Research conducted by the Vision Group is aimed at better understanding the mechanisms underlying perception, attention, consciousness and the links between perception and action. Our interests include the properties of visual attention and of spatial maps, visual perception during and across eye and head movements and visual motion perception. We also perform research on hearing and touch, especially their interactions with vision. We deploy multiple techniques ranging from behavioral methods such as psychophysics and eye tracking to brain imaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), electro/magnetoencephalography (EEG/MEG) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). We use decoding methods to better understand brain processes and for designing the online control of robotic upper limbs.

Vision, Attention, Consciousness, Action, Eye movements, Robotics


Permanent researchers

Visiting scientists

Support staff


Post docs and PhD students





  • T Collins, L Dugué. Perception et Attention. Neurosciences Cognitives, M Khamassi - de Boeck Supérieur, pp.10-23-2021.
  • Desantis A, Buehner M. Causality guides time perception. The Illusions of Time, Valtteri Arstila, Adrian Bardon, Sean Enda Power, - Springer Nature, 2019.
  • Tagliabue M, Francis, N, Hao Y, Duret M, Brochier T, Riehle A, Maier MA, Eskiizmirliler S. Estimation of two-digit grip type and grip force level by frequency decoding of motor cortex activity for a BMI application. Proceedings of The 17th International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR) 27 -31 July, 2015 Istanbul, Turkey, Sinan Kalkan, Uluç Saranlı - ICAR International Conference, pp.308-315, 2015.
  • Sergent C. Neurobiological mechanisms of conscious access and implications for pain perception. Pain and the Conscious Brain, Luis Garcia-Larrea and Philip L. Jackson - Wolters Kluwer Health, 2015.
  • Cavanagh P, , He S. Attention mechanisms for counting in stabilized and dynamic displays. Space Time and Number, Attention ,Performance XXIV, Elizabeth Brannon and Stanislas Dehaene - Oxford University Press, pp.23-40, 2011. (PDF)
  • Melcher D, Cavanagh P. Pictorial cues in art and in visual perception. Art and the senses., Francesca Bacci and David Melcher - Oxford University Press, pp.359-394, 2011. (PDF)
  • Waszak F, Springer A, Prinz W. The Dynamic Control of Human Actions. Self control in society, mind, and brain, R.R. Hassin, K Ochsner,Y. Trope - Oxford University Press, pp.174-201, 2010.
  • Jean Lorenceau. From moving contours to object motion: Functional networks for visual form/motion processing. Dynamics of visual motion processing, Uwe J IlgGuillaume S Masson - Springer, pp.33-2009. (PDF)
  • Cavanagh P, , VanRullen R. La résolution de l’attention: le grain spatial et temporal de la conscience visuelle. Neuroscience cognitive de l’attention visuelle, George Michael - Solal, 2007. (PDF)
  • Cavanagh Patrick. Attention Routines and the Architecture of Selection. Cognitive neuroscience of attention., Posner Michael I. - Guilford Press, pp.13-28, 2004.
  • Cavanagh P. The language of vision. The Perception 2003 Lecture. ECVP. Perception, pp.1-2003.
  • Cavanagh P. Top-down processing in vision. MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Robert A. Wilson, ,Frank C. Keil - MIT Press, pp.844-845, 1999.
  • Cavanagh P. Pictorial art and vision. MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, Robert A. Wilson, ,Frank C. Keil - MIT Press, pp.648-651, 1999.
  • Cavanagh P. Attention: Exporting vision to the mind. Neuronal basis and psychological aspects of consciousness, C. Taddei-Ferretti, ,C. Musio - World Scientific, pp.129-143, 1999.
  • Cavanagh P, He S, , Intriligator J. Attentional resolution: The grain and locus of visual awareness. Neuronal basis and psychological aspects of consciousness, C. Taddei-Ferretti, ,C. Musio - World Scientific, pp.41-52, 1999.
  • Cavanagh P. Attention: Exporting vision to the mind. Selection and integration of visual information, S. Saida, ,P. Cavanagh - STA ,NIBH-T, pp.3-11, 1998.
  • Culham J, Nishida S, Ledgeway T, Cavanagh P, vonGrunau M, Kwas M, Alais D, , Raymond J. Higher-order effects. The motion aftereffect: A modern perspective., Mather, George ,Verstraten, Frans ,Anstis, Stuar - The MIT Press, pp.85-124, 1998.
  • Tse Peter, Cavanagh Patrick, Nakayama Ken. The role of parsing in high-level motion processing. High-level motion processing: Computational, neurobiological, and psychophysical perspectives., Watanabe, Takeo - The MIT Press, pp.249-266, 1998.
  • Cavanagh Patrick. Is there low-level motion processing for non-luminance-based stimuli?. Early vision and beyond., Papathomas, Thomas V. ,Chubb, Charles ,Gorea, An - The MIT Press, pp.113-119, 1995.
  • Cavanagh P, Michel F, Hénaff M-A, , Landis T. Cortical colour blindness spares colour input to motion perception. New horizon in neuropsychology, M. Sugishita - Elsevier, pp.115-123, 1994.
  • Cavanagh P. Vision at equiluminance. Vision and Visual Dysfunction Volume V: Limits of Vision, J.J. Kulikowski IJ. Murray, ,V. Walsh - CRC Press, pp.234-250, 1991.
  • Cavanagh P. What’s up in top-down processing?. Representations of Vision: Trends and Tacit Assumptions in Vision Research, A. Gorea - Cambridge University Press, pp.295-304, 1991.
  • Cavanagh P. The contribution of color to motion. From pigments to perception, A. Valberg, ,B.B. Lee - Plenum, pp.151-164, 1991.
  • Treisman A, Cavanagh P, Gregory RL, Gruesser OJ, Ramachandran VS, , vonderHeydt R. The perception of form: Striate cortex and beyond. Neurophysiological foundations of visual perception, Lothar Spillman, ,John S. Warner - 1989.
  • Cavanagh P. Multiple analyses of orientation in visual system. Neural Mechanisms of Visual Perception, Dominic Lam, ,Charles Gilbert - Portfolio Publishing, pp.261-280, 1989.
  • Cavanagh P. Pathways in early vision. Computational processes in human vision: An interdisciplinary prespective, Zenon Pylyshyn - Ablex, pp.254-289, 1988.
  • Cavanagh P. Image transforms in the visual system. Figural Synthesis, P.C. Dodwel, ,T. Caelli - Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp.185-218, 1984.
  • Antis SM, , Cavanagh P. A minimum motion technique for judging equiluminance. Colour vision: Psychophysics and physiology, J.D. Mollon, ,L.T. Sharpe - Academic Press, pp.66-77, 1983.
  • Antis SM, , Cavanagh P. What goes up need not come down: Moving flicker edges give positive motion aftereffects. Attention and performance IX, J.B. Long, ,A.D. Baddeley - pp.63-78, 1981.
  • Cavanagh P. Two classes of holographic processes realizable in the neural realm. Formal Aspects of Cognitive Processes, T. Storer, ,D. Winter - Springer-Verlag, pp.14-40, 1975.


  • Wainwright M, Cavanagh P. Static and flicker motion aftereffects in a velocity space. Unpublished manuscript of ARVO 1997. 1998.

Speech communications


  • Lorenceau, Ajasse. PUPILFREQ. Patent # : PCT/FR2019/051778. 2019.
  • Lorenceau. Eye writing. Patent # : Lorenceau, J. (2014). U.S. Patent Application No. 14/122,412. 2014.