Congratulations to Laura Dugué for the 2021 Ribot award

Dr Laura Dugué, associate professor at the Université de Paris (INCC CNRS), laureate of an ERC Starting Grant, and Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France, has been once again recognized for her excellence on November 22nd, 2021 at the Institut de France. Dr Dugué received the prestigious Théodule Ribot award from the Comité National Français de Psychologie Scientifique (CNFPS), a part of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. The Ribot prize is awarded to a young researcher who has been recognized by the international scientific community for their excellence in theoretical or applied scientific psychology.

Congratulations to Laura Dugué for the 2021 Ribot award

Dr Laura Dugué, associate professor at the Université de Paris (INCC CNRS), laureate of an ERC Starting Grant, and Junior Member of the Institut Universitaire de France, has been once again recognized for her excellence on November 22nd, 2021 at the Institut de France. Dr Dugué received the prestigious Théodule Ribot award from the Comité National Français de Psychologie Scientifique (CNFPS), a part of the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques. The Ribot prize is awarded to a young researcher who has been recognized by the international scientific community for their excellence in theoretical or applied scientific psychology.