C. Newborns’ Sensitivity to the Visual Aspects of Infant-Directed Speech: Evidence From Point-Line Displays of Talking Faces. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 2016.
  • Højen A, Nazzi T. Vowel bias in Danish word-learning: processing biases are language-specific. Developmental Science, 2016, 19 (1), pp.41-49. (PDF)
  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Höhle B, Nazzi T. Early prosodic acquisition in bilingual infants: The case of the perceptual trochaic bias. Frontiers in Psychology, 2016, 7, pp.210. (PDF)
  • Guevara-Erra R, Gervain J. The efficient coding of speech: cross-linguistic differences. Plos One, 2016, pp.under revision.
  • Barrière I, Goyet L, Kresh S, Legendre G, Nazzi T. Uncovering productive morphosyntax in French-learning toddlers: a multidimensional methodology perspective. Journal of Child Language, 2016, 43 (5), pp.1131-1157. (PDF)
  • Streri A, Coulon M, Marie J, Yeung HH. Developmental change in infants’ detection of visual faces that match auditory vowels. Infancy, 2016, 21, pp.177-198. (PDF)
  • Boll-Avetisyan N, Bhatara A, Unger A, Nazzi T, Höhle B. Effects of experience with L2 and music on rhythmic grouping by French listeners. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 2016, 19 (5), pp.971–986. (PDF)
  • Bhatara A, Boll-Avetisyan N, Agus T, Höhle B, Nazzi T. Language experience affects grouping of musical instrument sounds. Cognitive Science, 2016, 40 (7), pp.1816-1830. (PDF)
  • Bulf H, de Hevia MD, Macchi-Cassia V. Small on the left, large on the right: Numbers orient preverbal infants’ visual attention onto space. Developmental Science, 2016, 19, pp.394-401. (PDF)
  • Havy M, Bouchon C, Nazzi T. Learning words in bilinguals as a function of linguistic distance of the two native languages. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2016, 40, pp.41-52. (PDF)
  • Gonzalez-Gomez N, Nazzi T. Delayed acquisition of non-adjacent vocalic dependencies. Journal of Child Language, 2016, 43 (1), pp.186-206. (PDF)
  • Lorenzini I, Nicolai F, Graziosi V, Cipriani P, Chilosi AM. Disprassia Verbale Evolutiva: per un approccio multidisciplinare [Fr : Dyspraxie verbale congénitale : pour un approche multidisciplinaire]. Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica ed Applicata (SILTA), Anno XLIV (3/2015), 2015.
  • Chilosi AM, Lorenzini I, Fiori S, Graziosi V, Rossi G, Pasquariello R, Cipriani P, Cioni G. Behavioral and neurobiological correlates of childhood apraxia of speech in Italian children. Brain Lang, 2015, 150, pp.177-85.
  • Hemimou C Streri A. Déficience visuelle chez le nourrisson: comparaison entre une atteinte visuelle d\\’origine cérébrale et une atteinte visuelle d\\’origine périphérique. L’Annee Psychologique, 2015, pp.1-17.
  • Guellai B, Mersad K, Streri A. Suprasegmental information affects processing of talking faces at birth. Infant Behavior and Development, 2015, 38, pp.11-19.
  • Streri A, de Hevia MD. Manual lateralization in infancy. Front Psychol, 2015. (PDF)
  • Coubart A, Streri A, de Hevia MD, Izard V. Crossmodal discrimination of 2 vs. 4 objects across touch and vision in 5-month-old infants. PLoS One, 2015.
  • Noordenbos M, Serniclaes W. Categorical perception in dyslexia: A meta-analysis. Scientific Studies of Reading, 2015, 19, pp.340-359.
  • Nazzi T, Nishibayashi L-L, Berdasco-Munoz E, Baud O, Biran V, Gonzalez-Gomez N. Acquisition du langage chez l’enfant premature durant la premiere annee de vie. Archives de pédiatrie, 2015, 22, pp.1072-1077. (PDF)
  • Bouchon C, Nazzi T, Gervain J. Hemispheric asymmetries in repetition enhancement and suppression effects in the newborn brain. PlosOne, 2015, 10, pp.e0140160.
  • Cabrera L, Tsao F-M, Liu L-M, Li L-Y, Hu Y-H, Lorenzi C, Bertoncini J. The perception of speech modulation cues in lexical tones is guided by early language-specific experience. Frontiers, 2015, press.
  • Miletto-Petrazzini M E, Agrillo C, Izard V, Bisazza A. Relative versus absolute numerical representation in fish: Can guppies represent "fourness"?. Animal Cognition, 2015, 18, pp.1007-1017.
  • Cabrera L, Lorenzi C, Bertoncini J. Infants discriminate voicing and place of articulation with reduced spectral and temporal modulation cues. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 2015, 58, pp.1033–1042. (PDF)
  • Varnet L, Knoblauch K, Serniclaes W, Meunier F, Hoen M. A psychophysical imaging method evidencing auditory cues extraction during speech perception: A group analysis of auditory classification images. PlosOne, 2015, press.
  • Serniclaes W, Collet G, Sprenger-Charolles L. Neural rehabilitation of dyslexia: How can an allophonic system be changed into a phonemic one?. Frontiers in Psychology, 2015, press.
  • Bouton S, Colé P, Serniclaes W, Duncan LG, Giraud A-L. Atypical phonological processing impairs written word recognition in children with cochlear implants. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 2015, press.
  • Collet G, Colin C, Serniclaes W, Hoonhorst I, Markessis E, Deltenre P, Leybaert J. Changes in voicing perception by adult French speakers after identification training. Applied Psycholinguistics, 2015, 36, pp.463-483.
  • Poltrock S, Nazzi T. Consonant/vowel asymmetry in early word form recognition. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2015, 131, pp.135–148. (PDF)
  • Sirri L, Rämä P. Cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying semantic priming during language acquisition. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2015, 35, pp.1-12. (PDF)
  • Bhatara A, Yeung HH, Nazzi T. Foreign language learning in French speakers is associated with rhythm perception, but not with melody perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 2015, 41, pp.277-282. (PDF)
  • Nishibayashi L-L, Goyet L, Nazzi T. Early speech segmentation in French-learning infants: monosyllabic words versus embedded syllables. Language & Speech., 2015, 58, pp.334-350.
  • Bouchon C, Floccia C, Fux T, Adda-Decker M, Nazzi T. Call me Alix, not Elix: Vowels are more important than consonants in own name recognition at 5 months. Developmental Science, 2015, 18, pp.587-598. (PDF)
  • Gonzalez-Gomez N, Nazzi T. Constraints on statistical computations at 10 months of age: The use of phonological features. Developmental Science, 2015, 18, pp.864-876. (PDF)
  • Abboub N, Bijeljac-Babic R, Serres J, Nazzi T. On the importance of being bilingual: Word stress processing in a context of segmental variability. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2015, 132, pp.111–120. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Izard V, Coubart A, Spelke ES, Streri A. Representations of space, time, and number in neonates. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2014. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Addabbo M, Macchi Cassia V. Human infants’ preference for left-to-right oriented increasing numerical sequences. PLoS One, 2014. (PDF)
  • Bulf H, Macchi Cassia V, de Hevia MD. Are numbers, size and brightness equally efficient in orienting visual attention? Evidence from an eye-tracking study. PLoS One, 2014. (PDF)
  • Bertoncini J, Cabrera L. La perception de la parole de 0 à 24 mois - Speech perception in the first two years. Archives de Pédiatrie, 2014, 21, pp.1153–1156.
  • Collet G, Leybaert J, Serniclaes W, Deltenre P, Markessis E, Hoonhorst I, Colin C. Les entraînements auditifs :des modifications comportementales aux modifications neurophysiologiques. L’année psychologique/Topics in Cognitive Psychology, 2014, 114, pp.389-418.
  • Gariboldi V, Bulf H, de Hevia MD, Macchi-Cassia VM. Ordinal judgments move attention along representational space in infancy: Evidence from the Operational Momentum. Giornale Italiano di Psicologia, 2014, 6, pp.611-622.
  • Guellaï B, Streri A, Yeung HH. The development of sensorimotor influences in the audiovisual speech domain: Some critical questions. Frontiers in Psychology, 2014, 5, pp.1-7. (PDF)
  • Helo A, Pannasch S, Sirri L, Rämä P. The maturation of eye movement behavior: Scene viewing characteristics in children and adults. Vision Research, 2014, 103, pp.83-91. (PDF)
  • Cabrera L, Tsao F-M, Gnansia D, Bertoncini J, Lorenzi C. The role of spectro-temporal fine structure cues in lexical-tone discrimination for French and Mandarin listeners. Journal of Acoustical Society of America, 2014, 136, pp.877-882.
  • Yeung HH, Nazzi T. Object labeling influences infant phonetic learning and generalization. Cognition, 2014, 132, pp.151-163. (PDF)
  • Gervain J, Werker JF, Geffen MN. Category-specific processing of scale-invariant sounds in infancy. Plos One, 2014.
  • Cristia A, Minagawa-Kawai Y, Egorova N, Gervain J, Filippin L, Cabrol D, Dupoux E. Neural correlates of infant accent discrimination: an fNIRS study. Developmental Science, 2014, DOI 10.1111.
  • Kubicek C, Hillairet de Boisferon A, Dupierrix E, Pascalis O, Lœvenbruck H, Gervain J, Schwarzer G. Cross-modal matching of audiovisual German and French fluent speech in infancy. Plos One, 2014, 9, pp.e89275. (PDF)
  • Fagard J, Sirri L, Rämä P. Effect of handedness on the occurrence of semantic N400 priming effect in 18- and 24-month-old children. Frontiers in Psychology, 2014, 5, pp.1-8. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Streri A, Spelke ES. Toward Exact Number: Young Children Use One-to-one Correspondence to Measure Set Identity but not Numerical Equality. Cognitive Psychology, 2014, 72, pp.27-53. (PDF)
  • DelleLuche C, Poltrock S, Goslin J, New B, Floccia C, Nazzi T. Differential processing of consonants and vowels in the auditory modality: A cross-linguistic study. Journal of Memory and Language, 2014, 72, pp.1-15. (PDF)
  • Coubart A, Izard V, Spelke ES, Marie J, Streri A. Dissociation between small and large numerosities in newborn infants. Developmental Science, 2014, 17, pp.11-22.
  • Floccia C, Nazzi T, DelleLuche C, Poltrock S, Goslin J. English-learning one- to two-year-olds do not show a consonant bias in word learning. Journal of Child Language, 2014, 41, pp.1085-1114. (PDF)
  • Havy M, Serres J, Nazzi T. A consonant/vowel asymmetry in word-form processing: Evidence in childhood and in adulthood. Language and Speech, 2014, 57, pp.254-281. (PDF)
  • Nazzi T, Mersad K, Sundara M, Iakimova G, Polka L. Early word segmentation in infants acquiring Parisian French: task-dependent and dialect-specific aspects. Journal of Child Language, 2014, 41, pp.600-633. (PDF)
  • New B, Nazzi T. The time course of consonant and vowel processing during word recognition. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 2014, 29, pp.147-157. (PDF)
  • Gonzalez-Gomez N, Hayashi A, Tsuji S, Mazuka R, Nazzi T. The role of the input on the development of the LC bias: A crosslinguistic comparison. Cognition, 2014, 132, pp.301–311. (PDF)
  • Legendre G, Culbertson J, Zaroukian E, Hsin L, Barrière I, Nazzi T. Is children’s comprehension of subject-verb agreement universally late? Comparative evidence from French, English, and Spanish. Lingua, 2014, 144, pp.21-39. (PDF)
  • Izard V, O’Donnell E, Spelke ES. Reading Angles in Maps. Child Development, 2014, 85, pp.237-249.
  • Serniclaes W, Salinas J. Perception of place-of-articulation distinctions: Common representation for vowels and consonants. Proc. 17th International Congress on Phonetic Sciences, 2014, pp.accepted.
  • Streri A, de Hevia MD, Izard V, Coubart A. What do We Know about Neonatal Cognition?. Behav Sci (Basel), 2013. (PDF)
  • Viarouge A, de Hevia MD. The role of numerical magnitude and order in the illusory perception of size and brightness. Front Psychol, 2013. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. Not all continuous dimensions map equally: number-brightness mapping in human infants. PLoS One, 2013. (PDF)
  • Noordenbos MW, Segers E, Serniclaes W, Verhoeven L. Neural evidence of the allophonic mode of speech perception in adults with dyslexia. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2013, 124, pp.1151-1162.
  • Noordenbos MW, Segers E, Mitterer H, Serniclaes W, Verhoeven L. Deviant neural processing of phonotactic probabilities in adults with dyslexia. Neuroreport, 2013, 24, pp.746-750.
  • Molavi B, May L, Gervain J, Carreiras M, Werker J F, Dumont G. Analyzing Resting State Functional Connectivity in the Human Language System using Near Infrared Spectroscopy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2013, 7, pp.921. (PDF)
  • Gervain J, Vines BW, Chen LM, Hensch TK, Young AH, Werker JF. Valproate reopens critical-period learning of absolute pitch. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 2013, 7, pp.102. (PDF)
  • Molnar M, Gervain J, Carreiras M. Within-rhythm Class Native Language Discrimination Abilities of Basque-Spanish Monolingual and Bilingual Infants at 3.5 Months of Age. Infancy, 2013, doi: 10.111. (PDF)
  • Gervain J, Sebastián-Gallés N, Díaz B, Mazuka R, Yamane N, Laka I, Nespor M, Mehler J. Word frequency cues word order in adults: cross-linguistic evidence. Frontiers in Psychology, 2013, 4, pp.689. (PDF)
  • Kubicek C, Hillairet de Boisferon A, Dupierrix E, Loevenbruck H, Gervain J, Schwarzer G. Face-scanning behavior to silently talking faces in 12-month-old infants: The role of pre-exposed auditory speech. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2013, 37, pp.106-110. (PDF)
  • Goyet L, Nishibayashi L-L, Nazzi T. Early syllabic segmentation of fluent speech by infants acquiring French. Plos One, 2013, 8, pp.e79646. (PDF)
  • Bhatara A, Boll-Avetisyan N, Unger A, Nazzi T, Höhle B. Native language affects rhythmic grouping of speech. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2013, 134, pp.3828–3843. (PDF)
  • Kalénine S, Cheam C, Izard V, Gentaz E. Adults and 5-year-old children draw rectangles and triangles around a prototype but not in the golden ratio. British Journal of Psychology, 2013, 104, pp.400-412.
  • Cabrera L, Bertoncini J, Lorenzi C. Perception of speech modulation cues by 6-month-old infants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2013, 56, pp.1733–1744.
  • Gervain J, Werker J F. Prosody cues word order in 7-month-old bilingual infants. Nature Communications, 2013, 4, pp.1490. (PDF)
  • Gonzalez-Gomez N, Poltrock S, Nazzi T. A “bat” is easier to learn than a “tab”: Effects of relative phonotactic frequency on infant word learning. PlosOne, 2013, 8, pp.e59601. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Sirri L, Serres J. Development of lexical-semantic language system: N400 priming effect for spoken words in 18- and 24-month old children. Brain and Language, 2013, 125, pp.1-10.
  • Havy M, Nazzi T, Bertoncini J. Phonetic processing during the acquisition of new words in 3-to-6-year-old French-speaking deaf children with cochlear implants. Journal of Communication Disorders, 2013, 46, pp.181–192. (PDF)
  • Piazza M, Pica P, Izard V, Spelke ES, Dehaene S. Education increases the acuity of the non-verbal approximate number system. Psychological Science, 2013, 24, pp.1037-1043.
  • Gonzalez-Gomez N, Nazzi T. Effects of prior phonotactic knowledge on infant word segmentation: the case of non-adjacent dependencies. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 2013, 56, pp.840-849. (PDF)
  • Streri A. Grandeur et misère du système tactile manuel. Enfance, 2012, 1, pp.35-47.
  • de Hevia MD, Vanderslice M, Spelke ES. Cross-dimensional mapping of number, length and brightness by preschool children. PLoS One, 2012. (PDF)
  • Macchi Cassia V, Picozzi M, Girelli L, de Hevia MD. Increasing magnitude counts more: asymmetrical processing of ordinality in 4-month-old infants. Cognition, 2012. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Macchi Cassia V. Minds without language represent number through space: origins of the mental number line. Front Psychol, 2012. (PDF)
  • Chinello A, de Hevia MD, Geraci C, Girelli L. Finding the spatial-numerical association of response codes (SNARC) in signed numbers: notational effects in accessing number representation. Funct Neurol, 2012. (PDF)
  • Lejeune F, Marcus L, Berne-Audeoud F, Streri A, Debillon T, Gentaz E. Intermanual transfer of shapes in preterm human infants from 33 to 34 + 6 weeks postconceptional age. Child Dev, 2012.
  • Noordenbos MW, Segers E, Serniclaes W, Mitterer H, Verhoeven L. Allophonic Mode of Speech Perception in Dutch Children at risk for Dyslexia: A Longitudinal Study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2012.
  • Noordenbos MW, Segers E, Serniclaes W, Mitterer H, Verhoeven L. Neural evidence of allophonic perception in children at risk for dyslexia. Neuropsychologia, 2012.
  • Collet G, Colin C, Serniclaes W, Hoonhorst I, Markessis E, Deltenre P, Leybaert J. Effect of phonological training in French children with SLI: Perspectives on voicing identification, discrimination and categorical perception. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2012.
  • Gervain J, Werker JF. Learning Non-Adjacent Regularities at 7 months. Journal of Child Language, 2012, doi:10.1017.
  • Gervain J, Guevara R. The statistical signature of morphosyntax: A Study of Hungarian and Italian Infant-Directed Speech. Cognition, 2012, 125, pp.236-287. (PDF)
  • Coulon M, Hemimou C, Streri A. Effects of seeing and hearing vowels on neonatal facial imitation. Infancy, 2012.
  • Gonzalez-Gomez N, Nazzi T. Phonotactic acquisition in healthy preterm infants. Developmental Science, 2012, 15, pp.885–894. (PDF)
  • Tsuji S, Gonzalez-Gomez N, Medina V, Nazzi T, Mazuka R. The labial-coronal effect revisited: Japanese adults say pata, but hear tapa. Cognition, 2012, 125, pp.413-428. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Relander-Syrjänen K, Carlson S, Salonen O, Kujala T. Attention and semantic processing during speech: an fMRI study. Brain and Language, 2012, 122, pp.114-119. (PDF)
  • Mersad K, Nazzi T. When Mommy comes to the rescue of statistics: Infants combine top-down and bottom-up cues to segment speech. Language Learning & Development, 2012, 8, pp.303-315. (PDF)
  • Gonzalez-Gomez N, Nazzi T. Acquisition of non-adjacent phonological regularities in the first year of life: Evidence from a perceptual equivalent of the labial-coronal effect. Infancy, 2012, 17, pp.498–524. (PDF)
  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Serres J, Hohle B, Nazzi T. Effect of bilingualism on lexical stress pattern discrimination in French-learning infants. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, pp.e30843. (PDF)
  • Nazzi T, Goyet L, Sundara M, Polka L. Différences linguistiques et dialectales dans la mise en place des procédures de segmentation de la parole. Enfance, 2012, 64, pp.127-146. (PDF)
  • Zobouyan C, Serniclaes W, Bertoncini J. Troubles de la perception des phonèmes chez l’enfant dysphasique : déficit de perception catégorielle et perception allophonique. ANAE - Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 2012, 118, press.
  • Streri A. Grandeur et misère du système tactile manuel. Enfance, 2012, 1, pp.35-47.
  • Gervain J, Berent I, Werker J F. Binding at birth: the newborn brain detects identity relations and sequential position in speech. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2012, 24, pp.564-574. (PDF)
  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Dodane C. Principle of perceptual saliency or simplicity: What type of stress dominates the productions of bilingual and monolingual French-speaking children?. Journal of Child Language, 2012, pp.under revision.
  • Bernard C, Gervain J. Prosodic cues to word order: what level of representation?. Frontiers in Psychology, 2012, 3, pp.doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00451.
  • de Hevia MD. Sensitivity to number: Reply to Gebuis and Gevers. Cognition, 2011. (PDF)
  • Gervain J, Mehler J, Werker JF, Nelson CA, Csibra G, Lloyd-Fox S, Shukla M, Aslin RA. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: A report from the McDonnell infant methodology consortium. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2011, 1, pp.22-46.
  • May L, Byers-Heinlein K, Gervain J, Werker J F. Language and the newborn brain: does prenatal language experience shape the neonate neural response to speech?. Frontiers in Psychology, 2011, 2, pp.222.
  • Bouton S, Serniclaes W, Bertoncini J, Colé P. Perception of speech features by French-speaking children with cochlear implants. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 2011, pp.doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2011/10-0330).
  • Geffen M N, Gervain J, Werker J F, Magnasco M O. Auditory perception of self-similarity in water sounds. Front Integr Neurosci, 2011, 5, pp.15.
  • Guellaï B, Coulon M, Streri A. The role of motion and speech in face recognition at birth. Visual Cognition, 2011, 19, pp.1212-1233.
  • Serniclaes W, Salinas J. Perception of vowels and consonants: From acoustic diversity to cognitive isotropy. Faits de Langue, 2011, 37, pp.207-224.
  • Serniclaes W. Percepción alofónica en la dislexia: una revisión. (Allophonic Perception in dyslexia : An overview). Escritos de Psicologia, 2011, 4, pp.25-34.
  • Serniclaes W, Luque JL. Avances en la investigación sobre la dislexia evolutiva : Diversidad, especificidad e intervención. (Advances in developmental dyslexia research : Diversity, specificity and intervention). Escritos de Psicologia, 2011, 4, pp.1-4.
  • Lacaze E, Billard C, Streri A. Le transfert intermodal des objets solides à leurs représentations graphiques chez les enfants: les capacités intermodales s’améliorent-elles avec l’âge. Psychologie Française, 2011, 56, pp.73-80.
  • Bouton S, Bertoncini J, Serniclaes W, Colé P. Reading and Reading-Related Skills in Children Using Cochlear Implants: Prospects for the Influence of Cued Speech. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 2011, 16, pp.458-73, doi: 10.1093/deafed/enr014. (PDF)
  • Nazzi T, Barrière I, Goyet L, Kresh S, Legendre G. Tracking irregular morphophonological dependencies in natural language: Evidence from the acquisition of subject-verb agreement in French. Cognition, 2011, 120, pp.119–135. (PDF)
  • Johnson EK, Westrek E, Nazzi T, Cutler A. Infant ability to tell voices apart rests on language experience. Developmental Science, 2011, 14, pp.1002-1011. (PDF)
  • Mersad K, Nazzi T. Transitional probabilities and positional frequency phonotactics in a hierarchical model of speech segmentation. Memory and Cognition, 2011, 39, pp.1085-1093. (PDF)
  • Hoonhorst I, Medina V, Colin C, Markessisd E, Radeaua M, Deltenre P, Serniclaes W. The development of categorical perception: comparisons between voicing, colors and facial expressions. Speech Communication, 2011, 53, pp.417-430.
  • Hyde DC, Winkler-Rhoades N, Lee SA, Izard V, Shapiro KA, Spelke ES. Spatial and numerical abilities without a complete natural language. Neuropsychologia, 2011, 49, pp.924-936. (PDF)
  • Coulon M, Guellaï B, Streri A. Recognition of unfamiliar talking faces at birth. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 2011, 35, pp.282-287.
  • Floccia C, Nazzi T, Austin K, Arreckx F, Goslin J. Lexical stress and phonetic processing in word learning in 20-to-24-month-old English-learning children. Developmental Science, 2011, 14, pp.602–613. (PDF)
  • Havy M, Bertoncini J, Nazzi T. Word learning and phonetic processing in preschool age children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2011, 108, pp.25–43. (PDF)
  • Bertoncini J, Nazzi T, Cabrera L, Lorenzi C. Six-month-old infants discriminate voicing on the basis of temporal envelope cues. J Acoust Soc Am, 2011.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Spelke ES, Dehaene S. Flexible Intuitions of Euclidean Geometry in an Amazonian Indigene Group. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 2011.
  • Guellai B, Streri A. Cues for early social skills: direct gaze modulates newborns’ recognition of talking faces. PLoS One, 2011.
  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. Number-space mapping in human infants. Psychol Sci, 2010. (PDF)
  • Picozzi M, de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Macchi Cassia V. Seven-month-olds detect ordinal numerical relationships within temporal sequences. J Exp Child Psychol, 2010. (PDF)
  • Perrone G, de Hevia MD, Bricolo E, Girelli L. Numbers can move our hands: a spatial representation effect in digits handwriting. Exp Brain Res, 2010. (PDF)
  • Gervain J, Mehler J. Speech perception and language acquisition in the first year of life. Annual Review of Psychology, 2010, 61, pp.191-218.
  • Majerus S, Poncelet M, Bérault A, Audrey S, Zesiger P, Serniclaes W, Barisnikov K. Evidence for atypical categorical speech perception in Williams syndrome. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 2010, pp.doi:10.1016/j.jneuroling..
  • You RS, Serniclaes W. Quantal Production and Categorical Perception of vowels: the exemple of i/y contrast. Submitted, 2010. (PDF)
  • Spelke E, Lee SA, Izard V. Beyond Core Knowledge: Natural Geometry. Cognitive Science, 2010, 34, pp.863-884. (PDF)
  • Havy M, Moukawane S, Nazzi T. Are 3-to-8 year old children with Williams Syndrome good word-learners?. Neuroreport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 2010, 21, pp.882-886. (PDF)
  • Medina M, Hoonhorst I, Bogliotti C, Serniclaes W. Development of voicing perception in French: Comparing adults, adolescents and children. Journal of Phonetics, 2010, 38, pp.493-503.
  • Serniclaes W, Beeckmans R, Radeau M. Lexical Influences on the Perceptual Categorization of French Stops. Portuguese Journal of Linguistics, 2010, accepted.
  • Rämä P, Baccino T. Eye-fixation related potentials (EFRPs) during object identification. Visual Neuroscience, 2010, 27, pp.187-192. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Relander-Syrjänen K, Öhman J, Laakso A, Näätänen R, Kujala T. Semantic processing in comatose patients with intact temporal lobes as reflected by the N400 event-related potential. Neuroscience Letters, 2010, 474, pp.88-92. (PDF)
  • Lejeune F, Audeoud F, Marcus L, Streri A, Debillon T, E Gentaz. The Manual Habituation and Discrimination of Shapes in Preterm Human Infants from 33 to 34+6 Post-Conceptional Age. PLoS ONE, 2010, 5.
  • Mersad K, Goyet L, Nazzi T. Cross-linguistic differences in early word form segmentation: a rhythmic-based account. Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 2010, 9/10, pp.37-65. (PDF)
  • Serniclaes W, Sprenger-Charolles L. Mind, brain and education in reading disorders (book review). American Journal of Psychology, 2010, 123, pp.112-118.
  • Yoshida KA, Iversen JR, Patel AD, Nito H, Mazuka R, Gervain J, Werker JF. The development of perceptual grouping in infancy: a cross-linguistic study. Cognition, 2010, 115, pp.356-361.
  • Legendre G, Barriere I, Goyet L, Nazzi T. Comprehension of infrequent subject-verb agreement forms: Evidence from French-learning children. Child Development, 2010, 81, pp.1859–1875. (PDF)
  • Goyet L, de Schonen S, Nazzi T. Words and syllables in fluent speech segmentation by French-learning infants: an ERP study. Brain Res, 2010.
  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. Spontaneous mapping of number and space in adults and young children. Cognition, 2009. (PDF)
  • Previtali P, de Hevia MD, Girelli L. Placing order in space: the SNARC effect in serial learning. Exp Brain Res, 2009. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Spelke ES. Development of the Sensitivity to Geometry in Visual Forms. Human Evolution, 2009, 23, pp.213-248. (PDF)
  • Dehaene S, Izard V, Pica P, Spelke ES. Response to Comment on “Log or Linear? Distinct Intuitions of the Number Scale in Western and Amazonian Indigene Cultures” (Technical Comment). Science, 2009, 323, pp.38. (PDF)
  • Piazza M, Izard V. What is an (abstract) neural representation of quantity?. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2009, 32, pp.348-349. (PDF)
  • Piazza M, Izard V. How Humans Count: Numerosity and the Parietal Cortex. The Neuroscientist, 2009, 15, pp.261:273. (PDF)
  • Streri A, Gentaz E. The haptic habilities of human newborn. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie/German Journal of developmental, 2009, 41, pp.173-180.
  • Izard V, Sann C, Spelke ES, Streri A. Newborn infants perceive abstract numbers. P.N.A.S., 2009, 106, 23 Ju, pp.10382-10385. (PDF)
  • Gervain Judit. Resumption in Focus(-Raising). Lingua, 2009, 119, pp.687-707.
  • Toivonen M, Rämä P. N400 during recognition of voice identity and vocal affect. Neuroreport, 2009, 20, pp.1245-1249. (PDF)
  • Relander K, Rämä P, Kujala T. Word Semantics Is Processed Even without Attentional Effort. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2009, 21, pp.1511-1522. (PDF)
  • Relander K, Rämä P. Separate neural processes for retrieval of voice identity and word content in working memory. Brain Research, 2009, 1252, pp.143-151. (PDF)
  • Medina V, Serniclaes W. Consecuencias de la categorización fonológica sobre la lectura silenciosa de niños sordos con implante coclear- Consequences of phonological categorization on silent reading in deaf children with cochlear implant. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatria y Audiologia, 2009, 29, pp.186-194.
  • Hoonhorst I, Colin C, Markessis E, Radeau M, Deltenre P, Serniclaes W. French native speakers in the making: from language-general to language-specific voicing boundaries. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2009, 104, pp.353-366.
  • Hoonhorst I, Serniclaes W, Collet G, Colin C, Markessis E, Radeau M, Deltenre P. N1b and Na subcomponents of the N100 long latency auditory evoked-potential: neurophysiological correlates of voicing in French-speaking subjects. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2009, 120, pp.897-903.
  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Nassurally K, Havy M, Nazzi T. Infants can rapidly learn words in a foreign language. Infant Behavior and Development, 2009, 32, pp.476-480. (PDF)
  • Dufor O, Serniclaes W, Sprenger-Charolles L, Démonet JF. Left premotor cortex and allophonic speech perception in dyslexia: A PET study. NeuroImage, 2009, 46, pp.241-248. (PDF)
  • Bertoncini J, Serniclaes W, Lorenzi C. Discrimination of speech sounds based upon temporal envelope versus fine structure cues in 5-to-7 year-old children. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research, 2009, 52, pp.682-695. (PDF)
  • Havy M, Nazzi T. Better processing of consonantal over vocalic information in word learning at 16 months of age. Infancy, 2009, 14, pp.439-456. (PDF)
  • Nazzi T, Floccia C, Moquet B, Butler J. Bias for consonantal over vocalic information in French- and English-learning 30-month-olds: crosslinguistic evidence in early word learning. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2009, 102, pp.522–537. (PDF)
  • Nazzi T, Bertoncini J. Phonetic specificity in early lexical acquisition: New evidence from consonants in coda positions. Language and Speech, 2009, 52, pp.463–480. (PDF)
  • Kerzerho S, Gentaz E, Streri A. Factors influencing the manual discrimination of orientations in 5-month-old infants. Perception, 2009, 38, pp.44-51.
  • Höhle B, Bijeljac-Babic R, Herold B, Weissenborn J, Nazzi T. The development of language specific prosodic preferences during the first half year of life: evidence from German and French. Infant Behavior and Development, 2009, 32, pp.262-274. (PDF)
  • Nazzi T, Bertoncini J, Bijeljac-Babic R. A perceptual equivalent of the labial-coronal effect in the first year of life. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2009, 126, pp.1440-1446. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Bricolo E, Vallar G. The representational space of numerical magnitude: illusions of length. Q J Exp Psychol (Hove), 2008. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Vallar G, Girelli L. Visualizing numbers in the mind’s eye: the role of visuo-spatial processes in numerical abilities. Neurosci Biobehav Rev, 2008. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Pica P, Spelke ES, Dehaene S. Comment les nombres se répartissent dans l’espace: une intuition originelle logarithmique. Médecine Sciences, 2008, 24, pp.1014-1016. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Dehaene S, Pica P, Spelke ES. Reading Between the Number Lines; Response to Nunez (Correspondance). Science, 2008, 312, pp.1310. (PDF)
  • Cohen-Kadosh R, Lammertyn J, Izard V. Are numbers special? An overview of chronometric, neuroimaging, developmental and comparative studies of magnitude representation. Progress in Neurobiology, 2008, 84, pp.132-147. (PDF)
  • Revkin S, Piazza M, Izard V, Zamarian L, Karner E, Delazer M. Verbal Numerosity Estimation Deficit in the Context of Spared Semantic Representation of Numbers: A Neuropsychological Study of a Patient with Frontal Lesions. Neuropsychologia, 2008, 46, pp.2463-2475. (PDF)
  • Revkin S, Piazza M, Izard V, Cohen L, Dehaene S. Does subitizing reflect numerical estimation?. Psychological Science, 2008, 19, pp.607-614. (PDF)
  • Dehaene S, Izard V, Spelke ES, Pica P. Log or linear? Distinct intuitions of the number scale in Western and Amazonian cultures. Science, 2008, 320, pp.1213-1216. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Pica P, Spelke E, Dehaene S. Exact Equality and Successor Function: Two Key Concepts on the Path towards understanding Exact Numbers. Philosophical Psychology, 2008, 21, pp.491-505. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Dehaene S. Calibrating the number line. Cognition, 2008, 106, pp.1221-1247. (PDF)
  • Izard V, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Dehaene S. Distinct cerebral pathways for object identity and number in 3-month-old infants. PLOS Biology, 2008, 6, pp.275-285. (PDF)
  • Gervain Judit, Nespor Marina, Mazuka Reiko, Horie Ryota, Mehler Jacques. Bootstrapping word order in prelexical infants: A Japanese-Italian cross-linguistic study. Cognitive Psychology, 2008, 57, pp.56-74.
  • Gervain Judit, Macagno Francesco, Cogoi Silvia, PenA Marcela, Mehler Jacques. The neonate brain detects speech structure. PNAS Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2008, 105, pp.14222-14227.
  • Gervain Judit, Werker Janet F. How infant speech perception contributes to language acquisition. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2008, 2, pp.1149-1170.
  • Rämä Pia. Domain-dependent activation during spatial and nonspatial auditory working memory. Cognitive Processing, 2008, 9, pp.29-34. (PDF)
  • Streri A, Lemoine C, Devouche E. Development of inter-manual transfer of shape information in infancy. Developmental Psychobiology, 2008, 50, pp.70-76.
  • New B, Araujo V, Nazzi T. Differential processing of consonants and vowels in lexical access through reading. Psychological Science, 2008, 19, pp.1223-1227. (PDF)
  • Kerzhero S, Gentaz E, Streri A. Influence of visual contextual cues on haptic discrimination of orientations in 5-month-old infants. Brain Research, 2008, 1242, pp.276-282.
  • Nazzi T. Segmentation précoce de la parole continue en mots : évaluation inter-linguistique de l’hypothèse d’initialisation rythmique. L’Année Psychologique, 2008, 108, pp.309-342. (PDF)
  • Bogliotti C, Serniclaes W, Messaoud-Galusi S, Sprenger-Charolles L. Discrimination of speech sounds by dyslexic children: Comparisons with chronological age and reading level controls. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2008, 101, pp.137-155. (PDF)
  • Sann C, Streri A. The limits of newborn’s grasping to detect texture in a cross-modal transfer task. Infant Behavior and Development, 2008, 31, pp.523-531.
  • Sann Coralie, Streri Arlette. Inter-manual transfer of object texture and shape in human neonates. Neuropsychologia, 2008, 46, pp.698-703.
  • Streri A, Sann C. The multiple relations between vision and touch: neonatal behavioural evidence and adult neuroimaging data. Commentary on Dijerkman & de Haan: Somatosensory processes subserving perception and action. Brain and Behavioral Sciences, 2007, 30, pp.220-221.
  • Sann C, Streri A. Perception of object shape and texture in human newborns: evidence from cross-modal transfer tasks. Developmental Science, 2007, 10, pp.398-409.
  • Nazzi T, Pilardeau M. Learning the names of objects is not enough to support name-based categorization at 16 months. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2007, 4, pp.435-450. (PDF)
  • Nazzi T, New B. Beyond stop consonants: consonantal specificity in early lexical acquisition. Cognitive Development, 2007, 22, pp.271-279. (PDF)
  • Delahaie M, Sprenger-Charolles L, Serniclaes W. Une double évaluation des effets de lexicalité chez des faibles lecteurs et des très faibles lecteurs comparativement à des normolecteurs de même age et de même niveau de lecture (données longitudinales du CP au CE1). L’Année Psychologique, 2007, 107, pp.361-396. (PDF)
  • Dufor O, Serniclaes W, Sprenger-Charolles L, Démonet JF. Top-down processes during auditory phoneme categorization in dyslexia: A PET study. NeuroImage, 2007, 34, pp.1692-1707. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Vallar G. Numbers and space: a cognitive illusion?. Exp Brain Res, 2006. (PDF)
  • Dehaene S, Izard V, Pica P, Spelke ES. Examining Knowledge of Geometry: Response to Wulff and Delson (Correspondance). Science, 2006, 312, pp.1310. (PDF)
  • Dehaene S, Izard V, Pica P, Spelke ES. Core knowledge of geometry in an Amazonian Indigene group. Science, 2006, 311, pp.381-384. (PDF)
  • Féron J, Gentaz Edouard, Streri A. Evidence of amodal representation of small numbers across visuo-tactile modalities in 5-month-old infants. Cognitive Development, 2006, 21, pp.81-92.
  • Nazzi T. Spécificité phonétique: de la perception précoce à l’acquisition des premiers mots. Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes, 2006, 35, pp.31-52.
  • Wydoodt P, Gentaz E, Streri A. Role of force cues in the haptic estimations of a virtual lenght. Experimental Brain Research, 2006, 171, pp.481-489.
  • Nazzi Thierry, Iakimova Galina, Bertoncini Josiane, Fredonie Severine, Alcantara Carmela. Early segmentation of fluent speech by infants acquiring French: Emerging evidence for crosslinguistic differences. Journal of Memory and Language, 2006, 54, pp.283-299. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Courtney S. Functional topography of working memory for face or voice identity. NeuroImage, 2005, 24, pp.224-234. (PDF)
  • Streri A, Féron J. The development of haptic abilities in very young infants: from perception to cognition. Infant Behavior and Development, 2005, 28, pp.290-304..
  • Streri A. Touching for knowing in infancy: The development of manual abilities in very young infants. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2005, 4, pp.325-343.
  • Adrien JL, Gattegno MP, Streri A, Reynaud L, Barthelemy C. Développement précoce et créativité chez l’enfant autiste. Archives de Pédiatrie, 2005, 12, pp.858-860.
  • Serniclaes W, Ventura P, Morais J, Kolinsky R. Categorical perception of speech in illiterate adults. Cognition, 2005, 98, pp.B35-B44.. (PDF)
  • Kerzerho Stephanie, Streri Arlette, Gentaz Edouard. Reference frame and haptic discrimination of orientations in infants. Neuroreport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 2005, 16, pp.1833-1837.
  • Nazzi T, Dilley LC, Jusczyk AM, Shattuck-Hufnagel S, Jusczyk PW. English-learning infants’ segmentation of verbs from fluent speech. Language and Speech, 2005, 48, pp.279-298. (PDF)
  • Nazzi T, Gopnik A, Karmiloff-Smith A. Asynchrony in the cognitive and lexical development of young children with Williams syndrome. Journal of Child Language, 2005, 32, pp.427-438. (PDF)
  • Nazzi Thierry. Use of phonetic specificity during the acquisition of new words: Differences between consonants and vowels. Cognition, 2005, 98, pp.13-30. (PDF)
  • Dehaene-Lambertz G, Pallier C, Serniclaes W, Sprenger-Charolles L, Jobert A, Dehaene S. Neural correlates of switching from auditory to speech perception. Neuroimage, 2005, 24, pp.21-33. (PDF)
  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Millogo V, Farioli F, Grainger J. A developmental investigation of word length effects in reading using a new on-line word identification paradigm. Reading and Writing, 2004, 17, pp.411-431. (PDF)
  • Piazza M, Izard V, Pinel P, Dehaene S. Tuning curves for approximate numerosity in the human intraparietal sulcus. Neuron, 2004, 44, pp.547-555. (PDF)
  • Pica P, Lemer V, Izard V, Dehaene S. Exact and approximate arithmetic in an Amazonian Indigene Group. Science, 2004, 306, pp.499-503. (PDF)
  • Pertovaara A, Linnankoski I, Artchakov D, Rämä P, Carlson S. A potential aphrodisiac for female macaques. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 2004, 79, pp.137-141. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Poremba A, Sala JB, Yee L, Malloy M, Mishkin M, Courtney SM. Dissociable functional cortical topographies for working memory maintenance of voice identity and location. Cerebral Cortex, 2004, 14, pp.768–780. (PDF)
  • Delahaie M, Sprenger-Charolles L, Serniclaes W, Billard C, Tichet J, Pointeau S, Vol S. Categorical perception and learning to read / Les habiletes de perception des sons de la parole d’une population d’enfants pre-lecteurs. A.N.A.E. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 2004, 16, pp.363-373.
  • Delahaie M, Sprenger-Charolles L, Serniclaes W, Billard C, Tichet J, Pointeau S, Vol S. Perception catégorielle dans une tâche de discrimination de phonème et apprentissage. Revue Française de Pédagogie, 2004, 147, pp.91-106.
  • Streri Arlette, Gentaz Edouard, Spelke Elizabeth, Van deWalle Gretchen. Infants’ haptic perception of object unity in rotating displays. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology A: Human Experimental Psychology, 2004, 57A, pp.523-538.
  • Gentaz Edouard, Streri Arlette. An "Oblique Effect" in Infants’ Haptic Perception of Spatial Orientations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2004, 16, pp.253-259.
  • Serniclaes W, Van Heghe S, Mousty P, Carré R, Sprenger-Charolles L. Allophonic mode of speech perception in dyslexia. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2004, 87, pp.336-361. (PDF)
  • Streri Arlette, Gentaz Edouard. Cross-modal recognition of shape from hand to eyes and handedness in human newborns. Neuropsychologia, 2004, 42, pp.1365-1369.
  • Sala JB, Rämä P, Courtney SM. Functional topography of a distributed neural system for spatial and nonspatial information maintenance in working memory. Neuropsychologia, 2003, 41, pp.341-356. (PDF)
  • Lacaze E, Kieffert V, Streri A, Lorenzi C, Gentaz E, Habrand J-L, Dellatolas G, Kalifa C, Grill J. Neuropsychological outcome in children with optic pathway tumors when first-line treatment is chemotherapy. British Journal of Cancer, 2003, 89, pp.2038-2044.
  • Serniclaes W. Dyslexie et percetion phonologique. Glossa, 2003, 84, pp.4-21.
  • Streri Arlette, Gentaz Edouard. Cross-modal recognition of shape from hand to eyes in human newborns. Somatosensory and Motor Research, 2003, 20, pp.13-18.
  • Lhote M, Streri A. Haptic memory of object shape in 4-month-old infants / La memoire haptique de la forme des objets chez les Bebes ages de 4 mois. L’annee Psychologique, 2003, 103, pp.33-50.
  • Nazzi Thierry, Paterson Sarah, Karmiloff-Smith A. Early word segmentation by infants and toddlers with Williams syndrome. Infancy, 2003, 4, pp.251-271. (PDF)
  • Nazzi Thierry, Bertoncini Josiane. Before and after the vocabulary spurt: Two modes of word acquisition?. Developmental Science, 2003, 6, pp.136-142. (PDF)
  • Nazzi Thierry, Gopnik Alison. Sorting and acting with objects in early childhood: An exploration of the use of causal cues. Cognitive Development, 2003, 18, pp.299-317. (PDF)
  • Nazzi Thierry, Ramus Franck. Perception and acquisition of linguistic rhythm by infants. Speech Communication, 2003, 41, pp.233-243. (PDF)
  • Sprenger-Charolles Liliane Siegel Linda S, Béchennec Danielle, Serniclaes Willy. Development of phonological and orthographic processing in reading aloud, in silent reading, and in spelling: A four-year longitudinal study. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2003, 84, pp.194-217. (PDF)
  • Serniclaes Willy, Sprenger-Charolles Liliane. Categorical perception of speech sounds and dyslexia. Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain and Cognition, 2003, No 10, pp.No Pagination Specified.
  • Gentaz E, Hatwell Y, Streri A. Constructivist and ecological approaches. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2002, 25, pp.106.
  • Serniclaes W. Méthodes d’évaluation des performances de l’Implant Cochléaire. 2002.
  • Nazzi Thierry, Karmiloff-Smith A. Early categorization abilities in young children with Williams syndrome. Neuroreport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 2002, 13, pp.1259-1262. (PDF)
  • Streri Arlette. Self-knowledge in infants / La connaissance de soi chez le bebe. Intellectica, 2002, No, pp.125-141.
  • Gentaz E, Streri A. Infants’ Haptic Discrimination of Spatial Orientations. Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain and Cognition, 2002, No, pp.61-71.
  • Streri Arlette. Hand preference in 4-month-old infants: Global or local processing of objects in the haptic mode. Current Psychology Letters: Behaviour, Brain and Cognition, 2002, No, pp.39-50.
  • Rämä P, Sala JB, Gillen JS, Pekar JJ, Courtney SM. Dissociation of the neural systems for working memory maintenance of verbal and nonspatial visual information. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 2001, 1, pp.161-171. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Martinkauppi S, Linnankoski I, Koivisto J, Aronen HJ, Carlson S. Working memory processing of emotional vocal expressions: an fMRI study. NeuroImage, 2001, 13, pp.1090-1101. (PDF)
  • Sprenger-Charolles L, Lacert P, Béchennec D, Colé P, Serniclaes W. Stabilité dans le temps et inter-langues des sous-types de dyslexie développementale. A.N.A.E. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l’Enfant, 2001, 62-63, pp.115-128.
  • Serniclaes Willy, Sprenger-Charolles Liliane, Carré René, Démonet Jean Francois. Perceptual discrimination of speech sounds in developmental dyslexia. Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research., 2001, 44, pp.384-399. (PDF)
  • Nazzi Thierry, Gopnik Alison. Linguistic and cognitive abilities in infancy: When does language become a tool for categorization?. Cognition, 2001, 80, pp.B22-B20. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Paavilainen L, Anourova I, Alho K, Reinikainen K, Sipila S, Carlson S. Modulation of slow brain potentials by working memory load in spatial and nonspatial auditory tasks. Neuropsychologia, 2000, 38, pp.913-922. (PDF)
  • Martinkauppi S, Rämä P, Aronen HJ, Korvenoja A, Carlson S. Working memory of auditory localization. Cerebral Cortex, 2000, 10, pp.889-898. (PDF)
  • Streri A. Pour une certaine unité des sens à la naissance: une approche psychologique. Devenir, 2000, 12, pp.59-80.
  • Nazzi Thierry, Kemler-Nelson, D G, Jusczyk Peter W, Jusczyk Ann Marie. Six-month-olds’ detection of clauses embedded in continuous speech: Effects of prosodic well-formedness. Infancy, 2000, 1, pp.123-147. (PDF)
  • Sprenger-Charolles Liliane, Colé Pascale, Lacert Philippe, Serniclaes Willy. On subtypes of developmental dyslexia: Evidence from processing time and accuracy scores. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2000, 54, pp.87-104. (PDF)
  • Nazzi Thierry, Gopnik Alison. A shift in children’s use of perceptual and causal cues to categorization. Developmental Science, 2000, 3, pp.389-396. (PDF)
  • Floccia Caroline, Nazzi Thierry, Bertoncini Josiane. Unfamiliar voice discrimination for short stimuli in newborns. Developmental Science, 2000, 3, pp.333-343. (PDF)
  • Streri Arlette, Lhote Myriam, Dutilleul Sophie. Haptic perception in newborns. Developmental Science, 2000, 3, pp.319-327.
  • Nazzi Thierry, Jusczyk Peter W, Johnson Elizabeth K. Language discrimination by English-learning 5-month-olds: Effects of rhythm and familiarity. Journal of Memory and Language, 2000, 43, pp.1-19. (PDF)
  • Vuontela V, Rämä P, Raninen A, Aronen HJ, Carlson S. Selective interference reveals dissociation between memory for location and colour. NeuroReport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 1999, 10, pp.2235-2240. (PDF)
  • Anourova I, Rämä P, Alho K, Koivusalo S, Kalmari J, Carlson S. Selective interference reveals dissociation between auditory memory for location and pitch. NeuroReport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research, 1999, 10, pp.3543-3547.
  • Sprenger-Charolles Liliane, Colé Pascale, Serniclaes Willy. Déficits phonologiques et métaphonologiques chez des dyslexiques phonologiques et de surface. Rééducation Orthophonique, 1999, 197, pp.25-51.
  • Carlson S, Martinkauppi S, Rämä P, Salli E, Korvenoja A, Aronen HJ. Distribution of cortical activation during visuospatial n-back tasks as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging. Cerebral Cortex, 1998, 8, pp.743-752. (PDF)
  • Serniclaes W, Ouayoun M, De Guchteneere R, Secqueville Th, Bachelot G, Génin J, Meyer B, Chouard CH. Objective assessment of multichannel cochlear implants: Comparison between different strategies for vowel recognition. Acustica, 1998, 84, pp.918-928.
  • Lhote Myriam, Streri Arlette. Haptic memory and handedness in 2-month-old infants. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition, 1998, 3, pp.173-192.
  • Nazzi Thierry, Bertoncini Josiane, Mehler Jacques. Language discrimination by newborns: Toward an understanding of the role of rhythm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1998, 24, pp.756-766. (PDF)
  • Nazzi Thierry, Floccia Caroline, Bertoncini Josiane. Discrimination of pitch contours by neonates. Infant Behavior and Development, 1998, 21, pp.779-784. (PDF)
  • Carlson S, Rämä P, Artchakov D, Linnankoski I. Effects of music and white noise on working memory performance in monkeys. Neuroreport, 1997, 8, pp.2853-2856.
  • Rämä P, Linnankoski I, Carlson S. The effects of alpha-2 agonist, medetomidine and its antagonist, atipamezole on reaction and movement times in a visual choice reaction time task in monkeys. Brain Research Bulletin, 1997, 44, pp.171-175. (PDF)
  • Carlson S, Rämä P, Tanila H, Linnankoski I, Mansikka H. Dissociation of mnemonic coding and other functional neuronal processing in the monkey prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neurophysiology, 1997, 77, pp.761-774. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Kesseli K, Reinikainen K, Kekoni J, Hämäläinen H, Carlson S. Visuospatial mnemonic load modulates event-related slow potentials. Neuroreport: An International Journal for the Rapid Communication of Research in Neuroscience, 1997, 8, pp.871-876.
  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Biardeau A, Grainger J. Masked orthographic priming in bilingual word recognition. Memory and Cognition, 1997, Vol 25(4), pp.447-457.
  • Demeurisse G, Hublet C, Paternot J, Colson C, Serniclaes W. Pathogenesis of subcortical visuo-spatial neglect. A HMPAO SPECT study. Neuropsychologia, 1997, 35, pp.731-5.
  • Tanila H, Rämä P, Carlson S. The effects of prefrontal intracortical microinjections of an alpha-2 agonist, alpha-2 antagonist and lidocaine on the delayed alternation performance of aged rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 1996, 40, pp.117-119. (PDF)
  • Rämä P, Linnankoski I, Tanila H, Pertovaara A, Carlson S. Medetomidine, atipamezole, and guanfacine in delayed response performance of aged monkeys. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 1996, 55, pp.415-422. (PDF)
  • Streri A, Gouarir S. Handedness: left/right differences in object holding and lotor skills in 6-month-old infants. Current Psychology of Cognition, 1996, 15, pp.209-230.
  • Serniclaes Willy, De Guchteneere R, Secqueville T, Bachelot G, Genin J, Meyer B, Chouard C H. Objective evaluation of vowel identification with the Digisonic cochlear implant. Audiology, 1996, 35, pp.23-36.
  • Streri A, Segond H. Sentir et connaître par le toucher chez le bébé. A.N.A.E. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez L’Enfant, 1995, 33, pp.85-88.
  • Hietanen JK, Rämä P. Facilitation and interference occur at different stages of processing in the Simon paradigm. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 1995, 7, pp.183-199.
  • Rämä P, Carlson S, Kekoni J, Hämäläinen H. A spatial oculomotor memory-task performance produces a task-related slow shift in human electroencephalography. Electroencephalography & Clinical Neurophysiology, 1995, 94, pp.371-380. (PDF)
  • Treiman R, MullennixJ, Bijeljac-Babic R, Richmond-Welty ED. The special role of rimes in the description use and acquisition of English orthography. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1995, 124, pp.107-136..
  • Segond H, Streri A. Mieux percevoir la forme des objets à deux mois: main droite ou main gauche?. Enfance, 1995, 2, pp.155-164.
  • Bertoncini Josiane, Floccia Caroline, Nazzi Thierry, Mehler Jacques. Morae and syllables: Rhythmical basis of speech representations in neonates. Language and Speech, 1995, 38, pp.311-329.
  • Streri Arlette. Perceptual-motor and sensorimotor development / Developpement perceptif moteur et sensori-moteur. Psychologie Francaise, 1994, 39, pp.23-28.
  • Streri Arlette, Molina Michele. Visual-tactual and tactual-visual transfer between objects and pictures in 2-month-old infants. Perception, 1993, 22, pp.1299-1318.
  • Bijeljac-Babic Ranka, Bertoncini Josiane, Mehler Jacques. How do 4-day-old infants categorize multisyllabic utterances?. Developmental Psychology, 1993, 29, pp.711-721.
  • Streri Arlette, Molina Michele, Milhet Sylvie. What information is transferred between vision and touch in infants? Studies on shape and weight / Quelles informations sont reellement transferees entre la vision et le toucher chez le bebe? L’exemple de la forme et du poids. Psychologie Francaise, 1993, 38, pp.53-62.
  • Streri Arlette, Spelke Elizabeth, Rameix E. Modality-specific and amodal aspects of object perception in infancy: The case of active touch. Cognition, 1993, 47, pp.251-279.
  • Carlson S, Tanila H, Rämä P, Mecke E, Pertovaara A. Effect of medetomidine, an alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonist and atipamezole, an alpha-2 antagonist on spatial memory performance in adult and aged rats. Behavioral and Neural Biology, 1992, 58, pp.113-119.
  • Streri Arlette. Space and inter-modality relations / L’espace et les relations inter-modalites. L’annee Psychologique, 1991, 91, pp.87-102.
  • Pineau Arlette, Streri Arlette. Intermodal transfer of spatial arrangement of the component parts of an object in infants aged 4-5 months. Perception, 1990, 19, pp.795-804.
  • Jusczyk Peter W, Bertoncini Josiane, Bijeljac-Babic Ranka, Kennedy Lori J. The role of attention in speech perception by young infants. Cognitive Development, 1990, 5, pp.265-286.
  • Bertoncini J, Morais J, Bijeljac-Babic R, McAdams S, Peretz I, Mehler J. Dichotic perception and laterality in neonates. Brain Lang, 1989.
  • Saerens Marco, Serniclaes Willy, Beeckmans Renaud. Acoustic versus contextual factors in stop voicing perception in spontaneous French. Language and Speech, 1989, 32, pp.291-314.
  • Streri Arlette, Spelke Elizabeth S. Effects of motion and figural goodness on haptic object perception in infancy. Child Development, 1989, 60, pp.1111-1125.
  • Streri Arlette, Milhet Sylvie. Intermodal transfer in object’s shape between vision and touch in 2-month-old infants / Equivalences intermodales de la forme des objets entre la vision et le toucher chez les bebes de 2 mois. L’annee Psychologique, 1988, 88, pp.329-341.
  • Bertoncini Josiane, Bijeljac-Babic Ranka, Jusczyk Peter W, Kennedy Lori J. An investigation of young infants’ perceptual representations of speech sounds. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 1988, 117, pp.21-33.
  • Streri Arlette, Spelke Elizabeth S. Haptic perception of objects in infancy. Cognitive Psychology, 1988, 20, pp.1-23.
  • Streri Arlette. Tactile discrimination of shape and intermodal transfer in 2- to 3-month-old infants. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1987, 5, pp.213-220.
  • Bertoncini J, Bijeljac-Babic R, Blumstein SE, Mehler J. Discrimination in neonates of very short CVs. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 1987, 82, pp.31-37.
  • Lecuyer R, Streri A. Information intake during habituation in infants: Links between visual and tactual habituation. Cahiers de Psychologie Cognitive/Current Psychology of Cognition, 1986, 6, pp.565-574.
  • Streri Arlette, Pecheux Marie Germaine. Vision-to-touch and touch-to-vision transfer of form in 5-month-old infants. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 1986, 4, pp.161-167.
  • Streri Arlette, Pecheux Marie Germaine. Tactual habituation and discrimination of form in infancy: A comparison with vision. Child Development, 1986, 57, pp.100-104.
  • Pecheux M- G, Streri A. The space of objects: Introduction / L’espace des objets: Introduction. Psychologie Francaise, 1986, 31, pp.61-65.
  • Pineau A, Streri A. Study of the invariance of a spatial relationship with 4 to 9 month-old infants: To be between 2 objects / Etude de l’invariance d’une relation spatiale chez les bebes de 4 a 9 mois: etre entre deux objets. L’annee Psychologique, 1985, 85, pp.489-502.
  • Serniclaes W, D’Alimonte G, Alegria J. Production and perception of French stops by moderately deaf subjects. Speech Communication, 1984, 3, pp.185-198.
  • Perier O, Alegria J, Buyse M, D’Alimonte G, Gilson D, Serniclaes W. Consequences of auditory deprivation in animals and humans. Acta Otolaryngol Suppl, 1984, 411, pp.60-70.
  • Camus J F, Gerard C, Streri A. Role of knowledge of results in the verification of a geometry puzzle / Role de la connaissance de resultats dans le controle de la resolution d’un puzzle geometrique. Bulletin de Psychologie, 1982, 35, pp.325-331.
  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Hiriateborde E, Kohen-Raz R. Note sur les relations entre ataxiometrie, statokinesimetrie et instabilite. Enfance, 1981, 3, pp.187-194.
  • Maury L, Streri A. Search of an object: Modifications of spatial references in the 8 to 14 month old infant / Recherche de l’objet: Modifications des references spatiales chez le bebe de 8 a 14 mois. L’annee Psychologique, 1981, 81, pp.51-67.
  • Streri A. Language, thought and reference / Langage, pensee et reference. Psychologie Francaise, 1981, 26, pp.289-297.
  • Streri A. A genetic study of the production of utterances with "to want" and "to say" obtained from a picture. L’annee Psychologique, 1979, 79, pp.347-361.


  • Streri A. Ce que connaît le nourrisson: méthodes et faits. Editions In Press, 2018.
  • Streri A. Ce que connaît le nourrisson. Editions In Press, 2018.
  • Bijeljac-Babic, R. L’enfant bilingue, de la petite enfance à l’école. Editions Odile Jacob, 2017.
  • Bijeljac-Babic R. L\\’Enfant bilingue: De la petite enfance à l\\’école. Odile Jacob, , pp.1762017.
  • Streri A. Ce nouveau-né qui est en nous. Hermann Editeur, , pp.1802017.
  • Streri A. Ce nouveau-né qui est en nous: ses perceptions, ses actions, ses intuitions. Edition Hermann, 2016.
  • Chokron S, Streri A. Que voient les nourrissons?. le Pommier, 2012.
  • Sprenger-Charolles Liliane, Colé Pascale, Serniclaes Willy. Reading acquisition and developmental dyslexia (Essays in developmental psychology). Psychology Press. Psychology Press (Taylor, Francis), , pp.2472006.
  • Hatwell Y, Streri A, Gentaz E. Touching for knowing. Cognitive psychology of tactile manual perception. Johns Benjamins Publishing Compagny, 2003.
  • Serniclaes W. Méthodes d’évaluation des performances de l’Implant Cochléaire - Methods for the assessment of Cochlear Implant performances. ILVP –ULB, , pp.2042002.
  • Lécuyer R, Streri A. Actualités de la recherche sur le nourrisson. CNRS et Centre National du Livre, 2002.
  • Hatwell Y, Streri A, Gentaz E. Toucher pour connaître. Psychologie cognitive de la perception tactile manuelle. P.U.F., 2000.
  • Lécuyer R, Pêcheux MG, Streri A. Développement cognitif du nourrisson. Nathan, , pp.2561999.
  • Bijeljac-Babic R, Breton R. Du langage aux langues. Gallimard, 1997.
  • Lecuyer R, Streri A, Pêcheux MG. Développement cognitif du nourrisson Tome 2. Nathan Editeur, 1996.
  • Streri Arlette. Seeing, reaching, touching: The relations between vision and touch in infancy. The, 1993.
  • Streri A. Voir, Atteindre, Toucher: les relations entre la vision et le toucher chez le bébé. P.U.F, 1991.
  • Streri A. Etude génétique des productions d’énoncés avec "vouloir" et "dire". 1979.


  • Streri A. Perception tactile et ses relations avec la vision: compétences et limites. Des troubles sensoriels aux stratégies thérapeutiques., MD Amy, A Barral, B Golse - Editions Cerès, 2021.
  • Gervain, J, Christophe, A, Mazuka, R. Prosodic Bootstrapping. The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody., Gussenhoven, C, Chen, A - Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • Ladányi, E, Gervain, J, Forgács, B. Nyelvfeldolgozás [Language processing]. A pszichológia kézikönyve [The Handbook of Psychology]., Pléh, Cs - Akadémiai Kiadó, 2021.
  • Gervain, J. Development of Speech Perception. The Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech Perception. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Holt, L, Popper, A, Peelle, J - Springer, 2021.
  • Ladány, E, Gervain, J. Language Development in Infancy. Oxford Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Cohen-Kadosh, K - Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • Ortiz, M, Gervain, J. The role of prenatal experience and basic auditory mechanisms in the development of language. The Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology, Volume 40: Human Communication: Origins, Mechanisms and Functions, Sera, M, Koenig, M - Wiley, 2021.
  • Gervain, J. The early acquisition of morphology in agglutinating languages: The case of Hungarian. A Life in Cognition, J Gervain, G Csibra, K Kovács - Springer, 2021.
  • Chilosi AM, Lorenzini I, Cipriani P. La disprassia verbale : caratteristiche cliniche e diagnosi [Fr : Dyspraxie verbale congénitale : caractéristiques cliniques et diagnostic]. Disprassia verbale in età evolutiva. Inquadramento clinico, basi neurobiologiche e principi di trattamento, Chilosi AM - Trento (Italie) : Ed. Erikson, 2020.
  • Gervain, J. Typical Language Development. Neurodevelopmental and cognitive disabilities. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Gallagher, A, Michaud, J, Bulteau, Ch, Cohen, D - Elsevier, pp.171-183, 2020.
  • Bijeljac-Babic, R. Jerry Fodor. La bosse du langage à l’ère numérique. Les grands penseurs du langage, N Journet - Editions des Sciences humaines, 2019.
  • Streri A. Perception tactile. Encyclopedia Universalis, Encyclopedia Universalis France - Xavier Seron & Fayol Michel, 2019.
  • Gervain, J. Chomsky hatása a nyelvelsajátítás kutatására” [Chomsky’s influence on languge acquisition research]. Nyelv, biológia, szabadság. A 90 éves Chomsky jelentősége a tudományban és azon túl [Language, biology, freedom. The impact of the 90-year-old Noam Chomsky in science and beyond], Kenesei, I - Gondolat Kiadó, pp.85-112, 2019.
  • Bijeljac-Babic R. Grandir avec deux langues. Préparer les petits à la maternelle, Boris Cyrulnik - Editions Odile Jacob, 2019.
  • Bijeljac-Babic R. Développement du langage chez l’enfant monolingue et bilingue. Le développement du bébé de la vie fœtale à la marche, Emmanuel Devouche, Joëlle PROVASI - Elsevier Health Sciences, 2019.
  • Streri A. Le nouveau-né : cet être de sens et de perception. Les cahiers de l’Université Paris Descartes, Université René Descartes - Université René Descartes, 2018.
  • Streri A. Touch. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development, Marc H Bornstein - Sage Publication, 2018.
  • Streri A. Né pour apprendre. L’art d’éduquer les enfants, Sciences Humaines Cercle Psy - Sciences Humaines, 2017.
  • Gervain, J. Miért különleges a beszéd? A beszéd mint kitüntetett hanginger a hatékony ideigi kódolás elmélete szerint. [Why is Speech Special? Speech as a special auditory stimulus within the framework of efficient neural coding theory]. Stratégiák és struktúrák. Tanulmányok Kenesei István 70. születésnapjára [Strategies & Structures. Festschrift for Istvan Kenesei’s 70th Birthday]., T Szécsényi & E Németh T - JATEPress, 2017.
  • Judit Gervain. Gateway to language: The perception of prosody at birth. Boundaries Crossed: Studies at the crossroads of morphosyntax, phonology, pragmatics, and semantics, Z Bánréti, H Bartos, M den Dikken, T Váradi (eds) - Springer, pp.373-384, 2017.
  • Judit Gervain. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, James D Wright - Oxford, 2015.
  • de Hevia MD. Link between numbers and spatial extent from birth to adulthood. Continuous issues in numerical cognition: How many or how much., Avishai Henik - Elsevier, 2015.
  • Serniclaes W, Sprenger-Charolles L. Reading impairment: from behavior to brain. Handbook of Communication Disorders, R. Bahr and E. Silliman - Routledge, pp.34-45, 2015.
  • Chilosi A, Lorenzini I, Cerri B, Cipriani P. Disprassia Verbale Evolutiva : inquadramento clinico e diagnosi differenziale con il DSL fonologico [Fr : Dyspraxie vérbale congenitale : déscription clinique et diagnostic différentiel entre dyspraxie et trouble phonologique]. I disturbi del Linguaggio [Fr : Les troubles du langage], Caselli C, Marotta - Trento (Italie) : Ed. Erikson., 2014.
  • Gervain, J. “Nyelvek és nyelvtanok” [Languages and Grammars]. Pszicholingvisztika 1-2. [Psycholinguistics]., Cs Pléh & A Lukács - Akadémiai Kiadó, pp.117-147, 2014.
  • Abboub N, Bijeljac-Babic R, Serres J, Nazzi T. Processing of Lexical Stress at the Phonological Level in French Monolinguals and Bilinguals at 10 Months. BUCLD 38 Proceedings, pp.1-11, 2014.
  • Gervain J. Developmental Science and the Nature-Nurture Issue: The Case of Language. Naturalistic Approaches to Culture., P. Richerson G Csibra, Cs. Pléh - 2014.
  • You R, Chabane N, Rider D, , Serniclaes W. Perception de la parole chez les enfants du spectre autistique. La voix et la parole perturbées. Travaux en Phonétique Clinique, R., Sock B, Vaxelaire C, Fauth - CIPA, Collection « Recherches en Parole » (RPA), pp.103-116, 2014.
  • Gervain J. Szerkezet és agy a nyelvfejlődés legkorábbi szakaszaiban [Structure and the brain in early language development]. Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok [Studies in General Linguistics], Pléh, Cs. - 2013.
  • Gervain J. Early rule learning ability and language acquisition. Recursion and Language, Lowenthal F, ,Lefebvre F - Springer, pp.89-99, 2013.
  • Werker J, Gervain J. Speech Perception and Phonological Development. The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology, Zelazo PD. - Oxford University Press, pp.909-925, 2013.
  • Yeung HH, Nazzi T. Ostensive and referential object labeling helps infants learn generalizable sound patterns. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, S. Baiz N Goldman, ,R. Hawkes - Cascadilla Press, pp.469-481, 2013. (PDF)
  • Shukla M, Gervain J, Mehler J, Nespor M. Linguistic Constraints on Statistical Learning in Early Language Acquisition. Statistical Learning and Language Acquisition, Rebuschat P, Williams J - Mouton de Gruyter, 2012.
  • Legendre G, Culbertson J, Barrière I, Nazzi T, , Goyet L. Experimental and empirical evidence for the status and acquisition of subject clitics and agreement marking in adult and child Spoken French. Movement and Clitics, V. Torrens L Escobar A Gavarro and J.G. Mangado - Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.
  • Goyet L, Millotte S, Christophe A, , Nazzi T. Processing continuous speech in infancy: From major prosodic units to isolated word forms. Oxford Handbook of Developmental Linguistics, J. Lidz J Pater and W. Snyder - Oxford University Press, 2012.
  • Gonzalez-Gomez N, , Nazzi T. Phonological Feature Constraints on the Acquisition of Phonological Dependencies. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, 2012.
  • Streri A, Gentaz E. Intermanual and intermodal transfer in human newborns: Neonatal behavioral evidence and neurocognitive approach. Neuroimaging - cognitive and clinical neuroscience, Peter Bright, pp.319-332, 2012.
  • Streri A. Cross-modal interactions in the human newborn: New answers to Molyneux’ s question. Multisensory Development, A. Bremner D Lewkowicz, ,C. Spence - Oxford University Press, pp.88-112, 2012.
  • Nazzi T, Gonzalez-Gomez N. Sensitivity to non-adjacent phonological dependencies in 10-month-old infants. Proceedings of ICPhS XVII, pp.1454-1457, 2011.
  • Legendre G, Barrière I, Goyet L, , Nazzi T. On the Acquisition of Implicated Presuppositions: Evidence from French Personal Pronouns. Selected Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America (GALANA 2010), Mihaela Pirvulescu, et al. - Cascadilla Proceedings Project, pp.150-162, 2011.
  • Barrière I, Goyet L, Nazzi T, Kresh S, , Legendre G. The representation of subject-verb agreement in French-learning toddlers: New evidence from the comprehension of an infrequent pattern of pseudoverbs. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, pp.38-48, 2011.
  • Molavi B, Gervain J, , Dumont G A. Estimating cortical connectivity in functional near infrared spectroscopy using multivariate autoregressive modeling. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, pp.2334-2337, 2011.
  • Bouton S, Bertoncini J, Leuwers C, Serniclaes W, Colé P. Apprentissage de la lecture et développement des habiletés associées à la réussite en lecture chez les enfants munis d’un implant cochléaire : Apport de la langue française parlée complétée. Langue française parlée complétée (LPC) : Fondements et perspectives, J. Leybaert - Solal, pp.163-187, 2011.
  • Serniclaes W. Features are phonological transforms of natural boundaries. Cognitive, physical and developmental bases of distinctive speech categories, G.N. Clements and R. Ridouane - John Benjamins, pp.237-257, 2011.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Dehaene S, Hinchey D, , Spelke ES. Geometry as a universal mental construction. Attention and Performance, pp.319-332, 2011. (PDF)
  • Song L, Nazzi T, Moukawane S, Golinkoff RM, Stahl A, Ma W, Hirsh-Pasek K, , Connell M. Sleepy vs. sleeping: Preeschoolers’ sensitivity to morphological cues for adjectives and verbs in English and French. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, pp.409-420, 2010.
  • Legendre G, Goyet L, Barrière I, Kresh S, , Nazzi T. Sensitivity to irregular French subject-verb agreement at 18 months: Evidence from the Head Turn Preference procedure. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Cascadilla Press, pp.257-268, 2010.
  • Barrière I, Legendre G, Nazzi T, Goyet L, , Kresh S. L’acquisition de l’accord sujet-verbe par les jeunes francophones natifs entre 14 et 30 mois : préférence, compréhension et environnement linguistique. Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress of French Linguistics, Neveu F., Muni Toke V., Durand J., Klingler T., Mo - pp.1429-1443, 2010.
  • Bertoncini J, Cabrera L, , Lorenzi C. Discimination of voicing on the basis of temporal envelope cues in 6-month old infants. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, POMA 9, 060004., 2010. (PDF)
  • Streri A. Des spécificités sensorielles à leurs interactions pour une perception unifiée du monde. De l’une à l’autre: composer, apprendre et partager en mouvements, ouvrage collectif - Editions Bruxelles, pp.40-51, 2010.
  • Gervain Judit. A statisztikai tanulás és a szabálytanulás idegi alapjai [The neural correlates of statistical learning and rule extraction]. Kognitív Idegtudomány [Cognitive Neuroscience], Pléh, Cs., Gy. Kovács B Gulyás - Osiris, 2010.
  • Streri A. La sensorialité du nouveau-né. L’encyclopédie de la naissance, R. Frydman M Szejer - Albin Michel, pp.1064-1072, 2010.
  • Højen A, , Nazzi T. Detailed vocalic information in Danish 20-month-olds’ novel words. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Speech and Language, pp.121-125, 2009.
  • Izard V. Le bébé et les nombres (Infants are numerate). Annales de la Fondation Fyssen, 2009. (PDF)
  • Serniclaes W, , Geng C. Cross-linguistic trends in the perception of place of articulation in stop consonants: A comparison between Hungarian and French. Approaches to phonological complexity, Pellegrino F, Marsico E, Chitoran I ,Coupé C - Mouton de Gruyter, pp.241-266, 2009.
  • Streri A. Haptic abilities in infancy and their relation to vision: A review. Cognitive Psychology Research Developments, Stella P Weingarten and Helena O. Penat - Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2009.
  • Hoonhorst I, Colin C, Markessis E, Radeau M, Deltenre P, , Serniclaes W. N100 component: an electrophysiological cue of voicing perception. Some aspects of speech in the brain., S. Fuchs H Loevenbruck, D. Pape ,P.Perrier - Bern: Perter Lang Verlagsgruppe., 2009.
  • Mehler J, Gervain J, Endress A D, Shukla M. Mechanisms of language acquisition: imaging and behavioral evidence. Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Nelson CA., Luciana M - MITPress, 2008.
  • Mehler Jacques, Endress Ansgar, Gervain Judit, Nespor Marina. From perception to grammar. Early language development: Bridging brain and behaviour., Friederici, Angela D. ,Thierry, Guillaume - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.191-213, 2008.
  • Sprenger-Charolles L, Serniclaes W. Une nouvelle explication des déficits phonologiques dans la dyslexie: Données comportementales et de neuroimagerie. La cognition réparée? Perturbations et récupérations des fonctions cognitives, G.Chapoutier, ,R.Jouvent - Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, pp.43-70, 2008.
  • Nazzi T, Iakimova G, Bertoncini J, Mottet S, Serres J, de Schonen S. Behavioral and electrophysiological exploration of early word segmentation in French : Distinguishing the syllabic and lexical levels. Early Language Development, Trends in Language Acquisition Research, A. D.Friederici, ,G. Thierry - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.65-90, 2008.
  • Dehaene S, Izard V, Lemer C, , Pica P. Quels sont les liens entre arithmétique et langage? Une étude en Amazonie. Cahier Chomsky, Bricmont J, ,Franck JJ. - Cahier de l’Herne, pp.188-196, 2007. (PDF)
  • Serniclaes W, Medina V, Schepers F, , Simon P. Le développement de la communication parlée avec Implant Cochléaire. Surdité et langage : Prothèses, LPC et Implant Cochléaire, J. Lopez-Krahé - Presses Universitaires de Vincennes, pp.69-98, 2007.
  • Legendre G, Nazzi T, Barrière I, Culbertson J, Lopez-Gonzalez M, Goyet L, , Zaroukian E. Acquiring Subject-verb Agreement in French: Evidence for Abstract Knowledge from Comprehension. 31st Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, pp.370-381, 2007.
  • de Hevia MD, Vallar G, , Girelli L. Visuo-spatial components of numerical representation. Imagery and Spatial Cognition: Methods, Models and Cognitive Assessment, T. Vecchi and G. Bottini - John Benjamins, pp.155-171, 2006.
  • Streri A. Développement de la représentation des objets. Psychologie Cognitive : approches développementale et différentielle, J. Lautrey - P.U.F., pp.138-163, 2006.
  • Streri A. Touch in infancy: the development of haptic abilities in very young infants. Psychological Science around the world, Qicheng Jing, Hang Zhang, Kan Zhang - pp.471-486, 2006.
  • Streri A, , Mellier D. L’intelligence dès la naissance. L’intelligence de l’enfant, M. Fournier R Lécuyer - Sciences Humaines Editions, pp.73-88, 2006.
  • Nazzi T, , Houston D M. Finding verb forms within the continuous speech stream. Action meets words: How children learn verbs, K. Hirsh-Pasek, ,R. Michnick-Golinkoff - Oxford University Press, pp.64-87, 2006.
  • Streri A. Définition d’une entrée dans le dictionnaire du corps. Dictionnaire du corps, B Andrieu - Editions du CNRS, Sciences Humaines et Sociales, 2005.
  • Leybaert J, Schepers J, Renglet T, Simon P, Serniclaes W, Deltenre P, Marquet T, Mansbach A-L, Périer O, , Ligny C. Effet de l’implant cochléaire sur le développement du langage et l’architecture cognitive de l’enfant sourd profond. L’acquisition du langage par l’enfant sourd : les signes, l’oral et l’écrit., C. Transler, J. Leybaert, ,J.-E. Gombert - Solal, pp.175-196, 2004.
  • Bertoncini J, Nazzi T. Développement précoce de la perception de la parole. Le développement du nourrisson, R. Lécuyer - Dunod, 2004.
  • Fagard J, Streri A. Origine de la latéralité manuelle. Droitiers/Gauchers : des asymétries dans tous les sens, J. Fagard - Solal, pp.49-70, 2004.
  • Wydoodt P, Gentaz E, Gaunet F, Chêne D, Streri A. Haptic estimation of spatial location in virtual and real path completion task: contribution of proprioceptive and cutaneous information on the path effect. Touch, Blindness and neuroscience, M. Heller S Ballesteros - pp.351-361, 2004.
  • Streri A. Quelques réflexions sur les performances néonatales. Traité de Psychologie du nourrisson, R. Lécuyer - Dunod, pp.139-158, 2004.
  • Fagard J, Streri A. Développement des asymétries chez le bébé. Droitiers/Gauchers: des asymétries dans tous les sens., J. Fagard - Solal, pp.49-70, 2004.
  • Sprenger-Charolles L, , Serniclaes W. Comment expliquer une évolution: l’exemple de l’apprentissage de la lecture. Actes de la Journée du LEAPLE: Qu’est ce qu’analyser une évolution?, LEAPLE, pp.75-100, 2004.
  • Sprenger-Charolles L, , Serniclaes W. Nature et origine des déficits dans la dyslexie développementale: l’hypothèse phonologique. Apprentissage de la lecture et dyslexies Développementales, S.Valdois PColé, ,D. David, - Solal (Collection Neuropsychologie), pp.113-146, 2004.
  • Gopnik Alison, Nazzi Thierry. Words, kinds, and causal powers: A theory perspective on early naming and categorization. Early category and concept development: Making sense of the blooming, buzzing confusion, D.H.Rakison, ,L.M. Oakes - Oxford University Press, pp.303-329, 2003.
  • Streri A. L’intermodalité. Une introduction à la psychologie des perceptions. Perception et réalité, A. Delorme M Flückiger - Gaëtan Morin, pp.197-221, 2003.
  • Hatwell Yvette, Streri Arlette, Gentaz Edouard. Touching for knowing: Cognitive psychology of haptic manual perception. -, - - John Benjamins Publishing Company, 320 p, 2003.
  • Streri Arlette. Intermodal relations in infancy. Touching for knowing: Cognitive psychology of haptic manual perception, Hatwell, YvetteStreri, ArletteGentaz, Edouard - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.191-206, 2003.
  • Streri Arlette. Handedness and manual exploration. Touching for knowing: Cognitive psychology of haptic manual perception, Hatwell, YvetteStreri, ArletteGentaz, Edouard - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.83-102, 2003.
  • Streri Arlette. Manual exploration and haptic perception in infants. Touching for knowing: Cognitive psychology of haptic manual perception, Hatwell, YvetteStreri, ArletteGentaz, Edouard - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.51-66, 2003.
  • Streri A. Les coordinations intermodales chez le bébé. Toucher pour connaître: Psychologie cognitive de la perception tactile manuelle, Hatwell Y, Streri A, Gentaz E - John Benjamins Publishing Company, 191-206, 2000.
  • Streri A. Exploration et latéralisation manuelle. Toucher pour connaître: Psychologie cognitive de la perception tactile manuelle, Hatwell Y, Streri A, Gentaz E - John Benjamins Publishing Company, 83-102, 2000.
  • Streri A. Exploration manuelle et perception tactile chez le nourrisson. Toucher pour connaître: Psychologie cognitive de la perception tactile manuelle, Hatwell Y, Streri A, Gentaz E - John Benjamins Publishing Company, 51-66, 2000.
  • Serniclaes W. La perception de la parole. La parole, des modèles cognitifs aux machines communicantes, P. Escudier G Feng P Perrier J-L. Schwartz - Hermès, pp.159-190, 2000.
  • Carré R, Sprenger-Charolles L, Messaoud-Galusi S, , Serniclaes W. On auditory-phonetic short-term transformation. International Congres of Speech and Language (ICSLP), ICSLP, pp.937-940, 2000.
  • Barbe V, Bijeljac-Babic R, Tourrette C. Analyse quantitative et qualitative du lexique de l’enfant entre deux niveaux de developpement (MLU2 et MLU3). Psychologie et differences individuelles., M. Huteau ,J. Lautrey - Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp.265-266, 1999.
  • Streri A. Le développement des perceptions. Manuel de Psychologie de l’Enfant, J. A. Rondal E Esperet - Mardaga, pp.261-307, 1999.
  • Streri A. Paradigmes expérimentaux et méthodes d’étude du nourrisson. Les méthodes de recherches en psychologie, J.P. Rossi - Dunod, pp.63-125, 1999.
  • Streri A. Definitions de cinq entrées de dictionnaires. Vocabulaire de Sciences Cognitives, O Houdé, D Kayser, O Koenig, J Proust et F Rastier - Paris, PUF, 1998.
  • Mehler Jacques, Dupoux Emmanuel, Nazzi Thierry, Dehaene-Lambertz Ghislaine. Coping with linguistic diversity: The infant’s viewpoint. Signal to syntax: Bootstrapping from speech to grammar in early acquisition, J.L.Morgan, ,K. Demuth - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, pp.101-116, 1996.
  • Streri A. La connaissance des objets par les bébés. Développement et intégration des fonctions cognitives, Dunod, pp.307-331, 1994.
  • Lecuyer Roger, Streri Arlette. How should intelligence be characterized in the infant?. Early child development in the French tradition: Contributions from current research, Vyt, AndreBloch, HenrietteBornstein, Marc H. - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, pp.75-90, 1994.
  • Streri Arlette, Molina Michele. Constraints on intermodal transfer between touch and vision in infancy. The development of intersensory perception: Comparative perspectives, Lewkowicz, David J.Lickliter, Robert - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc, pp.285-307, 1994.
  • Streri A. Percevoir. L’homme cognitif, A. Weil-Barais D Dubois P Lecocq JL. Pedinielli - P.U.F., pp.90-193, 1993.
  • Streri A. A-modalité/Intermodalité: quelle réalité?. Les comportements du bébé: expression de son savoir?, V. Pouthas F Jouen - Passon, pp.169-181, 1993.
  • Streri A. Analyse de six auteurs et de leurs ouvrages. Encyclopédie des auteurs célèbres et des ouvrages, Laffont - Editions Laffont, 1992.
  • Serniclaes Willy, Wajskop Max. Phonetic versus acoustic account of feature interaction in speech perception. Analytic approaches to human cognition, Alegria, JesusHolender, DanielJunca de Morais, J - North-Holland, pp.77-91, 1992.
  • Streri A. Relation between vision and touch: perception and motor activity. Sensory-motor organization and development in infancy and early childhood, H Bloch and B Berthental - NATO, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, pp.337-344-1990.
  • Bertoncini J, Bijeljac-Babic R. La perception de la parole chez le jeune enfant, la découverte des unités linguistiques. Progrès en Néonatologie, J.P. Relier - Karger, pp.174-181, 1990.
  • streri, A. La relation entre toucher et vision avant 5 mois. Bulletin du Groupement des Psychologues du Centre Ouest, Psychologues du Centre Ouest - Ceres, pp.92-94, 1984.


  • Serniclaes W. Etude expérimentale de la perception du trait de voisement des occlusives du français. Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1987. (PDF)

Newspaper articles

  • Streri A. Le nouveau-né : cet être de sens et de perception. Les cahiers de l’université Paris Descartes. 2018.
  • Streri A. Les compétences précoces du nourrisson: une histoire récente. Sciences Humaines. 2018.
  • Streri A. Que Perçoit le nouveau-né. La maison des maternelles de France 5. 2017.
  • Streri A. Interview autour de la question: Comment les nouveau-nés comprennent le monde. Radio France International. 2017.
  • Streri A. Entretien avec J.F. Marmion. Sciences Humaines. 2017.
  • Pica P, Izard V, Dehaene S, Spelke ES. Mundurucu terms with arithmetical, geometrical and spatial content. 2011.

Speech communications

  • Streri A. Percevoir et comprendre dès les premières heures de vie. Conférences consacrées aux développement du nourrisson, 2019, Palais de la découverte.
  • Streri A. Connaître pour créer par le toucher. Toucher pour créer: de l’objet au virtuel, 2018, Ecole Centrale de Lyon.
  • Streri A. Le rôle des indices visuels et sonores dans la reconnaissance des visages par le nouveau-né. ETIS, 2018, Cergy Pontoise.
  • Streri A. Continuité transnatale et début d’une nouvelle vie. Journée AHP Néonat, 2017, Hôpital Américain.
  • Le Meur O, Coutrot A, Liu Z, Rämä P, Le Roch A, Helo A. Your gaze betrays your age. EUSIPCO, 2017, Kos, Greece. (PDF)
  • Mélanie BRUN, Lucie MARTIN, Brent STRICKLAND, Julien MARIE, Kristenn LE SAINT, Véronique IZARD. Does topology help object individuation?. Budapest CEU Conference for Cognitive Development, 2017, Budapest.
  • Lucie MARTIN, Aurélie COUBART, Arlette STRERI, Véronique IZARD. Bridging small and large numerosities: the case of newborn infants. Budapest CEU Conference for Cognitive Development, 2017, Budapest.
  • Streri A. Compréhension des événements bimodaux par le nouveau-né. anthropologie des perceptions sensorielles: apprendre, 2016, Musée de l’homme.
  • Potier-Watkins C, Viarouge A, Martin L, Brun M, Huet V, Gautreau A, Izard V. Board Games for Number Understanding. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2016, Budapest.
  • Dillon M, Izard V, Spelke E S. Infants\’ sensitivity to shape changes. Cognitive Development Society, 2015, Columbus, OH.
  • Viarouge A, Izard V. In which box does this number go? Breaking down the number categorization task. DUCOG, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • Strickland B, Wertz A, Labouret G, Keil F, Izard V. The principles of object continuity and solidity in adult vision: Some discrepancies in performance. Annual meeting of the Vision Sciences Society, 2015, St. Pete Beach, Florida.
  • Marie J, Martin L, Coubart A, de Hevia MD, Streri A, Izard V. Newborn infants detect correspondences in the numerical structure of visual vs. auditory sets. SRCD, 2015, Philadelphia, PA, USA. (PDF)
  • Viarouge A, Potier-Watkins C, Izard V. The role of symbolic number representation in developing a full understanding of the successor function. SRCD, 2015.
  • Bulf H, Gariboldi V, de Hevia MD, Macchi-Cassia V. Left-to-right orientation facilitates learning of abstract rules in 7-month-old infants. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2015, Hungary.
  • Macchi-Cassia V, Gariboldi V, Bulf H, de Hevia MD, McCrink K. Operational momentum during the representation of ordinal relations in 4- and 12-month-old infants. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2015, Hungary.
  • Bulf H, de Hevia MD, Macchi-Cassia V. Small on the left, large on the right: Evidence for a Posner-SNARC effect in preverbal infants. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2015, Hungary.
  • Viarouge A, Izard V. Towards a full understanding of the structure of integers: the successor function in early school years. BCCCD, 2014, Budapest.
  • Gariboldi V, Bulf H, de Hevia MD, McCrink K, Macchi-Cassia V. Operational momentum during the representation of ordinal relations in 4- and 12-month-old infants. Workshop on Cognition and Evolution CogEVO, 2014, Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Italy..
  • Bulf H, de Hevia MD, Macchi-Cassia V. Magnitude information and oriented spatial codes in human infants. Sympoisum on the Embodiment of abstract concepts: what’s special about space?, 2014, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy.
  • Bulf H, Macchi-Cassia V, de Hevia MD. Do numbers orient visual attention in infants? Evidence from an eye-tracking study. International Society for Infant Studies, 2014, Berlin, Germany.
  • Macchi-Cassia V, Gariboldi V, Bulf H, McCrink K, de Hevia MD. Operational momentum during magnitude ordering in 12-month-old infants. International Society for Infant Studies, 2014, Berlin, Germany.
  • Marie J, Coubart A, de Hevia MD, Streri A, Izard V. Newborn infants detect correspondences in the numerical structure of visual vs. auditory sets. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, 2014, Hongrie.
  • You R S, Serniclaes W, Rider D, Chabane N. Audiovisual Speech Perception in Autism. the International Meeting for Autism Research, 2013, San Sebastián, Spain.
  • Addabbo M, Quirito, S, Gariboldi V, de Hevia MD, Girelli L. La discriminazione delle relazioni numeriche ordinali a 4 mesi di vita: nuove evidenze di un vantaggio per l’ordine crescente. XXVI Congresso nazionale della sezione di psicologia dello sviluppo e dell’educazione, 2013, Milan, Italy.
  • de Hevia MD, Marie, J, Coubart A, Streri A, Izard V. One-to-one correspondence cues for small sets enhance infants’ arithmetic abilities. Society for Research in Child Development, 2013, Seattle, USA.
  • de Hevia MD. What babies know about Space, Time, and Number. College de France, 2013, Paris, France.
  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. Not all continuous dimensions map equally: Number-Brightness mapping in infants. International Society for Infant Studies, 2012, Minneapolis, USA.
  • Izard V. The Perception of Angles in Preschoolers. Early Language Learning and Brain Development, 2012, Neurospin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Dehaene S, Spelke ES. The Origins of Exact Numbers. Society for Anthropological Sciences, 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Serniclaes W, Salinas J. Perception of place-of-articulation distinctions : common representation for vowels and consonants. ICPhS XVII (International Congress of Phonetic Sciences), 2011, Hong Kong. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Vanderslice M, Spelke ES. Cross-dimensional Mapping of Number, Length and Brightness by Preschool Children. Cognitive Development Society, 2011, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Coubart A, Izard V, Sann C, Spelke ES, Streri A. Dissociation between small and large numerosities in newborns. Cognitive Development Society Biennal Meeting, 2011, Philadelphia.
  • de Hevia MD. Constructing a Mental Number Line. Journée scientifique annuelle du GDR Neurosciences Cognitives du Développement, 2011, Paris.
  • You RS, Serniclaes W, Rider D, Savariaux C, Schwartz J-L, Chabane N. Perception auditive et visuelle de parole chez les enfants du spectre autistique. Quatrième Journée de Phonétique Clinique, 2011, Strasbourg, France. (PDF)
  • Macchi-Cassia V, Girelli L, de Hevia MD, Picozzi M. Four-Month-Old Infants' Detection of Order: An Advantage for Increasing Non-Numerical Sequences. Society for Research in Child Development, 2011, Montreal, Canada.
  • de Hevia MD, Macchi-Cassia V. Early precursors of a number line. Society for Research in Child Development, 2011, Montreal, Canada.
  • You RS, Serniclaes W, Rider D, Chabane N. Perception visuelle de parole chez les enfants du spectre autistique. International Conference AutismComSym 2011: Communicative and symbolic behaviors in children with autism: Functional specificities and conditions of appearance, 2011, Paris, France. (PDF)
  • de Hevia MD, Picozzi M, Girelli L, Macchi-Cassia V. Left-to-right oriented number line: Infants’ use of space to represent number magnitude. International Society for Infant Studies, 2010, Baltimore, USA.
  • Macchi-Cassia V, de Hevia MD, Picozzi M, Rumi G, Perego V, Girelli L. Increasing magnitude counts more: evidence from 4-month-old infants’ detection of non-numerical ordinal sequences. British Psychological Association, Developmental Section Conference, 2010, London, UK.
  • Katz R, de Hevia MD, Izard V, Spelke ES. High Tones and High Places: Infants' mapping across tonal and spatial dimensions. International Conference on Infant Studies, 2010, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Izard V. Geometry: A Universal Mental Construction. 24th International Symposium on Attention and Performance, 2010, France.
  • Serniclaes W. Gunnar Fant’s contribution to speech perception: forcing the speech code. Congrés Français d’Acoustique, Lyon 2010, 2010.
  • Picozzi M, de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Macchi-Cassia V. Are 4-Month-Olds Able to Discriminate Ordinal Sequences of Non-Numerical Quantities?. Society for Research in Child Development, 2009, Denver, USA.
  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. The Spatial-Numerical Link in Adults, Children, and Infants. Society for Research in Child Development, 2009, Denver, USA.
  • Picozzi M, de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Macchi-Cassia V. Seven-month-old infants’ ability to detect ordinal numerical relationships within temporal and spatiotemporal sequences. Workshop on Cognition and Evolution CogEVO, 2009, Trento, Italy.
  • Picozzi M, de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Macchi-Cassia V. Are 4-month-olds able to discriminate non-numerical ordinal sequences?. Workshop on Cognition and Evolution CogEVO, 2009, Trento, Italy.
  • Izard V, Sann C, Spelke ES, Streri A. Newborn Infants Represent Abstract Numbers. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (SRCD), 2009, Denver, Colorado.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Dehaene S, Spelke ES. Intuitions for Multiplication in Amazonian Adults and in U.S. Adults and Children. Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting (SRCD), 2009, Denver, Colorado.
  • Gentaz E, Izard V, Cheam C. Five year old children and adults spontaneously draw similar rectangles and triangles but not in the golden ratio. International Graphonomics Society, 2009, Dijon, France.
  • Izard V, Spelke ES. The Development of the Sensitivity to Geometry in Visual Forms. Cognitive Development Society Biennal Meeting (CDS), 2009, San Antonio, Texas.
  • Izard V. A universal developmental path in the construction of exact number concepts. Workshop on Cultural Effects on the Mental Number Line, 2009, University of York, UK.
  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. Connections between number and space in infancy. International Society for Infant Studies, 2008, Vancouver, Canada.
  • de Hevia MD. Links between representations of number and space in early childhood and infancy. Jacobs Foundation Conference, 2008, Marbach Castle, Germany.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Dehaene S, Spelke ES. A Universal Path in the Construction of Exact Number Concepts. Exciting Biologies: Biology of Cognition (Cell Press, the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Ipsen Foundation), 2008, Chantilly, France.
  • You RS, Serniclaes W. Perception des voyelles et dyslexie développementale. Actes des 27èmes Journée d’Etude sur la Parole JEP-TALN-RECITAL., 2008, Avignon. (PDF)
  • You R S, Serniclaes W. Categorical Perception: from consonants to vowels. X Congresso Nacional e IV Internacional de Fonética e Fonologia, 2008, Brazil.
  • de Hevia MD, Spelke ES. The spatial representation of magnitude in children: Effects of number in the perception of a line. Society for Research in Child Development, 2007, Boston, USA.
  • Girelli L, Previtali P, de Hevia MD. Serial learning induces spatially-organized mental representation. Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), 2007, Marseille, France.
  • Perrone G, de Hevia MD, Girelli L. Mapping numbers onto space: Further support for the cognitive illusion hypothesis. Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale, 2007, Como, Italy.
  • Perrone G, de Hevia MD, Girelli L. The influence of numerical information on the representation of space. Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale, 2007, Como, Italy.
  • Revkin S, Piazza M, Izard V, Zamarian L, Karner E, Dehaene S, Cohen L, Delazer M. The role of executive functions in numerical estimation: A neuropsychological case study. 25th European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2007, Bressanone, Italy.
  • Izard V, Streri A, Spelke ES. Young children’s conception of exact equality between numbers. Cognitive Development Society Vth Biennial Meeting, 2007, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
  • Izard V, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Dehaene S. Dual Pathways for Numerosity and Object Identity in 3-months-old infants. International Networking Seminar for Young Researchers on ‘Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuro-Imaging of Development’, 2007, British Council, Paris, France.
  • Perrone G, de Hevia MD, Bricolo E, Girelli L. Spatial effects on the writing of Arabic numbers. Congresso Nazionale della Sezione di Psicologia Sperimentale, 2006, Rovereto, Italy.
  • Revkin S, Piazza M, Izard V, Cohen L, Dehaene S. Does subitizing reflect numerical estimation?. NUMBRA summer school, 2006, Jyväskylä, Finland.
  • Grace AD, Izard V, Shutts K, Dehaene S, Pica P, Spelke ES. Sensitivity to geometry in male and female children and adults in the U.S. and in an Amazonian indigene group. Annual Meeting of the Vision Science Society, 2006, Sarasota, Florida.
  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Bricolo E, Vallar G. The impact of numbers in the representational space: Mis-estimations of length. Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS) Meeting, 2005, New York, USA.
  • de Hevia MD. The influence of the numerical magnitude in the representation of space. NUMBRA / ESCOP Summer School “Neuroscience of number processing, 2005, Erice, Italy.
  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Bricolo E, Vallar G. The impact of the numerical magnitude in the representation of space. NUMBRA / ESCOP Summer School “Neuroscience of number processing”, 2005, Erice, Italy.
  • Perrone G, de Hevia MD, Bricolo E, Girelli L. Physical and symbolic distances in the representational space: Evidence from scanning visual images. Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), 2005, Leiden, Holland.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Lemer C, Dehaene S. The role of the language in the development of numerical knowledge. NUMBRA summer school, 2005, Erice, Sicily.
  • Izard V, Pica P, Lemer C, Dehaene S. What is universal in numbers ?. annual meeting of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), 2005, University of Leiden, the Netherlands.
  • Piazza M, Izard V, Pinel P, Dehaene S. Tuning curves for approximate numerosity in the human intraparietal sulcus. Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), 2004, San Francisco, California.
  • Izard V, Dehaene S. Calibrating of numerosity estimation :evidence for a logarithmic number line. Annual meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), 2004, San Francisco, California.
  • de Hevia MD, Girelli L, Vallar G. Cognitive illusion of length induced by number magnitude. Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), 2003, Granada, Spain.