Integrative Neuroscience and Cognition Center - CNRS UMR 8002
CNRS, Université de Paris
45 Rue des Saints Pères
75270 Paris Cedex 06

Fax : +33 (0) 1 42 86 XX XX

Recent Publications


  • Gouret A, Le Bars S, Porssut T, Waszak F, Chokron S. Advancements in Brain-Computer Interfaces for the Rehabilitation of Unilateral Spatial Neglect: A Concise Review. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2024, 18, pp.1373377.
  • Derrien D, Garric C, Sergent C, Chokron S. The nature of blindsight: implications for current theories of consciousness. Neurosci Conscious, 2022, 2022 (1), pp.niab043.
  • Le Bars S, Chokron S, Balp R, Douibi K, Waszak F. Theoretical Perspective on an Ideomotor Brain-Computer Interface: Toward a Naturalistic and Non-invasive Brain-Computer Interface Paradigm Based on Action-Effect Representation. Front Hum Neurosci, 2021, 15, pp.732764.
  • Chokron S, Kovarski K, Dutton GN. Cortical Visual Impairments and Learning Disabilities. Front Hum Neurosci, 2021, 15, pp.713316.
  • Lacroix A, Nalborczyk L, Dutheil F, Kovarski K, Chokron S, Garrido M, Gomot M, Mermillod M. High spatial frequency filtered primes hastens happy faces categorization in autistic adults. Brain Cogn, 2021, 155, pp.105811.
  • Garric C, Caetta F, Sergent C, Chokron S. Making sense of blindsense: a reply to Phillips. Cortex, 2020, 127, pp.393-395.
  • Chokron S, Dubourg L, Garric C, Martinelli F, Perez C. Dissociations between perception and awareness in hemianopia. Restor Neurol Neurosci, 2020, 38 (3), pp.189-201.
  • Rose L, Kovarski K, Caetta F, Chokron S. Développement du comportement prosocial et de l’altruisme chez l’enfant. Revue de Neuropsychologie, Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques, 2020.
  • Kovarski K, Caetta F, Mermillod M, Peyrin C, Perez C, Granjon L, Delorme R, Cartigny A, Zalla T, Chokron S. Emotional face recognition in autism and in cerebral visual impairments: In search for specificity. J Neuropsychol, 2020.
  • Rose L, Kovarski K, Caetta F, Chokron S. Effet d’une situation extraordinaire sur le comportement altruiste de l’enfant. Revue de Neuropsychologie, Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques, 2020, 12, pp.140-142.
  • Chokron S, Kovarski K, Zalla T, Dutton GN. The inter-relationships between cerebral visual impairment, autism and intellectual disability. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2020, pp.201-210.
  • Garric C, Sebaa A, Caetta F, Perez C, Savatovsky J, Sergent C, Chokron S. Dissociation between objective and subjective perceptual experiences in a population of hemianopic patients: A new form of blindsight?. Cortex, 2019, 117, pp.299-310.
  • Petkovic M, Chokron S, Fagard J. Visuo-manual coordination in preterm infants without neurological impairments. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2016, press.
  • Graignic-Philippe R, Dayan J, Chokron S, Jacquet A-Y, Tordjman S. Effects of prenatal stress on fetal and child development: a critical litterature review. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2014, 43, pp.137-162.
  • Viret A C, Cavézian C, Coubard O A, Vasseur V, Raz N, Levin N, Vignal C, Gout O, Chokron S. Optic neuritis: from magnocellular to cognitive residual dysfunction. Behavioural Neurology, 2013, 27, pp.277-283.
  • Perez C, Peyrin C, Cavézian C, Coubard O A, Caetta F, Raz N, Levin N, Doucet G, Andersson F, Obadia M, Gout O, Héran F, Savatovsky J, Chokron S. An fMRI investigation of the cortical network underlying detection and categorization abilities in hemianopic patients. Brain Topography, 2013, 26, pp.264-277.
  • Dulin D, Hatwell Y, Chokron S. Haptic Learning of Spatial Concepts: Can Raised-Line Drawings Improve Blind People’s Spatial Capacity?. Imagination, Cognition and Personality, 2013, 32, pp.239 - 272..
  • Raz N, Chokron S, Cavézian C, Ben-Hur T, Levin N. Temporal reorganization to overcome monocular demyelination. Neurology, 2013, 81, pp.702-9..
  • Cavezian C, Vilayphonh M, Vasseur V, Caputo G, Laloum L, Chokron S. Ophthalmic disorder may affect visuo-attentional performance in childhood. Child Neuropsychology, 2013, 19, pp.292-312.
  • Musel B, Chauvin A, Guyader N, Chokron S, Peyrin C. Is coarse-tofine strategy sensitive to normal aging?. PLoS One, 2012, 7.
  • Farid K, Petras S, Ducasse V, Chokron S, Helft G, Blacher J, Caillat-Vigneron N. Brain perfusion SPECT imaging and acetazolamide challenge in vascular cognitive impairment. Nucl Med Commun., 2012, 33, pp.571-80.
  • Raz N, Dotan S, Chokron S, Ben-Hur T, Levin N. Demyelination processes affect temporal aspects of perception: an optic neuritis study. press. Annals of Neurology, 2012, 71, pp.531-8.
  • Musel B, Hera R, Chokron S, et al. Residual abilities in age-related macular degeneration patients to process spatial frequencies during natural scenes categorization. Visual Neuroscience, 2011, 28, pp.529-541.
  • Dulin D, Cavezian C, Serrière C, Bachoud-Levi AC, Bartolomeo P, Chokron S. Colour, Face and Visuo-Spatial Imagery Abilities in Low-Vision Individuals with Visual Field Deficits. Quaterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2011, 64, pp.1955-70.
  • Raz N, Dotan S, Ben-Oliel T, Chokron S, Ben-Hur T, Levin N. Sustained motion perception deficit following optic neuritis: multidisciplinary findings. Neurology, 2011, 76, pp.2103-2111.
  • Coubard OA, Perez C, Kazandjian S, Gaudry I, Marendaz C, Guyader N, Peyrin C, Chokron S. Visual demand and visual field presentation influence natural scene processing. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmology, 2011, 249, pp.223-232.
  • Kazandjian S, Gaash E, Love IY, Zivotofsky AZ, Chokron S. Spatial representation of action phrases among bidirectional readers: The effect of language environment and sentence complexity. Social Psychology, 2011, 42, pp.249-258.
  • Bourlon C, Duret C, Pradat-Diehl P, Azouvi P, Loeper-Jeny C, Merat-Blanchard M, Levy C, Chokron S, Bartolomeo P. Vocal response times to real and imagined stimuli in spatial neglect: A group study and single-case report. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 2011, 47, pp.536-546.
  • Bouis C, Cavezian C, Chokron S. Les troubles neurovisuels dans l’epilepsie de l’enfant: Un etat des lieux. Revue de Neuropsychologie, Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques, 2011, 3, pp.155-160.
  • De Agostini M, Kazandjian S, Cavézian C, Lellouche J, Chokron S. Handedness and Visual Aesthetic Preference: Effect of Age and Reading/Writing Directional Scanning Experience. Writing Systems Research, 2010, 2.
  • Raz N, Vaknin A, Chokron S, Ben-Hur T, Levin N. Functional MRI as a tool for assessing chiasmal visual defect in a patient with neuromyelitis optica. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 2010, 81, pp.1174-1175.
  • Kazandjian S, Cavezian C, Zivotofsky AZ, Chokron S. Bisections in two languages: When number processing, spatial representation, and habitual reading direction interact. Neuropsychologia, 2010.
  • Chokron S. Neuroplasticity predicts outcome of optic neuritis independent of tissue damage: Comment. Annals of Neurology, 2010, 67, pp.550-551.
  • Cavezian C, Vilayphonh M, de Agostini M, Vasseur V, Watier L, Kazandjian S, Laloum L, Chokron S. Assessment of visuo-attentional abilities in young children with or without visual disorder: Toward a systematic screening in the general population. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 2010, 31, pp.1102-1108.
  • Cavezian C, Gaudry I, Perez C, Coubard O, Doucet G, Peyrin C, Marendaz C, Obadia M, Gout O, Chokron S. Specific impairments in visual processing following lesion side in hemianopic patients. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 2010, 46, pp.1123-1131.
  • Bourlon C, Chokron S, Bachoud-Lévi AC, Coubard OA, Bergeras I, Moulignier A, Viret AC, Bartolomeo P. Presentation of an assessment battery for visual mental imagery and visual perception. Revue Neurologique, 2009.
  • Perez C, Cavézian C, Peyrin C, Coubard OA, Doucet G, Andersson F, Gout O, Savatovsky J, Chokron S. Cortical plasticity in visual areas after a post-chiasmatic lesion: a neuro-imaging study. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 2009.
  • Dupierrix E, Gresty M, Ohlmann T, Chokron S. Long-lasting induced plasticity of spatial perception: How ecological sensori-motor experience determine subjective space. ,. PloS One, 2009, 4(2):e4465.
  • Vilayphonh M, Cavezian C, Laloum L, de Agostini M, Watier L, Vasseur V, Chokron S. Evaluation des troubles visuo-attentionnels chez l’enfant de quatre a six ans. Revue de Neuropsychologie, Neurosciences Cognitives et Cliniques, 2009, 1, pp.110-119.
  • Tsirlin I, Dupierrix E, Chokron S, Coquillart S, Ohlmann T. Uses of virtual reality for diagnosis, rehabilitation and study of unilateral spatial neglect: Review and analysis. CyberPsychology & Behavior, 2009, 12, pp.175-181.
  • Kazandjian S, Dupierrix E, Gaash E, Love IY, Zivotofsky AZ, De Agostini M, Chokron S. Egocentric reference in bidirectional readers as measured by the straight-ahead pointing task. Brain Research, 2009, 1247, pp.133-141.
  • Cristinzio C, Bourlon C, Pradat-Diehl P, Trojano L, Grossi D, Chokron S, Bartolomeo P. Representational neglect in ’invisible’ drawing from memory. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 2009, 45, pp.313-317.
  • Bourlon C, Chokron S, Bachoud-Levi A-C, Coubard O, Bergeras I, Moulignier A, Viret A-C, Bartolomeo P. Normalisation d’une batterie d’evaluation de l’imagerie mentale visuelle et de la perception visuelle. Revue Neurologique, 2009, 165, pp.1045-1054.
  • Urbanski M, de Schotten MT, Rodrigo S, Catani M, Oppenheim C, Touze E, Chokron S, Meder JF, Levy R, Dubois B, Bartolomeo P. Brain networks of spatial awareness: Evidence from diffusion tensor imaging tractography. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 2008, 79, pp.598-601.
  • Dupierrix E, Alleysson D, Ohlmann T, Chokron S. Spatial bias induced by a non-conflictual task reveals the nature of space perception. Brain Research, 2008, 1214, pp.127-135. (PDF)
  • Dupierrix E, Alleysson D, Ohlmann T, Chokron S. Corrigendum to ’Spatial bias induced by a non-conflictual task reveals the nature of space perception’. Brain Research, 2008, 1245, pp.130. (PDF)
  • Dulin D, Hatwell Y, Pylyshyn Z, Chokron S. Effects of peripheral and central visual impairment on mental imagery capacity. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2008, 32, pp.1396-1408. (PDF)
  • Chokron S, Perez C, Obadia M, Gaudry I, Laloum L, Gout O. From blindsight to sight: Cognitive rehabilitation of visual field defects. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2008, 26, pp.305-320.
  • Chokron S, Bartolomeo P, Sieroff E. La negligence spatiale unilaterale: Trente ans de recherches, de decouvertes, d’espoirs et (surtout) de questions. Revue Neurologique, 2008, 164, pp.S134-S142.
  • Sieroff E, Decaix C, Chokron S, Bartolomeo P. Impaired orienting of attention in left unilateral neglect: A componential analysis. Neuropsychology, 2007, 21, pp.94-113.
  • Chokron S, Dupierrix E, Tabert M, Bartolomeo P. Experimental remission of unilateral spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia, 2007, 45, pp.3127-3148.
  • Dupierrix E, Alleysson D, Chokron S, Ohlmann T. Induction of lateralized spatial bias among normal subjects. Cogn Process., 2006, 5, pp.28-9.
  • Chokron S. Functional neuroimaging in neurology and neuropsychology. Current Medical Imaging Reviews, 2006, 2, pp.59-69.
  • Peyrin C, Mermillod M, Chokron S, Marendaz C. Effect of temporal constraints on hemispheric asymmetries during spatial frequency processing. Brain and Cognition, 2006, 62, pp.214-220.
  • Peyrin C, Chokron S, Guyader N, Gout O, Moret J, Marendaz C. Neural correlates of spatial frequency processing: A neuropsychological approach. Brain Research, 2006, 1073-1074, pp.1-10.
  • Pierre-Kahn A, Recassens C, Pinto G, Thalassinos C, Chokron S, Soubervielle J-C, Brauner R, Zerah M, Sainte Rose C. Social and psycho-intellectual outcome following radical removal of craniopharyngiomas in childhood A prospective series. Childs Nerv Syst., 2005, 21, pp.817-24..
  • Bartolomeo P, Bachoud-Levi A-C, Azouvi P, Chokron S. Time to imagine space: A chronometric exploration of representational neglect. Neuropsychologia, 2005, 43, pp.1249-1257.


  • Chokron S, Streri A. Que voient les nourrissons?. le Pommier, 2012.