Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center - CNRS UMR 8002
CNRS, Université de Paris
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06

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Language and cognition

room 603

Recent Publications



  • Gervain, J, Christophe, A, Mazuka, R. Prosodic Bootstrapping. The Oxford Handbook of Language Prosody., Gussenhoven, C, Chen, A - Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • Ladányi, E, Gervain, J, Forgács, B. Nyelvfeldolgozás [Language processing]. A pszichológia kézikönyve [The Handbook of Psychology]., Pléh, Cs - Akadémiai Kiadó, 2021.
  • Gervain, J. Development of Speech Perception. The Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience of Speech Perception. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research, Holt, L, Popper, A, Peelle, J - Springer, 2021.
  • Ladány, E, Gervain, J. Language Development in Infancy. Oxford Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Cohen-Kadosh, K - Oxford University Press, 2021.
  • Ortiz, M, Gervain, J. The role of prenatal experience and basic auditory mechanisms in the development of language. The Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology, Volume 40: Human Communication: Origins, Mechanisms and Functions, Sera, M, Koenig, M - Wiley, 2021.
  • Gervain, J. The early acquisition of morphology in agglutinating languages: The case of Hungarian. A Life in Cognition, J Gervain, G Csibra, K Kovács - Springer, 2021.
  • Gervain, J. Typical Language Development. Neurodevelopmental and cognitive disabilities. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Gallagher, A, Michaud, J, Bulteau, Ch, Cohen, D - Elsevier, pp.171-183, 2020.
  • Gervain, J. Chomsky hatása a nyelvelsajátítás kutatására” [Chomsky’s influence on languge acquisition research]. Nyelv, biológia, szabadság. A 90 éves Chomsky jelentősége a tudományban és azon túl [Language, biology, freedom. The impact of the 90-year-old Noam Chomsky in science and beyond], Kenesei, I - Gondolat Kiadó, pp.85-112, 2019.
  • Gervain, J. Miért különleges a beszéd? A beszéd mint kitüntetett hanginger a hatékony ideigi kódolás elmélete szerint. [Why is Speech Special? Speech as a special auditory stimulus within the framework of efficient neural coding theory]. Stratégiák és struktúrák. Tanulmányok Kenesei István 70. születésnapjára [Strategies & Structures. Festschrift for Istvan Kenesei’s 70th Birthday]., T Szécsényi & E Németh T - JATEPress, 2017.
  • Judit Gervain. Gateway to language: The perception of prosody at birth. Boundaries Crossed: Studies at the crossroads of morphosyntax, phonology, pragmatics, and semantics, Z Bánréti, H Bartos, M den Dikken, T Váradi (eds) - Springer, pp.373-384, 2017.
  • Judit Gervain. Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, James D Wright - Oxford, 2015.
  • Gervain, J. “Nyelvek és nyelvtanok” [Languages and Grammars]. Pszicholingvisztika 1-2. [Psycholinguistics]., Cs Pléh & A Lukács - Akadémiai Kiadó, pp.117-147, 2014.
  • Gervain J. Developmental Science and the Nature-Nurture Issue: The Case of Language. Naturalistic Approaches to Culture., P. Richerson G Csibra, Cs. Pléh - 2014.
  • Gervain J. Szerkezet és agy a nyelvfejlődés legkorábbi szakaszaiban [Structure and the brain in early language development]. Általános Nyelvészeti Tanulmányok [Studies in General Linguistics], Pléh, Cs. - 2013.
  • Gervain J. Early rule learning ability and language acquisition. Recursion and Language, Lowenthal F, ,Lefebvre F - Springer, pp.89-99, 2013.
  • Werker J, Gervain J. Speech Perception and Phonological Development. The Oxford Handbook of Developmental Psychology, Zelazo PD. - Oxford University Press, pp.909-925, 2013.
  • Shukla M, Gervain J, Mehler J, Nespor M. Linguistic Constraints on Statistical Learning in Early Language Acquisition. Statistical Learning and Language Acquisition, Rebuschat P, Williams J - Mouton de Gruyter, 2012.
  • Molavi B, Gervain J, , Dumont G A. Estimating cortical connectivity in functional near infrared spectroscopy using multivariate autoregressive modeling. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, pp.2334-2337, 2011.
  • Gervain Judit. A statisztikai tanulás és a szabálytanulás idegi alapjai [The neural correlates of statistical learning and rule extraction]. Kognitív Idegtudomány [Cognitive Neuroscience], Pléh, Cs., Gy. Kovács B Gulyás - Osiris, 2010.
  • Mehler J, Gervain J, Endress A D, Shukla M. Mechanisms of language acquisition: imaging and behavioral evidence. Handbook of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Nelson CA., Luciana M - MITPress, 2008.
  • Mehler Jacques, Endress Ansgar, Gervain Judit, Nespor Marina. From perception to grammar. Early language development: Bridging brain and behaviour., Friederici, Angela D. ,Thierry, Guillaume - John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.191-213, 2008.